Jussie Smollett Case - it ain't over


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
We know that Smollett will be back in court for sentencing next month. But there are other legal proceedings in his future.

...., lawsuits that were on hold pending the outcome of the criminal case may now move forward. They include a lawsuit the city of Chicago filed against Smollett to recoup over $130,000 it spent investigating what police initially believed was a terrible hate crime.

Here's a look at some remaining cases:


Chicago sued Smollett in April 2019, after he refused to pay $130,106.15 to reimburse the city for police overtime and other costs spent on the investigation.

The city demanded the payment shortly after the Cook County State's Attorney's office dropped the original charges against Smollett for lying to police about the attack. The move by State's Attorney Kim Foxx infuriated then-Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who lashed out at Smollett for dragging the city’s reputation “through the mud" and wasting police resources on a hoax.

The lawsuit says the city “incurred significant costs” investigating the high-profile alleged hate crime, and seeks reimbursement from Smollett for 1,836 hours of police overtime.

A federal judge stayed proceedings pending the outcome of the criminal case after a special prosecutor investigated and new charges were filed against Smollett in February 2020.

In April 2020, U.S. District Court Judge Virginia Kendall also dismissed a countersuit filed by Smollett against the city, former Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson, detectives on the case and two brothers who told police he recruited them for the fake attack.

His attorneys said Chicago couldn’t go after Smollett for the cost of the investigation because the city accepted his $10,000 bail as “payment in full in connection with the dismissal of the charges against him” when the original charges were dropped in 2019.

Smollett’s countersuit also said he was the victim of a malicious prosecution that caused him humiliation and extreme distress. They said Chicago police didn’t have probable cause to arrest him for lying based off of “unreliable” accounts from Abimbola and Olabingo Osundairo, the brothers who testified last week that Smollett paid them $3,500 to help him with the hoax, and because police didn’t pursue other evidence.

Kendall said in her ruling that Smollett could refile his suit if he was found not guilty in the criminal case.

In a statement after Thursday’s guilty verdict, the city’s law department said the decision “confirms that the City was correct” in suing Smollett.

“The City intends to continue to pursue its lawsuit to hold Smollett accountable for his unlawful actions and to demand that he compensate the City for costs incurred by the Chicago Police Department which took his false claims of harm seriously,” the statement read.

A status hearing is scheduled for Dec. 16 in U.S. District Court in Chicago.


The Osundairo brothers, who were star witnesses for the prosecution at Smollett's trial, filed their own lawsuit in April 2019 accusing Smollett's attorneys of defamation and seeking unspecified financial damages.

They claimed that the attorneys accused the brothers of leading “a criminally homophobic, racist and violent attack” against Smollett, destroying their personal and professional reputations. The lawsuit named as defendants celebrity attorney Mark Geragos, lawyer Tina Glandian and Geragos’ Los Angeles-based law firm.

The lawsuit also stated that Glandian made public statements that Abimbola Osundairo is gay and participated in sex acts with Smollett. Osundairo said that was untrue, and noted that he has family in Nigeria and travels often to the country, where homosexuality is illegal and punishable by years in prison or even death. Osundairo said the lawyer's statements put his life and the lives of his family in danger.

In a statement issued after the lawsuit was filed, Geragos and Glandian called it “ridiculous” and “a desperate attempt” by the brothers “to stay relevant and further profit from an attack they admit they perpetrated.”

A federal judge in Chicago put the case on hold until the completion of the Smollett trial and asked the parties to file a status report with the court by Feb. 1, 2022.

IMHO, it's too bad the city or state can't go after DA Kim Foxx for arbitrarily dismissing the Smollett case early on.
Smolletts lawyer after they publicly brag about him winning on appeal...


I wonder if the Obama’s will step in on these cases like they did the criminal case…maybe pay Jussie’s judgment? what about BLM?
As we've seen in other cases, notably the Mike Flynn debacle, people will try to use our justice system as a political weapon against the other side. That is why I hope the Chicago lawsuit against Smollett for over $130k is successful, it oughta cost something to make false charges against somebody.
I wonder if the Obama’s will step in on these cases like they did the criminal case…maybe pay Jussie’s judgment? what about BLM?

Doubtful IMHO. When you lose, generally you lose alone. They'll make a lot of noise about the injustice and all that, but it won't be the Obamas.
Betchew he'll get an acting job as soon as he gets out. Yep, you heard it here first.

All publicity is good publicity, they say.
I wonder if the Obama’s will step in on these cases like they did the criminal case…maybe pay Jussie’s judgment? what about BLM?
Judge Sullivan or another Obama/Soros judge will eventually get the case and Smollet will get off.
Judge Sullivan or another Obama/Soros judge will eventually get the case and Smollet will get off.
i don’t know…he’s disliked even more then R Kelly in the city of Chicago..he’s not gotten get off paying that judgement
It's obvious that Smollett has major backing in the liberal media and the democrat party so he has unlimited resources for appeal. He ain't likely to do time like the mom and pop trespassers the FBI has been busy rounding up for the last year.
We know that Smollett will be back in court for sentencing next month. But there are other legal proceedings in his future.

...., lawsuits that were on hold pending the outcome of the criminal case may now move forward. They include a lawsuit the city of Chicago filed against Smollett to recoup over $130,000 it spent investigating what police initially believed was a terrible hate crime.

Here's a look at some remaining cases:


Chicago sued Smollett in April 2019, after he refused to pay $130,106.15 to reimburse the city for police overtime and other costs spent on the investigation.

The city demanded the payment shortly after the Cook County State's Attorney's office dropped the original charges against Smollett for lying to police about the attack. The move by State's Attorney Kim Foxx infuriated then-Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who lashed out at Smollett for dragging the city’s reputation “through the mud" and wasting police resources on a hoax.

The lawsuit says the city “incurred significant costs” investigating the high-profile alleged hate crime, and seeks reimbursement from Smollett for 1,836 hours of police overtime.

A federal judge stayed proceedings pending the outcome of the criminal case after a special prosecutor investigated and new charges were filed against Smollett in February 2020.

In April 2020, U.S. District Court Judge Virginia Kendall also dismissed a countersuit filed by Smollett against the city, former Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson, detectives on the case and two brothers who told police he recruited them for the fake attack.

His attorneys said Chicago couldn’t go after Smollett for the cost of the investigation because the city accepted his $10,000 bail as “payment in full in connection with the dismissal of the charges against him” when the original charges were dropped in 2019.

Smollett’s countersuit also said he was the victim of a malicious prosecution that caused him humiliation and extreme distress. They said Chicago police didn’t have probable cause to arrest him for lying based off of “unreliable” accounts from Abimbola and Olabingo Osundairo, the brothers who testified last week that Smollett paid them $3,500 to help him with the hoax, and because police didn’t pursue other evidence.

Kendall said in her ruling that Smollett could refile his suit if he was found not guilty in the criminal case.

In a statement after Thursday’s guilty verdict, the city’s law department said the decision “confirms that the City was correct” in suing Smollett.

“The City intends to continue to pursue its lawsuit to hold Smollett accountable for his unlawful actions and to demand that he compensate the City for costs incurred by the Chicago Police Department which took his false claims of harm seriously,” the statement read.

A status hearing is scheduled for Dec. 16 in U.S. District Court in Chicago.


The Osundairo brothers, who were star witnesses for the prosecution at Smollett's trial, filed their own lawsuit in April 2019 accusing Smollett's attorneys of defamation and seeking unspecified financial damages.

They claimed that the attorneys accused the brothers of leading “a criminally homophobic, racist and violent attack” against Smollett, destroying their personal and professional reputations. The lawsuit named as defendants celebrity attorney Mark Geragos, lawyer Tina Glandian and Geragos’ Los Angeles-based law firm.

The lawsuit also stated that Glandian made public statements that Abimbola Osundairo is gay and participated in sex acts with Smollett. Osundairo said that was untrue, and noted that he has family in Nigeria and travels often to the country, where homosexuality is illegal and punishable by years in prison or even death. Osundairo said the lawyer's statements put his life and the lives of his family in danger.

In a statement issued after the lawsuit was filed, Geragos and Glandian called it “ridiculous” and “a desperate attempt” by the brothers “to stay relevant and further profit from an attack they admit they perpetrated.”

A federal judge in Chicago put the case on hold until the completion of the Smollett trial and asked the parties to file a status report with the court by Feb. 1, 2022.

IMHO, it's too bad the city or state can't go after DA Kim Foxx for arbitrarily dismissing the Smollett case early on.
A related question is : why has no one been charged when he mailed a fake anthrax letter to himself at work? Had a person of european descent done anything like that they would be sitting in jail today.
He needs to go back to France or wherever he is from and never come back.

I hope they rake his ass over the coals.
We know that Smollett will be back in court for sentencing next month. But there are other legal proceedings in his future.

...., lawsuits that were on hold pending the outcome of the criminal case may now move forward. They include a lawsuit the city of Chicago filed against Smollett to recoup over $130,000 it spent investigating what police initially believed was a terrible hate crime.

Here's a look at some remaining cases:


Chicago sued Smollett in April 2019, after he refused to pay $130,106.15 to reimburse the city for police overtime and other costs spent on the investigation.

The city demanded the payment shortly after the Cook County State's Attorney's office dropped the original charges against Smollett for lying to police about the attack. The move by State's Attorney Kim Foxx infuriated then-Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who lashed out at Smollett for dragging the city’s reputation “through the mud" and wasting police resources on a hoax.

The lawsuit says the city “incurred significant costs” investigating the high-profile alleged hate crime, and seeks reimbursement from Smollett for 1,836 hours of police overtime.

A federal judge stayed proceedings pending the outcome of the criminal case after a special prosecutor investigated and new charges were filed against Smollett in February 2020.

In April 2020, U.S. District Court Judge Virginia Kendall also dismissed a countersuit filed by Smollett against the city, former Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson, detectives on the case and two brothers who told police he recruited them for the fake attack.

His attorneys said Chicago couldn’t go after Smollett for the cost of the investigation because the city accepted his $10,000 bail as “payment in full in connection with the dismissal of the charges against him” when the original charges were dropped in 2019.

Smollett’s countersuit also said he was the victim of a malicious prosecution that caused him humiliation and extreme distress. They said Chicago police didn’t have probable cause to arrest him for lying based off of “unreliable” accounts from Abimbola and Olabingo Osundairo, the brothers who testified last week that Smollett paid them $3,500 to help him with the hoax, and because police didn’t pursue other evidence.

Kendall said in her ruling that Smollett could refile his suit if he was found not guilty in the criminal case.

In a statement after Thursday’s guilty verdict, the city’s law department said the decision “confirms that the City was correct” in suing Smollett.

“The City intends to continue to pursue its lawsuit to hold Smollett accountable for his unlawful actions and to demand that he compensate the City for costs incurred by the Chicago Police Department which took his false claims of harm seriously,” the statement read.

A status hearing is scheduled for Dec. 16 in U.S. District Court in Chicago.


The Osundairo brothers, who were star witnesses for the prosecution at Smollett's trial, filed their own lawsuit in April 2019 accusing Smollett's attorneys of defamation and seeking unspecified financial damages.

They claimed that the attorneys accused the brothers of leading “a criminally homophobic, racist and violent attack” against Smollett, destroying their personal and professional reputations. The lawsuit named as defendants celebrity attorney Mark Geragos, lawyer Tina Glandian and Geragos’ Los Angeles-based law firm.

The lawsuit also stated that Glandian made public statements that Abimbola Osundairo is gay and participated in sex acts with Smollett. Osundairo said that was untrue, and noted that he has family in Nigeria and travels often to the country, where homosexuality is illegal and punishable by years in prison or even death. Osundairo said the lawyer's statements put his life and the lives of his family in danger.

In a statement issued after the lawsuit was filed, Geragos and Glandian called it “ridiculous” and “a desperate attempt” by the brothers “to stay relevant and further profit from an attack they admit they perpetrated.”

A federal judge in Chicago put the case on hold until the completion of the Smollett trial and asked the parties to file a status report with the court by Feb. 1, 2022.

IMHO, it's too bad the city or state can't go after DA Kim Foxx for arbitrarily dismissing the Smollett case early on.
Oddly, the media does mention the damage he did, knowingly, to race relations in a city already racked with racial tension.

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