Jugheads "operation choke point" cancelled


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2015
Gun dealers bid adieu to Obama 'Operation Choke Point' program

Gun dealers from around the country who found themselves caught in the cross-hairs of the Obama administration’s Operation Choke Point program are hailing its demise after years of controversy.

The program, started in 2013 and declared dead by the Justice Department last week, pressured banks to stop handling payments for businesses deemed high risk for fraud, including ammo and firearms sellers -- even without evidence of wrongdoing.

“I have no doubt in my mind that many of our members, particularly retailers, but also manufacturers and importers, were victims of Operation Choke Point,” said Lawrence Keane, senior vice president and general counsel of the National Shooting Sports Foundation, the firearms industry trade association.

“We’re very pleased to see the end of the program,” Keane told Fox News. “It was very nefarious and it took a lot of work to shine a light on it and get it stopped.”

Gun dealers bid adieu to Obama 'Operation Choke Point' program

Obama should be locked up for the rest of his miserable life. Civil rights violating pos!

Gun dealers bid adieu to Obama 'Operation Choke Point' program

Gun dealers from around the country who found themselves caught in the cross-hairs of the Obama administration’s Operation Choke Point program are hailing its demise after years of controversy.

The program, started in 2013 and declared dead by the Justice Department last week, pressured banks to stop handling payments for businesses deemed high risk for fraud, including ammo and firearms sellers -- even without evidence of wrongdoing.

“I have no doubt in my mind that many of our members, particularly retailers, but also manufacturers and importers, were victims of Operation Choke Point,” said Lawrence Keane, senior vice president and general counsel of the National Shooting Sports Foundation, the firearms industry trade association.

“We’re very pleased to see the end of the program,” Keane told Fox News. “It was very nefarious and it took a lot of work to shine a light on it and get it stopped.”

Gun dealers bid adieu to Obama 'Operation Choke Point' program

Obama should be locked up for the rest of his miserable life. Civil rights violating pos!

The Concept lives on though: OPERATION CHOKE POINT: THE SEQUEL. The Left is using banks to carry out its industry boycotts. This should come in for close regulatory attention. Also, bank CEOs should be targeted with public shaming.

The free-market leaves choice to the individual. The programs we choose to watch, the stores we care to shop at, and the products we bring into our homes are all within the control of our individual preference. Nobody wants Bernie Sanders picking their wardrobe in the morning.

Economic freedom is at the heart of our nation’s prosperity. The left hates freedom of choice they want to subject everything to their ideological approval. The left has made a cottage industry out of organizing boycotts against those who are not simpatico with their political agenda, from Chick-Fil-A, to Home Depot, to Fox News, but it is their willingness to use the power of the federal government to wage warfare against lawful businesses that is most chilling.

This ideological bullying now centers on the U.S. banking industry, which has come under fire from hack politicians for serving clients that the Left has tried but failed to regulate or legislate out of business. On Capitol Hill, bank executives are repeatedly being grilled by the likes of Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Carolyn Maloney, and Sens. Brian Schatz and Elizabeth Warren, for extending credit and banking services to energy companies, gun makers, payday lenders, private detention companies, and others.

Knowing the power these lawmakers have over their institutions, bankers are heeding their words.

A group of senators recognized this troubling pattern where banks are skirting their obligations in order to alleviate left-wing pressure. They called for review. Specifically, they asserted, “there is a clear body of evidence that the banks are withholding services explicitly to effectuate social change,” rather than focusing on the pillars of profitability and safety and financial soundness. The Left is, of course, up in arms over these assertions and will oppose any effort to eradicate these lending practices. Political pressure from the Left has already led many banks (as well as airlines and insurance companies) to end promotions and discounts for NRA members, and that's just a foretaste of what’s in store if the entire banking industry is held under the thumb of the Left’s anti-capitalist agenda.

The poisoning of our banking system with ideological litmus tests would lead to a toxic and adversarial relationship with industries, which will hurt workers, small businesses, entrepreneurs, local communities, and America’s economic competitiveness in general.

Discrimination in any form has no place in our economy, especially in banking system. Americans will not stand for our economy should not be held hostage to political extremists in DC.
Too bad they didn't cancelHussein's abomination of "Op-Fast/Furious" that killed hundreds of Mexican civilians and at least one American Police Officer.
Too bad they didn't cancelHussein's abomination of "Op-Fast/Furious" that killed hundreds of Mexican civilians and at least one American Police Officer.

Guns tracked by the ATF have been found at crime scenes on both sides of the Mexico–United States border, and the scene where United States Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was killed in December 2010. The "gunwalking" operations became public in the aftermath of Terry's murder. Dissenting ATF agents came forward to Congress in response. According to Humberto Benítez Treviño, former Mexican Attorney General and chair of the justice committee in the Chamber of Deputies, related firearms have been found at numerous crime scenes in Mexico where at least 150 Mexican civilians were maimed or killed.

Even El Chappo ended up with a .50 caliber from this Obama Gun Walking Operation.

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