Just Released Footage From Jan 6th Shows Cops Shooting Tear Gas Into Crowd Causing The Riot

I've been telling everyone about this for two years....and now we have the proof.
Thanks to the newly released videos of Jan 6th we can see what led to the riots.
Cops caused the riot by shooting tear gas canisters into a peaceful crowd at 2:26 pm causing the riot to start at 2:27pm.
People were just trying to run to fresh air trying to escape noxious fumes which caused the storming of the barricades.

And they were so distraught they ran toward the people shooting the tear gas and assaulted them. Wow.

One guy even sought refuge in Pelosi's office...amazing he could find it with, you know, tears in his eyes and everything.

What proof do you have of this first "breach"? Was it a breach or was it an inside job setting up the riots that they purposely started later?

Why did the FBI have undercover agents dressed as Trump supporters inside the Capitol BEFORE anyone ever entered the building ... if not to lure them in?
That's why you're a member of a cult.
Thanks for pointing that out.
A cult member is some asshole that thinks that anyone who isn't just like them and doesn't think like they do is crazy, which is exactly what you're doing right now.
You're a member of a cult because facts don't matter to you. Only the source of the information (or misinformation) matters.
You also think that skin color and who you fuck is a good way to select people to fill important government positions.
You probably think that being black makes you better than white people, the definition of racism.
Your amateur gaslighting will not help you or your cult. Sorry.
You dumbass. That is literally what you just did, not me. Haha, dang you are dumb.
No....that's what you just did.

I've been telling everyone about this for two years....and now we have the proof.
Thanks to the newly released videos of Jan 6th we can see what led to the riots.
Cops caused the riot by shooting tear gas canisters into a peaceful crowd at 2:26 pm causing the riot to start at 2:27pm.
People were just trying to run to fresh air trying to escape noxious fumes which caused the storming of the barricades.

That's horrific, Mr Muswhistle. So that is why Pelosi refused to accept the National Guard offered by President Trump. Think I'm gonna be sick.

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