Just a thought


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
In the wake of a Houston mayor demanding that five pastors turn over the content of their sermons, I thought of a few quotes from Samuel Adams in Amendment IX of Rights of Colonists written in 1772, and it goes as such:

If men through fear, fraud or mistake, should in terms renounce and give up any essential natural right, the eternal law of reason and the great end of society, would absolutely vacate such renunciation; the right to freedom being the gift of God Almighty, it is not in the power of Man to alienate this gift, and voluntarily become a slave-

What happened was an abuse of power by an openly gay mayor. It was a blatant abuse of religious freedom that no Liberal nor Atheist can deny. Now, the state (or government) has crossed over into the affairs of the church, thus which evokes another statement by Adams:

As neither reason requires, nor religeon [sic] permits the contrary, every Man living in or out of a state of civil society, has a right peaceably and quietly to worship God according to the dictates of his conscience-

You hear that? Even the founders understood that the right to religious freedom should not be abridged by another individual nor society. So even as the Mayor appears to back off of her demands, she throws one last punch: by demanding their 'speeches.' So what are sermons? They are speeches. Thusly, she is maintaining her demands in attempt of feeble subterfuge, which calls for another quote by Adams:

Just and true liberty, equal and impartial liberty" in matters spiritual and temporal, is a thing that all Men are clearly entitled to, by the eternal and immutable laws Of God and nature, as well as by the law of Nations, & all well grounded municipal laws, which must have their foundation in the former.--

So, who now thinks government grants "just and true liberty" to those of faith? If you think they do, raise your hands and please stand up, because you are part of the problem.
I think that if they engage in politics, Churches should have their tax exemptions revoked.

Like the law says.

Better yet, let's start applying consumer/product fraud laws to churches. I'd love to see the court case where htey prove there's a heaven with sunshine and puppies.
I think that if they engage in politics, Churches should have their tax exemptions revoked.

Like the law says.

Better yet, let's start applying consumer/product fraud laws to churches. I'd love to see the court case where htey prove there's a heaven with sunshine and puppies.

A lesbian subpoenas all sermons related to homosexuality clearly is all about churches over-stepping :boohoo:
I think that if they engage in politics, Churches should have their tax exemptions revoked.

Like the law says.

Better yet, let's start applying consumer/product fraud laws to churches. I'd love to see the court case where htey prove there's a heaven with sunshine and puppies.

A lesbian subpoenas all sermons related to homosexuality clearly is all about churches over-stepping :boohoo:

If a church was preaching racism or anti-semitism, would you be as understanding?
I think that if they engage in politics, Churches should have their tax exemptions revoked.

Like the law says.

Better yet, let's start applying consumer/product fraud laws to churches. I'd love to see the court case where htey prove there's a heaven with sunshine and puppies.

A lesbian subpoenas all sermons related to homosexuality clearly is all about churches over-stepping :boohoo:

If a church was preaching racism or anti-semitism, would you be as understanding?

Yes. I don't care what any church happens to be preaching at any given time. I don't need the world to agree with me or like me.

Yes. I don't care what any church happens to be preaching at any given time. I don't need the world to agree with me or like me.

I don't care what they preach unless they are trying to make laws that have an effect on my life.

Like the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that started in churches? You want to remove the tax exempt status of all the black churches too?

In the mean time, that you think the only people who should be allowed to speak are those who do not think things that might affect your life borders on some very dark corners of mental health.

Like the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that started in churches? You want to remove the tax exempt status of all the black churches too?

In the mean time, that you think the only people who should be allowed to speak are those who do not think things that might affect your life borders on some very dark corners of mental health.

I would be happy if ALL the churches got out of politics, honestly I'd be happy if Reverend Jackson and Reverend Robertson just went away and never came back.
I think that if they engage in politics, Churches should have their tax exemptions revoked.

Like the law says.

Better yet, let's start applying consumer/product fraud laws to churches. I'd love to see the court case where htey prove there's a heaven with sunshine and puppies.

A lesbian subpoenas all sermons related to homosexuality clearly is all about churches over-stepping :boohoo:

If a church was preaching racism or anti-semitism, would you be as understanding?

How do you know what they're preaching? And uh, there was a certain preacher Obama palled around with that wished destruction upon America. His name was Jerimiah Wright. Where were you when news broke of him saying such things? Were you cheering him on? What of Rev. Al Sharpton? No true man of God stirs the pot of racism as much as he does. You must be joking.
For someone who believes so much in the separation of church and state, you sure do pull a lot for government to force itself into churches. What part of the First Amendment did you not read? By government forcing these pastors to submit their sermons, they violate two of the clauses,

1) The right to peaceably assemble;

2) and the right to practice their faith as they see fit.
How do you know what they're preaching? And uh, there was a certain preacher Obama palled around with that wished destruction upon America. His name was Jerimiah Wright. Where were you when news broke of him saying such things? Were you cheering him on? What of Rev. Al Sharpton? No true man of God stirs the pot of racism as much as he does. You must be joking.

I'd have no problem calling those guys to account, and they were held to account, really. Sharpton ended up getting hit with a multi-million dollar judgement for his actions.

Yes. I don't care what any church happens to be preaching at any given time. I don't need the world to agree with me or like me.

I don't care what they preach unless they are trying to make laws that have an effect on my life.

Do pastors have any legislative power on their own? No. So how are they 'trying to make laws that have an effect on your life?' Funny thing is, you allow government to fashion laws that affect your life all the time--laws that you may support, but that may harm others.

For someone who believes so much in the separation of church and state, you sure do pull a lot for government to force itself into churches. What part of the First Amendment did you not read? By government forcing these pastors to submit their sermons, they violate two of the clauses,

1) The right to peaceably assemble;

2) and the right to practice their faith as they see fit.

I look at religion as a mental disease that needs to be overcome.

You are so afraid of dying you are willing to believe any huckster who promises you sunshine and puppies after you die if you just give them money and do what they want.

I'd love for the government to treat them like any other scam.

Do pastors have any legislative power on their own? No. So how are they 'trying to make laws that have an effect on your life?' Funny thing is, you allow government to fashion laws that affect your life all the time--laws that you may support, but that may harm others.


What law have I advocated that harms you.

I mean, I'm all for the "Get that fat sack of shit off the Couch Act of 2014", but I can't get many takers.
How do you know what they're preaching? And uh, there was a certain preacher Obama palled around with that wished destruction upon America. His name was Jerimiah Wright. Where were you when news broke of him saying such things? Were you cheering him on? What of Rev. Al Sharpton? No true man of God stirs the pot of racism as much as he does. You must be joking.

I'd have no problem calling those guys to account, and they were held to account, really. Sharpton ended up getting hit with a multi-million dollar judgement for his actions.

Sure, but you don't worry that the government will subpoena his sermons. Even after losing in the courts, he keeps right on doing it. But suddenly, pastors who are opposed to gay marriage deserve being pressured to give the content of their sermons to a government body. What about that doesn't seem strange to you?
Sure, but you don't worry that the government will subpoena his sermons. Even after losing in the courts, he keeps right on doing it. But suddenly, pastors who are opposed to gay marriage deserve being pressured to give the content of their sermons to a government body. What about that doesn't seem strange to you?

As long as they are still promoting Homophobia, I'm for making their lives as miserable as humanly possible.
For someone who believes so much in the separation of church and state, you sure do pull a lot for government to force itself into churches. What part of the First Amendment did you not read? By government forcing these pastors to submit their sermons, they violate two of the clauses,

1) The right to peaceably assemble;

2) and the right to practice their faith as they see fit.

I look at religion as a mental disease that needs to be overcome.

You are so afraid of dying you are willing to believe any huckster who promises you sunshine and puppies after you die if you just give them money and do what they want.

I'd love for the government to treat them like any other scam.

Yeah, and such view distorts your perception of the First Amendment. But you also forget that government itself is a colossal scam on it's own. It taxes the citizens, misusing or abusing the funds once they get it, by going into so much debt that the citizens themselves are proportionally in as much debt as the government is. Government is constantly in a state of expansion, more or less like a virus is. It is a disease in and of itself.

So, do you believe in the power of government so much that you want it to give your life meaning or direction? Right, just let me know when it happens.
Sure, but you don't worry that the government will subpoena his sermons. Even after losing in the courts, he keeps right on doing it. But suddenly, pastors who are opposed to gay marriage deserve being pressured to give the content of their sermons to a government body. What about that doesn't seem strange to you?

As long as they are still promoting Homophobia, I'm for making their lives as miserable as humanly possible.

Yet you are miserable in that not everyone's opinion agrees with yours. Misery breeds its own misery. It isn't yours or anyone else's right to demand that people have a positive view of homosexuality. It is their opinion, not yours.
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Yeah, and such view distorts your perception of the First Amendment. But you also forget that government itself is a colossal scam on it's own. It taxes the citizens, misusing or abusing the funds once they get it, by going into so much debt that the citizens themselves are proportionally in as much debt as the government is. Government is constantly in a state of expansion, more or less like a virus is. It is a disease in and of itself.

So, do you believe in the power of government so much that you want it to give your life meaning or direction? Right, just let me know when it happens.

Actually, governent does exactly what we want it to do. It gives us shit that we don't want to pay for.
Yet you are miserable that not everyone's opinion agrees with yours. Misery breeds its own misery. It isn't yours or anyone elses right to demand that people have a positive view of homosexuality. It is their opinion, not yours.

If you are going around hating someone because you don't like the sex they are having, that's being a pretty miserable person.

If you want to be a racist, a homophobe, a misogynist or an anti-Semite, that's kind of your problem.

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