Just so we are all clear: Bernie Is STILL beating Trump in a hypothetical matchup by 10 points

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

Hillary is still beating Trump as well.

Face it GOP. You greatly underestimated both Bernie's chances up to this point and how much of a douche bag Trump really is to the American people.

FYI, at this point in 1980, a slew of polls showed Reagan losing substantially against Carter or Kennedy, and also showed Ford and Bush doing much better against Carter or Kennedy. As Reagan began to win primaries, the Democrats publicly rejoiced and said they "hoped and prayed for a Reagan nomination." At the same time, GOP old-timers and moderates, including Ford, warned of a general election disaster if Reagan were nominated. Yeah, look how that turned out: Reagan whipped Carter in a crushing landslide.

Polls conducted several months before the conventions are one thing, but it's quite another thing when people get to see the two candidates go head to head on stage and when they get to focus on just those two candidates and what they really want for the country.
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I love it when a stupid liberal who has never actually lived in true socialist conditions brags about a self admitted socialist winning, and then claim that they themselves are not socialists.

The pawns of their fucking socialist pigs are so fucking annoying. Unappreciative fucking morons who have no clue what socialism is.

You are fucking morons. Period. Fucking hypocritical double talking bags of shit.
You don't even fucking understand what socialism is you dumb mook. You couldn't define the word objectively in your own words if your life depended on it.
Fuck you, you stupid fucking ignorant cocksucking arrogant unappreciative piece of shit.

Yeah, America is just sooooo fucking bad compared to great socialist paradises. What I do know is you have never lived under those conditions you stupid fucking piece of shit.

Go fuck yourself.
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

Hillary is still beating Trump as well.

Face it GOP. You greatly underestimated both Bernie's chances up to this point and how much of a douche bag Trump really is to the American people.

FYI, at this point in 1980, a slew of polls showed Reagan losing substantially against Carter or Kennedy, and also showed Ford and Bush doing much better against Carter or Kennedy. As Reagan began to win primaries, the Democrats publicly rejoiced and said they "hoped and prayed for a Reagan nomination." At the same time, GOP old-timers and moderates, including Ford, warned of a general election disaster if Reagan were nominated. Yeah, look how that turned out: Reagan whipped Carter in a crushing landslide.

Polls conducted several months before the conventions are one thing, but it's quite another thing when people get to see the two candidates go head to head on stage and when they get to focus on just those two candidates and what they really want for the country.

Mike is correct! These polls are just "shiny objects" put up by people so they can flex their political arrogance. They have absolutely nothing to do with the reality that will be in November.

More decisive are "issue polls" because issues tend to stay almost the same throughout the campaign without near as much variation. Do you know why you aren't seeing them on here? Because the Democrats are losing badly in those, lol. Once the issues are connected to the candidates as far as who/whom is for or against what, then you will see movement; in fact, you will probably start to see the Democratic nominee go so fast into the crapper, they are going to have to call the Roto-Router person out to extricate them from the toilet-)
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

Hillary is still beating Trump as well.

Face it GOP. You greatly underestimated both Bernie's chances up to this point and how much of a fucking douche bag Trump really is to the American people.

Billy-e-Baloney, crowed about the polls back then, crows about the polls now, and why? Because with Bernie now the resident of the Oval Office, he has shown how accurate the mighty Baloney is, hehehehehehehehehehe!

You were, and are such a WEAK propagandist and gaslighter, the only person you ever fool is yourself, lololol!

Now then, with all these predictions, inaccuracies, and Leftist propaganda being brought back for people to survey; do you think ANYONE should believe a damn thing they say today?

In most of their threads, not only were they inaccurate, but fully in 1/2 of them, they LIED! It is the Socialist game of DEPRESSING the vote, while they claim YOU are trying to depress/suppress the vote, lol.

Wake up Conservative/libertarians/Republicans! Look at what these people said! They will do ANYTHING to win, including lie, cheat, and steal.

Unfortunately for them, we are smarter than they are, lol.


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RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

Hillary is still beating Trump as well.

Face it GOP. You greatly underestimated both Bernie's chances up to this point and how much of a douche bag Trump really is to the American people.

FYI, at this point in 1980, a slew of polls showed Reagan losing substantially against Carter or Kennedy, and also showed Ford and Bush doing much better against Carter or Kennedy. As Reagan began to win primaries, the Democrats publicly rejoiced and said they "hoped and prayed for a Reagan nomination." At the same time, GOP old-timers and moderates, including Ford, warned of a general election disaster if Reagan were nominated. Yeah, look how that turned out: Reagan whipped Carter in a crushing landslide.

Polls conducted several months before the conventions are one thing, but it's quite another thing when people get to see the two candidates go head to head on stage and when they get to focus on just those two candidates and what they really want for the country.

Mike is correct! These polls are just "shiny objects" put up by people so they can flex their political arrogance. They have absolutely nothing to do with the reality that will be in November.

More decisive are "issue polls" because issues tend to stay almost the same throughout the campaign without near as much variation. Do you know why you aren't seeing them on here? Because the Democrats are losing badly in those, lol. Once the issues are connected to the candidates as far as who/whom is for or against what, then you will see movement; in fact, you will probably start to see the Democratic nominee go so fast into the crapper, they are going to have to call the Roto-Router person out to extricate them from the toilet-)
Lol is diffing up these old threads all you have? What’s interesting about this is that hypothetical match up polls show Bernie is beating Trump for 2020 lol.
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

Hillary is still beating Trump as well.

Face it GOP. You greatly underestimated both Bernie's chances up to this point and how much of a douche bag Trump really is to the American people.

FYI, at this point in 1980, a slew of polls showed Reagan losing substantially against Carter or Kennedy, and also showed Ford and Bush doing much better against Carter or Kennedy. As Reagan began to win primaries, the Democrats publicly rejoiced and said they "hoped and prayed for a Reagan nomination." At the same time, GOP old-timers and moderates, including Ford, warned of a general election disaster if Reagan were nominated. Yeah, look how that turned out: Reagan whipped Carter in a crushing landslide.

Polls conducted several months before the conventions are one thing, but it's quite another thing when people get to see the two candidates go head to head on stage and when they get to focus on just those two candidates and what they really want for the country.

Mike is correct! These polls are just "shiny objects" put up by people so they can flex their political arrogance. They have absolutely nothing to do with the reality that will be in November.

More decisive are "issue polls" because issues tend to stay almost the same throughout the campaign without near as much variation. Do you know why you aren't seeing them on here? Because the Democrats are losing badly in those, lol. Once the issues are connected to the candidates as far as who/whom is for or against what, then you will see movement; in fact, you will probably start to see the Democratic nominee go so fast into the crapper, they are going to have to call the Roto-Router person out to extricate them from the toilet-)
Lol is diffing up these old threads all you have? What’s interesting about this is that hypothetical match up polls show Bernie is beating Trump for 2020 lol.

Where have I heard this before........
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

Hillary is still beating Trump as well.

Face it GOP. You greatly underestimated both Bernie's chances up to this point and how much of a douche bag Trump really is to the American people.

FYI, at this point in 1980, a slew of polls showed Reagan losing substantially against Carter or Kennedy, and also showed Ford and Bush doing much better against Carter or Kennedy. As Reagan began to win primaries, the Democrats publicly rejoiced and said they "hoped and prayed for a Reagan nomination." At the same time, GOP old-timers and moderates, including Ford, warned of a general election disaster if Reagan were nominated. Yeah, look how that turned out: Reagan whipped Carter in a crushing landslide.

Polls conducted several months before the conventions are one thing, but it's quite another thing when people get to see the two candidates go head to head on stage and when they get to focus on just those two candidates and what they really want for the country.

Mike is correct! These polls are just "shiny objects" put up by people so they can flex their political arrogance. They have absolutely nothing to do with the reality that will be in November.

More decisive are "issue polls" because issues tend to stay almost the same throughout the campaign without near as much variation. Do you know why you aren't seeing them on here? Because the Democrats are losing badly in those, lol. Once the issues are connected to the candidates as far as who/whom is for or against what, then you will see movement; in fact, you will probably start to see the Democratic nominee go so fast into the crapper, they are going to have to call the Roto-Router person out to extricate them from the toilet-)
Lol is diffing up these old threads all you have? What’s interesting about this is that hypothetical match up polls show Bernie is beating Trump for 2020 lol.

And Mr El Baloney continues to try and live in his own fantasyland, lol.

Mr Venezuela, AKA Bernie Da Bruh Sanders, will only get in the oval office, if President Trump invites him in, for some capitalistic milk and cookies-)

The Bern is already a poast toasty, as the Democrats will never nominate an independent. And if you do not know that, you do not know much! But then again, we are talking about the poster, known far and wide, as Billy-E-Baloney, so knowing ANYTHING may be a bridge to far for him, except maybe for posting gaslighting propaganda!
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

Hillary is still beating Trump as well.

Face it GOP. You greatly underestimated both Bernie's chances up to this point and how much of a fucking douche bag Trump really is to the American people.

Bernie Sanders couldn't beat his way out of a wet paper bag. Hillary Clinton crushed him in 2016 by 3.8 million Democrat primary popular votes, which is about a million more votes than she beat Trump by Nationally. It doesn't take a mathematician to realize if you can't get main stream democrats to vote for a left wing socialist, that the odds of one winning a National election are zero to none. This goes for Elizabeth Warren too.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote

It's going to be Senator Kamala Harris all the way to the White House or Bust!!! She is on fire in South Carolina. With Sanders & Biden going down--she's the one that can attract women (in the year of women, and of course the minority vote.) 2020 is the 100th anniversary of Women's suffrage, and the Democrat Party would have a lot of problems explaining to women--(by far the majority in their party) that they managed to put up a male nominee in the year of women. That could leave a scar that could last for decades.
Bernie Sanders No Kamala Harris But Bests Others In CNN Town Hall Ratings – Deadline!

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RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

Hillary is still beating Trump as well.

Face it GOP. You greatly underestimated both Bernie's chances up to this point and how much of a fucking douche bag Trump really is to the American people.

Bernie Sanders couldn't beat his way out of a wet paper bag. Hillary Clinton crushed him in 2016 by 3.8 million Democrat primary popular votes, which is about a million more votes than she beat Trump by Nationally. It doesn't take a mathematician to realize if you can't get main stream democrats to vote for a left wing socialist, that the odds of one winning a National election are zero to none. This goes for Elizabeth Warren too.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote

It's going to be Senator Kamala Harris all the way to the White House or Bust!!! She is on fire in South Carolina. With Sanders & Biden going down--she's the one that can attract women (in the year of women, and of course the minority vote.) 2020 is the 100th anniversary of Women's suffrage, and the Democrat Party would have a lot of problems explaining to women--(by far the majority in their party) that they managed to put up a male nominee in the year of women. That could leave a scar that could last for decades.
Bernie Sanders No Kamala Harris But Bests Others In CNN Town Hall Ratings – Deadline!

You know, I like Harris. Certainly more than I do Hillary, but you really come across as just supporting both because they are women.
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

Hillary is still beating Trump as well.

Face it GOP. You greatly underestimated both Bernie's chances up to this point and how much of a fucking douche bag Trump really is to the American people.

Bernie Sanders couldn't beat his way out of a wet paper bag. Hillary Clinton crushed him in 2016 by 3.8 million Democrat primary popular votes, which is about a million more votes than she beat Trump by Nationally. It doesn't take a mathematician to realize if you can't get main stream democrats to vote for a left wing socialist, that the odds of one winning a National election are zero to none. This goes for Elizabeth Warren too.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote

It's going to be Senator Kamala Harris all the way to the White House or Bust!!! She is on fire in South Carolina. With Sanders & Biden going down--she's the one that can attract women (in the year of women, and of course the minority vote.) 2020 is the 100th anniversary of Women's suffrage, and the Democrat Party would have a lot of problems explaining to women--(by far the majority in their party) that they managed to put up a male nominee in the year of women. That could leave a scar that could last for decades.
Bernie Sanders No Kamala Harris But Bests Others In CNN Town Hall Ratings – Deadline!

i told yas the morons are gonna push Harris

biden , and sanders will never make it
and butt plug homo loser is to white

Hopefully one day America wont make the same mistake with its first moron ****** president and elect a right wing broad as president
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

Hillary is still beating Trump as well.

Face it GOP. You greatly underestimated both Bernie's chances up to this point and how much of a fucking douche bag Trump really is to the American people.

Bernie Sanders couldn't beat his way out of a wet paper bag. Hillary Clinton crushed him in 2016 by 3.8 million Democrat primary popular votes, which is about a million more votes than she beat Trump by Nationally. It doesn't take a mathematician to realize if you can't get main stream democrats to vote for a left wing socialist, that the odds of one winning a National election are zero to none. This goes for Elizabeth Warren too.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote

It's going to be Senator Kamala Harris all the way to the White House or Bust!!! She is on fire in South Carolina. With Sanders & Biden going down--she's the one that can attract women (in the year of women, and of course the minority vote.) 2020 is the 100th anniversary of Women's suffrage, and the Democrat Party would have a lot of problems explaining to women--(by far the majority in their party) that they managed to put up a male nominee in the year of women. That could leave a scar that could last for decades.
Bernie Sanders No Kamala Harris But Bests Others In CNN Town Hall Ratings – Deadline!

i told yas the morons are gonna push Harris

biden , and sanders will never make it
and butt plug homo loser is to white

Hopefully one day America wont make the same mistake with its first moron ****** president and elect a right wing broad as president

It is flat out adorable you don’t think Trump is a moron. How precious!
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

Hillary is still beating Trump as well.

Face it GOP. You greatly underestimated both Bernie's chances up to this point and how much of a fucking douche bag Trump really is to the American people.

Bernie Sanders couldn't beat his way out of a wet paper bag. Hillary Clinton crushed him in 2016 by 3.8 million Democrat primary popular votes, which is about a million more votes than she beat Trump by Nationally. It doesn't take a mathematician to realize if you can't get main stream democrats to vote for a left wing socialist, that the odds of one winning a National election are zero to none. This goes for Elizabeth Warren too.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote

It's going to be Senator Kamala Harris all the way to the White House or Bust!!! She is on fire in South Carolina. With Sanders & Biden going down--she's the one that can attract women (in the year of women, and of course the minority vote.) 2020 is the 100th anniversary of Women's suffrage, and the Democrat Party would have a lot of problems explaining to women--(by far the majority in their party) that they managed to put up a male nominee in the year of women. That could leave a scar that could last for decades.
Bernie Sanders No Kamala Harris But Bests Others In CNN Town Hall Ratings – Deadline!

You know, I like Harris. Certainly more than I do Hillary, but you really come across as just supporting both because they are women.

You like a slut. Cool.
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

Hillary is still beating Trump as well.

Face it GOP. You greatly underestimated both Bernie's chances up to this point and how much of a fucking douche bag Trump really is to the American people.

Bernie Sanders couldn't beat his way out of a wet paper bag. Hillary Clinton crushed him in 2016 by 3.8 million Democrat primary popular votes, which is about a million more votes than she beat Trump by Nationally. It doesn't take a mathematician to realize if you can't get main stream democrats to vote for a left wing socialist, that the odds of one winning a National election are zero to none. This goes for Elizabeth Warren too.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote

It's going to be Senator Kamala Harris all the way to the White House or Bust!!! She is on fire in South Carolina. With Sanders & Biden going down--she's the one that can attract women (in the year of women, and of course the minority vote.) 2020 is the 100th anniversary of Women's suffrage, and the Democrat Party would have a lot of problems explaining to women--(by far the majority in their party) that they managed to put up a male nominee in the year of women. That could leave a scar that could last for decades.
Bernie Sanders No Kamala Harris But Bests Others In CNN Town Hall Ratings – Deadline!

You know, I like Harris. Certainly more than I do Hillary, but you really come across as just supporting both because they are women.

You like a slut. Cool.

Right Trump isn’t because he’s a dude and getting laid is cool but Harris is because she had a relationship with a government official. Oh the horror! God you’re a child.
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

Hillary is still beating Trump as well.

Face it GOP. You greatly underestimated both Bernie's chances up to this point and how much of a fucking douche bag Trump really is to the American people.

Bernie Sanders couldn't beat his way out of a wet paper bag. Hillary Clinton crushed him in 2016 by 3.8 million Democrat primary popular votes, which is about a million more votes than she beat Trump by Nationally. It doesn't take a mathematician to realize if you can't get main stream democrats to vote for a left wing socialist, that the odds of one winning a National election are zero to none. This goes for Elizabeth Warren too.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote

It's going to be Senator Kamala Harris all the way to the White House or Bust!!! She is on fire in South Carolina. With Sanders & Biden going down--she's the one that can attract women (in the year of women, and of course the minority vote.) 2020 is the 100th anniversary of Women's suffrage, and the Democrat Party would have a lot of problems explaining to women--(by far the majority in their party) that they managed to put up a male nominee in the year of women. That could leave a scar that could last for decades.
Bernie Sanders No Kamala Harris But Bests Others In CNN Town Hall Ratings – Deadline!

You know, I like Harris. Certainly more than I do Hillary, but you really come across as just supporting both because they are women.

What is you don't understand about 2020 being the Year of Women? It's the 100th anniversary of Women's suffrage in this country. The majority of the Democrat party are women. I don't think they would have a good reaction to a man becoming the nominee of the party in "their" year. That could leave a scar that could last for decades. We've had 240 years of male dominance in the White House, and even Bernie admitted the base wants a woman President.

You would have had to been blind not to notice this going on in Washington D.C. and every major city across this country for the last 3 consecutive years, like clockwork on January 20th.


You want diversity? There's no candidate in this race that has a more diverse origin that Kamala Harris.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

Hillary is still beating Trump as well.

Face it GOP. You greatly underestimated both Bernie's chances up to this point and how much of a fucking douche bag Trump really is to the American people.

Bernie Sanders couldn't beat his way out of a wet paper bag. Hillary Clinton crushed him in 2016 by 3.8 million Democrat primary popular votes, which is about a million more votes than she beat Trump by Nationally. It doesn't take a mathematician to realize if you can't get main stream democrats to vote for a left wing socialist, that the odds of one winning a National election are zero to none. This goes for Elizabeth Warren too.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote

It's going to be Senator Kamala Harris all the way to the White House or Bust!!! She is on fire in South Carolina. With Sanders & Biden going down--she's the one that can attract women (in the year of women, and of course the minority vote.) 2020 is the 100th anniversary of Women's suffrage, and the Democrat Party would have a lot of problems explaining to women--(by far the majority in their party) that they managed to put up a male nominee in the year of women. That could leave a scar that could last for decades.
Bernie Sanders No Kamala Harris But Bests Others In CNN Town Hall Ratings – Deadline!

You know, I like Harris. Certainly more than I do Hillary, but you really come across as just supporting both because they are women.

You like a slut. Cool.

Right Trump isn’t because he’s a dude and getting laid is cool but Harris is because she had a relationship with a government official. Oh the horror! God you’re a child.

I don't recall where Trump slept his way to the top. Perhaps you have a link?
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

Hillary is still beating Trump as well.

Face it GOP. You greatly underestimated both Bernie's chances up to this point and how much of a fucking douche bag Trump really is to the American people.

Bernie Sanders couldn't beat his way out of a wet paper bag. Hillary Clinton crushed him in 2016 by 3.8 million Democrat primary popular votes, which is about a million more votes than she beat Trump by Nationally. It doesn't take a mathematician to realize if you can't get main stream democrats to vote for a left wing socialist, that the odds of one winning a National election are zero to none. This goes for Elizabeth Warren too.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote

It's going to be Senator Kamala Harris all the way to the White House or Bust!!! She is on fire in South Carolina. With Sanders & Biden going down--she's the one that can attract women (in the year of women, and of course the minority vote.) 2020 is the 100th anniversary of Women's suffrage, and the Democrat Party would have a lot of problems explaining to women--(by far the majority in their party) that they managed to put up a male nominee in the year of women. That could leave a scar that could last for decades.
Bernie Sanders No Kamala Harris But Bests Others In CNN Town Hall Ratings – Deadline!

You know, I like Harris. Certainly more than I do Hillary, but you really come across as just supporting both because they are women.

You like a slut. Cool.

Right Trump isn’t because he’s a dude and getting laid is cool but Harris is because she had a relationship with a government official. Oh the horror! God you’re a child.

Soooooooo, sleeping your way to the top is ok, by the new Socialist moral standards Putin supporter, Billy-E-Baloney!

Hear that ladies? Mr Baloney thinks using sex is a-o-k to work your way up the ladder, and in fact, seems to think it is all well and dandy!

But then again, his name has forever been changed to Billy-e-Baloney, and you know how some men, with a name like bal...…...errr, well, you catch my drift-)

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