Judge Threatens Jail For Trump After Holding Him In Contempt

Oh look, this thread turned into another "my candidate is less demented than yours" thread.

How exciting, these are my favorites.
So it's after 2:15pm. Did Trump remove those posts from Truth Social?
Of course not, This jackass judge and lib loons are drooling about Trump in handcuffs and a big media circus
Secret service for one would never agree to apprehension over charges and weak ass social comment gag order,
A conviction would likely be different
He doesn’t have handlers cutting off his talks when he starts gaffing and drooling and talking about cannibals

He's got two lawyers sitting beside him, poking him in the ribs and passing him notes trying to keep him awake.


..... ..... DJT is...

..... ..... ..... ..... Wait for it...

..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... Anti-woke.

He's got two lawyers sitting beside him, poking him in the ribs and passing him notes trying to keep him awake.


..... ..... DJT is...

..... ..... ..... ..... Wait for it...

..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... Anti-woke.

Address what I stated and don’t push a deflection alternative
Of course not, This jackass judge and lib loons are drooling about Trump in handcuffs and a big media circus
Secret service for one would never agree to apprehension over charges and weak ass social comment gag order,
A conviction would likely be different

Nothing they can do. They have no authority over the Judicial branch.
The country is fucked. It is too close to call right now, but it really does not matter, no matter who is sitting in the White House next Jan 21st, the country will be worse off for it.

When people are choosing between shot or being stabbed, there is no right or wrong answer, there is only pain. That is the situation the country is in.
My prediction is even more gloomy. I predict that Trump’s popularity will grow because the Democrats are not going to stop attacking him through the courts instead of campaigning against him.

I also predict that late on election day we will have the same kind of deus ex machina in Biden’s favor that we saw in 2020.

So we will go into 2025 under the same president that is caused the disaster on the border the disaster with energy, the disaster in Ukraine and the disaster economy.

That, combined with a large chunk of the population believing we have had another illegitimate election and despairing I’ve ever having another legitimate one, will absolutely lead to violence that will make January 6 look like a sit in by flower children.

I sure hope I’m wrong.
My prediction is even more gloomy. I predict that Trump’s popularity will grow because the Democrats are not going to stop attacking him through the courts instead of campaigning against him.

I also predict that late on election day we will have the same kind of deus ex machina in Biden’s favor that we saw in 2020.

So we will go into 2025 under the same president that is caused the disaster on the border the disaster with energy, the disaster in Ukraine and the disaster economy.

That, combined with a large chunk of the population believing we have had another illegitimate election and despairing I’ve ever having another legitimate one, will absolutely lead to violence that will make January 6 look like a sit in by flower children.

I sure hope I’m wrong.

Your view has a good outcome in your mind, your god could win and all would be paradise and nobody would ever suffer again.

While I see not a damn fucking thing changing no matter which one of them wins.
You talking about Sleepy Don? He can't even keep his eyes open in court
He disrespected the witch hunt intentionally
He can give a speech absent his handlers cutting him off when he starts rambling about cannibals
Fuck, you're retarded beyond repair. :cuckoo:

People being sued civilly are respondents.

Common pleadings include:

    • The complaint, where the plaintiff outlines their claims and version of the facts as well as specifies the damages they are seeking;

    • The answer, where the defendant explains why the plaintiff should not prevail, offers additional facts, affirmative defenses, or pleadings of an excuse;

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