Just purchased..

:clap1: Oh happy happy joy joy!!! that just made my night!!!!!:p:
Its a photo organizer and editor. The only reason I told everyone was in case they wanted. Well Janeen is out!! :p

Eric...I can always return it. :)
Who you kidding, you bought that in hopes to change my pics around!!!! hahahahhhaha
Let put it a different way, it is called Reverse Engineering !

Assembly Language programming comes in most usefull !
OK, you now have Photoshop. You get to go buy the book, $39.99.
You might need the tutor, on CDrom, $19.99
Go try to get 'support' from the corporation, or the seller...

I spent my time, energy, and, saved all that money, by going over to Limewire p2p, and downloading KnoppixV3.3 02-09-2004 iso, and burning it to CDROM. Hackers might enjoy knoppixSTD. (also available at http://distrowatch.com or http://cheapbytes.com )

Then, I insert the cdrom, and let it boot up and make a RAM disc to run my siystems, bypassing ALL security passwords in any Micorsoft installed system, but, leaving NO trace on the hard drive, that I was ever there, manipulating al the files, passwords, data, and even burning a DVD or CDrom of the system files!

Now, there are ONLY 900 apps on the Live CD. Including TheGimp. (Graphic Image Manipulation Program) BUT, it handles MOST digital cameras, webcams in Xawtv.
Yes it has about 200 different image manipulation programs, and converters.

If you desire to install you only have to click on the console shell icon in the tool bar and type:
sudo /usr/local/bin/knx-hdinstall

after install, on 2.4Gb of a blank portion of your hard drive, (it doesn't mess with your other installed OSes - they come up in the start up menu system (LILO), that is installed in the MBR) you can go to console, log in as: su - (and then enter password at the prompt)
and go get 114,680 programs for FREE! (apt-get update, apt-get upgrade, apt-get autoclean, locate db are the four commands in sequence, you should enter - letting the system do the function before you proceed to the next command).

Yes, the Quake, Dooms, FreeCraft, FreeCiv, Flight, Flying, Tetris, engines are all there!
And, more!

Yes, you can be the LAN server for a gaming party. Yes, you can use XAOS (similar to Kai's GOO) to morph figures, photos...

NO it has no known virus or w0rms in the wild. No, it is NOT a perfect replacement for the Microsoft forced upgrade environment. Yes, it is very secure, yes, you can 'see' and probe any network connections, ports... you can run websites, file servers, on any 386 to 686 or 64bit, systems, with multi processors, too!

Yes, you can use the FREE office suites to read/write all wordfiles, spreadsheets, PPoint projections... Yes, the Astronomy, math, chemistry, Electronics design, X10 control, and, Ham Radio programs number in the hundreds, and are really good!

Yes, you have FREE support from over 525 Linux Users Groups, and over a hundred forums. http://lugww.counter.li.org http://yolinux.com and http://dir.yahoo.com/Computers_and_Internet/Software/Operating_Systems/UNIX/Linux/

Yes, there are now over 230 different FREE Operating Systems, on the internet, available at Installfests, downloadable on a Broadband connection, or for a mailed out CDrom the cost typically is $0.99 to $4.95!

What are you waiting for? Feel free to ask for help! If you are in the Orlando Florida area,
look for FREE installfests at http://leap-cf.org

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