Judge Blocks TN Drag Law

I've got a better idea.

Why don't you leave other people's children alone and "express" all that drag queen simulated sex in front of adults instead of children?

Why are you so obsessed with sex? You think everything is about sex. Sex and dressing in drag do not necessarily go together. Lucille Ball dressed as a man in several episodes and it had nothing to do with sex. Hogan's Heroes dressed as women in several episodes and it had nothing to do with sex. The judge ruled that the law was overly broad and lacked clarification.
And all the pedophiles and groomers rejoice!
Because it is an American RIGHT to do sexually explicit things in front of children! :rolleyes:
Goddamn, this is fucking ridiculous. And then those perverts have the audacity to gaslight you when you call out this disgusting shit.
Free speech was always primarily about political speech.

It is a perversion of the First Amendment to claim immorality is protected speech. The Framers had no such intent nor did the states when they ratified the First Amendment.

John Adams said: Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.

Adams was right. Only a moral and religious people can actually be effectively self-governing, and the kind of government the founders saw worked very well when the majority of the populace was capable of self governing.


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