I believe it is time for all true believers, and even all people in general, to fix our eyes on what is happening in the middle east, with Obama smack-dab in the middle of it all.
It appears that Obama is the one selected to be the Judas for modern times. He is working very hard to set the world up for what will look like world peace, (although it sill be a forced "shut-your-mouth kind of peace). The world will have one world economy, government, and it will appear to be working, in the eyes of those who cannot see truth.
There will likely be what looks like a two state compromise in Israel, and while it will appear that this is done for the purpose of peace, the OIC will get full control, and then force compliance of all people. Some will rebel, be killed or tormented, or they will be imprisoned. (Heads will literally roll).
Christians, study the the "full armor of God," for that is what will prove to be the only real protection available. It is going to be a Spiritual armor, and it will hold firm against the evil one who will seem to be in charge.
The real one in charge will actually be God, for He will be working our the final scenes of life on earth. We will see Him do might works. It will be awesome for us to see, but the spiritually blind will not see it, or will rebuke it.
Are we ready? It is time.
This is just my views of what is happening, and how Obama is the one who is neing the Judas in it all. The world will be sold out to the devil this time.
It appears that Obama is the one selected to be the Judas for modern times. He is working very hard to set the world up for what will look like world peace, (although it sill be a forced "shut-your-mouth kind of peace). The world will have one world economy, government, and it will appear to be working, in the eyes of those who cannot see truth.
There will likely be what looks like a two state compromise in Israel, and while it will appear that this is done for the purpose of peace, the OIC will get full control, and then force compliance of all people. Some will rebel, be killed or tormented, or they will be imprisoned. (Heads will literally roll).
Christians, study the the "full armor of God," for that is what will prove to be the only real protection available. It is going to be a Spiritual armor, and it will hold firm against the evil one who will seem to be in charge.
The real one in charge will actually be God, for He will be working our the final scenes of life on earth. We will see Him do might works. It will be awesome for us to see, but the spiritually blind will not see it, or will rebuke it.
Are we ready? It is time.
This is just my views of what is happening, and how Obama is the one who is neing the Judas in it all. The world will be sold out to the devil this time.