Just another example of nuttiness from the relgious left

The deeper implications of a politician forcing his or her religious views on others? I've seen that, not from this guy though.

Because you don't want to see it. The OP clearly stated that this guy plans to use police resources to dust for fingerprints to further 'prove' that its the Pope's glass.

Let me know if that actually happens, in the meantime you have Republicans who want to circumvent the law because gay sex makes them cringe.
typical lefty deflection. Realizes he is losing an argument so he tries to completely change the subject to something totally unrelated.
there is already a thread on the republicans trying to circumvent the now constitutional right for gays to marry.
please post in that thread.

Not changing the subject, putting it into perspective.
republicans and or gays have nothing to do with this.
you were trying to change the subject.
Now, back to the OPs thread.

Republicans denying that gays have rights because of said Republicans religious views has everything to do with this if this thread is just "Just another example of nuttiness from the relgious (sic) left". As far as I know this is kind of a rare occasion for the left. The right on the other hand, fits right in with religious nuttyness. That is my point, this thread is misleading.
Great Fatsby thinks he's got a winning thread.

How precious.

Just imagine that it was Donald Trump that stole the glass of water and post accordingly
Stole? Seriously? Was the Holy Father still drinking from it? Did this guy wrest it from the parched Pontiff's hands?

I swear, you wingnuts are the biggest drama queens. You give tween girls a run.

Oh, and BTW - who the fuck are you, anyway?
Not sure, but who the fuck are you to ask who the fuck am I?
are you the who the fuck monitor?

I'm also the one who asked the questions you couldn't answer.
"Just another example of nuttiness from the relgious left"

Just another example of the ridiculous right and the OP's ignorance of a composition fallacy.

You're an idiot who doesn't understand fallacies or bold face lies and shouldn't even bother wasting our time even spouting them.

"The fallacy of composition arises when one infers that something is true of the whole from the fact that it is true of some part of the whole (or even of every proper part)."

Any more pointless definitions you'd like to spout?
Why? You wouldn't comprehend those, either.
Great Fatsby thinks he's got a winning thread.

How precious.

Just imagine that it was Donald Trump that stole the glass of water and post accordingly
Stole? Seriously? Was the Holy Father still drinking from it? Did this guy wrest it from the parched Pontiff's hands?

I swear, you wingnuts are the biggest drama queens. You give tween girls a run.

Oh, and BTW - who the fuck are you, anyway?
Not sure, but who the fuck are you to ask who the fuck am I?
are you the who the fuck monitor?

I'm also the one who asked the questions you couldn't answer.
obviously I don't find you interesting enough to concern myself with the majority of what you post.
Found another pic of a nutter on the religious left gobbling the pope's backwash.

This thread is yet another example of conservatives mocking religion.

Are you not for no mentions of God by elected officials?


Stop hiding like the coward you are, and answer the question:

Are you not for no mentions of God by elected officials?
You're desperate for my attention and participation in your FAIL thread. I understand.

They can mention god all they want. They are people, and citizens of this country like everyone else, with the same rights of free speech.

What they shouldn't do is base their voting record on their faith, counter to the Constitution. Or take positions based on the bible as superior to positions based on the Constitution (Cruz, Huckaminajad).
This thread is yet another example of conservatives mocking religion.

Are you not for no mentions of God by elected officials?


Stop hiding like the coward you are, and answer the question:

Are you not for no mentions of God by elected officials?
You're desperate for my attention and participation in your FAIL thread. I understand.

They can mention god all they want. They are people, and citizens of this country like everyone else, with the same rights of free speech.

What they shouldn't do is base their voting record on their faith, counter to the Constitution. Or take positions based on the bible as superior to positions based on the Constitution (Cruz, Huckaminajad).

That's nice of you to give them permission to tout their faith so long as they then deny their faith. That's not even human nature, dude. People are gonna vote their conscious (or not); and all your make believe about the Constitution being a faithless document isn't changing that reality.

Nonetheless, I'll point out that you're a hypocrite. You're the first person to condemn a school teacher for mentioning God; yet, you claim that elected officials are somehow then entitled to that right.

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