Judge in Trump Jan. 6 case is scion of Marxist revolutionaries


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
No shocker as she speaks and acts just like a Marxist.

She has no business being a federal judge, none.

And she regularly uses Marxist thought aka CRT in her remarks.

The judge assigned to former President Trump’s multiple indictments stemming from his efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election is the scion of a family of revolutionary Marxists in her native Jamaica.

Judge Tanya S. Chutkan, an Obama appointee, is the granddaughter of Frank Hill, a Jamaican communist revolutionary, who along with his brother Ken were briefly jailed by the island’s British governor during World War II over suspicions of “subversive activities.”

Hill is the father of Noelle Hill, Judge Chutkan’s mother, public records show.

Frank, along with his brother Ken Hill, and fellow comrades Richard Hart and Arthur Henry, were expelled from the People’s National Party of Jamaica for espousing communist views, according to local Jamaican media.

“Ken Hill, by far the most influential, was more pragmatic and less concerned with political theory than most members of the left. He probably began to consider himself a communist both as a result of the influence of his brother Frank and also his observation of the course of world events,” Hart wrote of the brothers in Towards Decolonisation: Political, Labour and Economic Developments in Jamaica 1938–1945 — a dense tome he published in 1999.

Judge Chutkan has already raised suspicions among conservatives over what they insist is politically motivated bias from the bench.

Earlier this month, Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz introduced a resolution calling for Judge Chutkan to be censured and investigated over “open bias and partisanship in the conduct of her official duties” citing her past supportive comments toward Black Lives Matter rioters in 2020
e published in 1999.

No shocker as she speaks and acts just like a Marxist.

She has no business being a federal judge, none.

And she regularly uses Marxist thought aka CRT in her remarks.

The judge assigned to former President Trump’s multiple indictments stemming from his efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election is the scion of a family of revolutionary Marxists in her native Jamaica.
Judge Tanya S. Chutkan, an Obama appointee, is the granddaughter of Frank Hill, a Jamaican communist revolutionary, who along with his brother Ken were briefly jailed by the island’s British governor during World War II over suspicions of “subversive activities.”
Hill is the father of Noelle Hill, Judge Chutkan’s mother, public records show.
Frank, along with his brother Ken Hill, and fellow comrades Richard Hart and Arthur Henry, were expelled from the People’s National Party of Jamaica for espousing communist views, according to local Jamaican media.
“Ken Hill, by far the most influential, was more pragmatic and less concerned with political theory than most members of the left. He probably began to consider himself a communist both as a result of the influence of his brother Frank and also his observation of the course of world events,” Hart wrote of the brothers in Towards Decolonisation: Political, Labour and Economic Developments in Jamaica 1938–1945 — a dense tome he published in 1999.
Judge Chutkan has already raised suspicions among conservatives over what they insist is politically motivated bias from the bench.
Earlier this month, Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz introduced a resolution calling for Judge Chutkan to be censured and investigated over “open bias and partisanship in the conduct of her official duties” citing her past supportive comments toward Black Lives Matter rioters in 2020
e published in 1999.

Let's get this straight..you're accusing her of having a Communist Grandfather--in Jamaica..and thus..is a Communist?? She said some good things about BLM..and thus, is a Communist?? BTW, nowhere does it say he was a 'Marxist'...but who cares...you are out of your mind! As an aside, I don't care what political polemic a judges adheres to..as long as he/she knows the law and is fair.

Regularly uses Marxist thought..you're calling it CRT? That's totally stupid..sorry, but it is.

Don't see a lot of the 'Dictatorship of the Proletariat' in CRT...LOL!
Let's get this straight..you're accusing her of having a Communist Grandfather--in Jamaica..and thus..is a Communist?? She said some good things about BLM..and thus, is a Communist?? BTW, nowhere does it say he was a 'Marxist'...but who cares...you are out of your mind! As an aside, I don't care what political polemic a judges adheres to..as long as he/she knows the law and is fair.

Regularly uses Marxist thought..you're calling it CRT? That's totally stupid..sorry, but it is.

Don't see a lot of the 'Dictatorship of the Proletariat' in CRT...LOL!

Obama's mother was fucking a man named Frank Marshal Davis, who was a member of the Communist party in the 30's and 40's. And everyone knows what a scumbag commie Obama grew up to be.

So this story sounds pretty legit to me.
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And Far Left & Left try and convince themselves that Germany from 1934-1945 was not a Socialist State ran by a Fascist Dictator
Hmmm....innerestin'. Let me unpack that. You're saying Adolf Hitler was a Fascist, which everyone knows--but that the Third Reich was a Socialist state?
There were no collectives in Nazi Germany. No labor unions. Businesses were ran the sane old Capitalist way..except they were subject to the state priorities. Socialist? If you squint. I suppose. But not really.

I think you are saying that Germany had a planned economy..and it did. But the motives of Marxist Socialism and the motives of Hitler's Germany were diametrically opposed.
One at least purported to have the common man in mind...and the other told the common man that he/she had a duty to their country and must fulfill it. Very Teutonic.

Hitler did think of himself as a Socialist though..it's just that the idea he had was a bit different:

Hitler at times redefined socialism. When George Sylvester Viereck interviewed Hitler in October 1923 and asked him why he referred to his party as 'socialists' he replied:

Socialism is the science of dealing with the common weal. Communism is not Socialism. Marxism is not Socialism. The Marxians have stolen the term and confused its meaning. I shall take Socialism away from the Socialists.Socialism is an ancient Aryan, Germanic institution. Our German ancestors held certain lands in common. They cultivated the idea of the common weal. Marxism has no right to disguise itself as socialism. Socialism, unlike Marxism, does not repudiate private property. Unlike Marxism, it involves no negation of personality, and unlike Marxism, it is patriotic.[35]

In 1929, Hitler gave a speech to a group of Nazi leaders and simplified 'socialism' to mean, "Socialism! That is an unfortunate word altogether... What does socialism really mean? If people have something to eat and their pleasures, then they have their socialism."[36]

When asked in an interview on 27 January 1934 whether he supported the "bourgeois right-wing", Hitler claimed that Nazism was not exclusively for any class and he indicated that it favoured neither the left nor the right, but preserved "pure" elements from both "camps" by stating: "From the camp of bourgeois tradition, it takes national resolve, and from the materialism of the Marxist dogma, living, creative Socialism."[37]
Obama mother was fucking a man named Frank Marshal Davis, who was a member of the Communist party in the 30's and 40's. And everyone knows what a scumbag commie Obama grew up to be.

So this story sounds pretty legit to me.
Well it would, wouldn't it~

Obama not a Commie either...too funny..where would you be without your lil labels eh?
Well it would, wouldn't it~

Obama not a Commie either...too funny..where would you be without your lil labels eh?

I'd probably be confused without my labels. It's the only way to tell one thing from another.

I mean as opposed to having a complete lack of discrimination, like you folks on the left. Ya'll can't even tell the difference between a man and a woman.
No shocker as she speaks and acts just like a Marxist.

She has no business being a federal judge, none.

And she regularly uses Marxist thought aka CRT in her remarks.

The judge assigned to former President Trump’s multiple indictments stemming from his efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election is the scion of a family of revolutionary Marxists in her native Jamaica.
Judge Tanya S. Chutkan, an Obama appointee, is the granddaughter of Frank Hill, a Jamaican communist revolutionary, who along with his brother Ken were briefly jailed by the island’s British governor during World War II over suspicions of “subversive activities.”
Hill is the father of Noelle Hill, Judge Chutkan’s mother, public records show.
Frank, along with his brother Ken Hill, and fellow comrades Richard Hart and Arthur Henry, were expelled from the People’s National Party of Jamaica for espousing communist views, according to local Jamaican media.
“Ken Hill, by far the most influential, was more pragmatic and less concerned with political theory than most members of the left. He probably began to consider himself a communist both as a result of the influence of his brother Frank and also his observation of the course of world events,” Hart wrote of the brothers in Towards Decolonisation: Political, Labour and Economic Developments in Jamaica 1938–1945 — a dense tome he published in 1999.
Judge Chutkan has already raised suspicions among conservatives over what they insist is politically motivated bias from the bench.
Earlier this month, Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz introduced a resolution calling for Judge Chutkan to be censured and investigated over “open bias and partisanship in the conduct of her official duties” citing her past supportive comments toward Black Lives Matter rioters in 2020
e published in 1999.


Actual ties to the actual left. :eek:

But she’s doing the bidding of the criminal capitalists of the DeepSwamp now, so she’s about as communist as Clarence Thomas.

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