Just remember

Is this going to be the general rule for behaviour on this forum now? Cheap trolling shots at the other side?

There's nothing that makes Nazi blood boil more than them seeing that smiling dark brown face contrasting with their racist flag!
Nobody here is a Nazi, you degenerate scum bag. Knock it off!
Afraid Republicans defend flying the Confederate Flag, defend Confederate Heritage, defend Confederate monuments
Stop sniveling. The confederacy lost. Most of us Republicans are very happy about that fact.

Slavery was eliminated. Only you Democraps protest that outcome.
Afraid Republicans defend flying the Confederate Flag, defend Confederate Heritage, defend Confederate monuments
Its good to see them going to the mat in some attempt to thread the needle between "heritage and hate". One only need to look at the current GOP to see it's all about the hate.
Yeah the democrat Party and race: just recently:

"You ain't black!" (If you don't vote for the democrat Party)
"Poor kids can be just as bright and talented as white kids" (meaning he thinks they're not)
“A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags.” (Clinton said of Obama)

Yeah, Republicans be racist
Afraid Republicans defend flying the Confederate Flag, defend Confederate Heritage, defend Confederate monuments

Yeah, it's called history. Repubs protect it, you fools try and delete it.

You all must want to repeat it for some reason.

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