Just A Reminder About Islam


Senior Member
Apr 20, 2005
Cordova, TN
Everything I ever needed to know about chritianity I learned during the inquisition :rolleyes:
deaddude said:
Everything I ever needed to know about chritianity I learned during the inquisition :rolleyes:

ah the dirty hands argument.....everything i ever need to know about secularist i learned during the stalinist purges the reign of gengis kahn and vlad the impaler
True they are accurate in using the worst examples of each respective ideology to blacken the remainder.
deaddude said:
True they are accurate in using the worst examples of each respective ideology to blacken the remainder.

Except for ONE glaring issue. Islam STILL DOES THAT SHIT. Hundreds of years ago, a bunch of people 'claiming' to be Christians did some bad things. "Real" Christianity has a mainstream which denounces such acts. There is no Islamic Decree denouncing the riots and killings going on today.
Have any links from the news the last couple of days where Christian's rioted and killed in honor of their religion?
deaddude said:
True they are accurate in using the worst examples of each respective ideology to blacken the remainder.

however, one group is still killing people in the name of their religion the other groups have become civilized and only respond when attacked or threatend first.
dmp said:
Except for ONE glaring issue. Islam STILL DOES THAT SHIT.
Oh yes the christians went through their "bad phase" a long time ago so lets just sweep it under the rug as we march of to an Islamic pogrom

Hundreds of years ago, a bunch of people 'claiming' to be Christians did some bad things. "Real" Christianity has a mainstream which denounces such acts.

It was the "mainstream" christians which filled the ranks of the army during the hundred years war (oh no they have more sacrements than we do, better kill'em). It was the "mainstream" christians who blamed and killed jews for the black plague. It was "mainstream" christians who lined up to watch the witch burnings, yeah the mainstream christians were a great lot.

The inquistion was run by nuns, monks, and priests for christs sake. In truth the atrocities commited by the christian preists of yester year are very comparable to the atrocities commited by the Ayatollas of today.

There is no Islamic Decree denouncing the riots and killings going on today.

Yes there is, CAIR has publicly denounced the riots and violence. Not that it helped stop the rioters, but it is there.
deaddude said:
Oh yes the christians went through their "bad phase" a hundred years ago so lets just sweep it under the rug as we march of to an Islamic pogrom

It was the "mainstream" christians which filled the ranks of the army during the hundred years war (oh no they have more sacrements than we do, better kill'em). It was the "mainstream" christians who blamed and killed jews for the black plague. It was "mainstream" christians who lined up to watch the witch burnings, yeah the mainstream christians were a great lot.

The inquistion was run by nuns, monks, and priests for christs sake. In truth the atrocities commited by the christian preists of yester year are very comparable to the atrocities commited by the Ayatollas of today.

Yes there is, CAIR has publicly denounced the riots and violence. Not that it helped stop the rioters.


Now there is a well respected, responsible, peace-loving organization.
GotZoom said:
I noticed the same thing..had to take a double take.

Then I remembered...


Not just that - it's "Most of the Rest of the World"

Day should be first - nobody ever asks 'what month is it?' it's always "What day is it? 12th?"


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