Juan williams cowering to racist foxnews.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

To racist FOXNEWS and racist and corrupt Florida officials. Protesters are not playing the RACE CARD, they who are of all races, nationalities, religions and political affiliation are play the JUSTICE CARD and for that reason it is similar to the Emmitt Till case. No justice for him and no justice for Trayvon. The case was in the dead files until there were protests for an arrest and trial. Zimmerman played the race card by what he said on the 9-11 calls. Corrupt racist Florida official had already judged the case. Blacks have every right to wear baggy cloths, hoodies and do rags and not be labeled as gangsters, thugs, hoodlums and more than white girls wearing skimpy clothes are asking to be raped. No one should be judged by the clothes they wear or the color of their skin. Zimmerman racially profiled and stereo typed Trayvon as heard on the 9-11 calls and one has to be deaf, dumb and blind not to see it. He made this about race and had a history of being obsessed with Blacks. He cannot be racist because he has Black friends and family members and Hispanic? GMAFB.
Juan Williams sit on FOXNEWS making derogatory comments about Black youths and think his wearing a suit and tie and trimmed hair that white racist do not see him as a Black man.

Dispatcher: OK, and this guy is he White, Black, or Hispanic?
Zimmerman: He looks Black… These a**h**** they always get away… S*** he’s running…
Dispatcher: Are you following him?
Zimmerman: Yeah
Dispatcher: Ok, we don’t need you to do that.
Zimmerman: Ok… F*****g c****s [aka "n*****s" barely audible under his breath]….

The Vigilante Killing of Black Teenager Trayvon Martin -- The iPINIONS Journal

To racist FOXNEWS and racist and corrupt Florida officials. Protesters are not playing the RACE CARD, they who are of all races, nationalities, religions and political affiliation are play the JUSTICE CARD and for that reason it is similar to the Emmitt Till case. No justice for him and no justice for Trayvon. The case was in the dead files until there were protests for an arrest and trial. Zimmerman played the race card by what he said on the 9-11 calls. Corrupt racist Florida official had already judged the case. Blacks have every right to wear baggy cloths, hoodies and do rags and not be labeled as gangsters, thugs, hoodlums and more than white girls wearing skimpy clothes are asking to be raped. No one should be judged by the clothes they wear or the color of their skin. Zimmerman racially profiled and stereo typed Trayvon as heard on the 9-11 calls and one has to be deaf, dumb and blind not to see it. He made this about race and had a history of being obsessed with Blacks. He cannot be racist because he has Black friends and family members and Hispanic? GMAFB.
Juan Williams sit on FOXNEWS making derogatory comments about Black youths and think his wearing a suit and tie and trimmed hair that white racist do not see him as a Black man.

Dispatcher: OK, and this guy is he White, Black, or Hispanic?
Zimmerman: He looks Black… These a**h**** they always get away… S*** he’s running…
Dispatcher: Are you following him?
Zimmerman: Yeah
Dispatcher: Ok, we don’t need you to do that.
Zimmerman: Ok… F*****g c****s [aka "n*****s" barely audible under his breath]….

The Vigilante Killing of Black Teenager Trayvon Martin -- The iPINIONS Journal

how is FoxNews racist? I love libtards. If it dont have a D, it's racists, hates the earth and animals, wants to save kids...wait strike that one, it's positive to non liberals.

To racist FOXNEWS and racist and corrupt Florida officials. Protesters are not playing the RACE CARD, they who are of all races, nationalities, religions and political affiliation are play the JUSTICE CARD and for that reason it is similar to the Emmitt Till case. No justice for him and no justice for Trayvon. The case was in the dead files until there were protests for an arrest and trial. Zimmerman played the race card by what he said on the 9-11 calls. Corrupt racist Florida official had already judged the case. Blacks have every right to wear baggy cloths, hoodies and do rags and not be labeled as gangsters, thugs, hoodlums and more than white girls wearing skimpy clothes are asking to be raped. No one should be judged by the clothes they wear or the color of their skin. Zimmerman racially profiled and stereo typed Trayvon as heard on the 9-11 calls and one has to be deaf, dumb and blind not to see it. He made this about race and had a history of being obsessed with Blacks. He cannot be racist because he has Black friends and family members and Hispanic? GMAFB.
Juan Williams sit on FOXNEWS making derogatory comments about Black youths and think his wearing a suit and tie and trimmed hair that white racist do not see him as a Black man.

Dispatcher: OK, and this guy is he White, Black, or Hispanic?
Zimmerman: He looks Black… These a**h**** they always get away… S*** he’s running…
Dispatcher: Are you following him?
Zimmerman: Yeah
Dispatcher: Ok, we don’t need you to do that.
Zimmerman: Ok… F*****g c****s [aka "n*****s" barely audible under his breath]….

The Vigilante Killing of Black Teenager Trayvon Martin -- The iPINIONS Journal
Juan knows where his bread is buttered you see...
Liberal democrats are unwilling to accept the possibility that Zimmerman acted in self defense so anyone who is open to the possibility is automatically a racist.
Nope we just want him arrested and treated like he deserves to be treated.

As the suspect in a murder case

Dispatcher: OK, and this guy is he White, Black, or Hispanic?
Zimmerman: He looks Black… These a**h**** they always get away… S*** he’s running…
Dispatcher: Are you following him?
Zimmerman: Yeah
Dispatcher: Ok, we don’t need you to do that.
Zimmerman: Ok… F*****g c****s [aka "n*****s" barely audible under his breath]….

I think Zimmerman said its "f-ing cold". But, next time he'll say f-ing n*.
Another blogger cite? One from only a few days after the crime...as the facts were still being discovered? That's what you give us to prove George Zimmerman was a racist murderer?

Why the need to start yet another thread about this topic when there are already dozens? Does the term "spam" mean anything to you?
Another blogger cite? One from only a few days after the crime...as the facts were still being discovered? That's what you give us to prove George Zimmerman was a racist murderer?

Why the need to start yet another thread about this topic when there are already dozens? Does the term "spam" mean anything to you?

There is a very high noise level in the threads, and they get very long. If someone want to be heard by more than a couple of people, they have to start a new thread.

As for this thread, the typical dishonesty of the shit-for-brains racist lynch mob. They edit out the dispatcher asking if the suspect is white, whatever, or black, making it look like race is what caught Zimmerman's attention. And, then they take a vague phrase and assert that it's a racial slur (and, it's a given that if you're deemed white and use a black racial slur, you have no rights).

To racist FOXNEWS and racist and corrupt Florida officials. Protesters are not playing the RACE CARD, they who are of all races, nationalities, religions and political affiliation are play the JUSTICE CARD and for that reason it is similar to the Emmitt Till case. No justice for him and no justice for Trayvon. The case was in the dead files until there were protests for an arrest and trial. Zimmerman played the race card by what he said on the 9-11 calls. Corrupt racist Florida official had already judged the case. Blacks have every right to wear baggy cloths, hoodies and do rags and not be labeled as gangsters, thugs, hoodlums and more than white girls wearing skimpy clothes are asking to be raped. No one should be judged by the clothes they wear or the color of their skin. Zimmerman racially profiled and stereo typed Trayvon as heard on the 9-11 calls and one has to be deaf, dumb and blind not to see it. He made this about race and had a history of being obsessed with Blacks. He cannot be racist because he has Black friends and family members and Hispanic? GMAFB.
Juan Williams sit on FOXNEWS making derogatory comments about Black youths and think his wearing a suit and tie and trimmed hair that white racist do not see him as a Black man.

Dispatcher: OK, and this guy is he White, Black, or Hispanic?
Zimmerman: He looks Black… These a**h**** they always get away… S*** he’s running…
Dispatcher: Are you following him?
Zimmerman: Yeah
Dispatcher: Ok, we don’t need you to do that.
Zimmerman: Ok… F*****g c****s [aka "n*****s" barely audible under his breath]….

The Vigilante Killing of Black Teenager Trayvon Martin -- The iPINIONS Journal

You quoted the 911 call.

How about Juan Williams' words?

A dead teenager with NO marks but a bullet hole in his chest is pretty big evidence
A dead teenager with NO marks but a bullet hole in his chest is pretty big evidence

I'm sure it is.... to a dumb schmuck who prefers 'trial by media' to 'trial by jury'. Sadly, in this country - at the moment - we are stuck with the latter.... where real evidence is required and emotion plays no part in the system.
A dead teenager with NO marks but a bullet hole in his chest is pretty big evidence

And you base your contention that Martin's body had "NO" marks on it but the bullet hole in his chest on what exactly?

The "truth" is that you have an agenda when it comes to what happened in Sanford, Florida and you've pushed that agenda stubbornly despite contradictory evidence that's come forward since the case went national.

Martin wasn't the saint you've made him out to be and Zimmerman isn't the racist monster you'd like him to be. If you REALLY cared about the "truth" you'd let the investigation play out before convicting someone in the press...but this isn't about the truth with you...is it?
A dead teenager with NO marks but a bullet hole in his chest is pretty big evidence

I'm sure it is.... to a dumb schmuck who prefers 'trial by media' to 'trial by jury'. Sadly, in this country - at the moment - we are stuck with the latter.... where real evidence is required and emotion plays no part in the system.

as a pot smoking populist liberal...i have to agree.
this man IS being tried by the media right now
and people like sharpton and the 'koran burning preacher'
are just making things more inflammatory right now.
those kinds of people will milk this for all it is worth.

if and when zimmerman is charged how fucked would it be
if he got off cause he couldnt get a 'fair trial iwth a jury of his
peers? from nbc editing the 911 call to the rwing blog that posted
that 'gangsta shot' of who they thought was trayvon and later retracted
then apologized. look at how spun up that shit got and now it is proven fake.

people are too damn lazy to fact check and source the latest 'proof'
before they apply self-righteous rage and indignation to it. they look
like foolish 'media sheeple' when the outrage of the second gets debunked.

left and right need to pull back on all this shit. it is not helpful
to trayvon martin or his family, nor to zimmermans. without ALL
the facts NO one knows what happened that night.

sites like msnbc/'fox are NOT credible news sources either, they are opinion.
get a second opinion with the 'facts' and DO read the other side. just because
they disagree with you doesnt mean they are wrong.

people need to start attacking the issue and not each other.
it isnt helpful and it isnt changing anyone's mind.

just sayin...
A dead teenager with NO marks but a bullet hole in his chest is pretty big evidence

I'm sure it is.... to a dumb schmuck who prefers 'trial by media' to 'trial by jury'. Sadly, in this country - at the moment - we are stuck with the latter.... where real evidence is required and emotion plays no part in the system.

as a pot smoking populist liberal...i have to agree.
this man IS being tried by the media right now
and people like sharpton and the 'koran burning preacher'
are just making things more inflammatory right now.
those kinds of people will milk this for all it is worth.

if and when zimmerman is charged how fucked would it be
if he got off cause he couldnt get a 'fair trial iwth a jury of his
peers? from nbc editing the 911 call to the rwing blog that posted
that 'gangsta shot' of who they thought was trayvon and later retracted
then apologized. look at how spun up that shit got and now it is proven fake.

people are too damn lazy to fact check and source the latest 'proof'
before they apply self-righteous rage and indignation to it. they look
like foolish 'media sheeple' when the outrage of the second gets debunked.

left and right need to pull back on all this shit. it is not helpful
to trayvon martin or his family, nor to zimmermans. without ALL
the facts NO one knows what happened that night.

sites like msnbc/'fox are NOT credible news sources either, they are opinion.
get a second opinion with the 'facts' and DO read the other side. just because
they disagree with you doesnt mean they are wrong.

people need to start attacking the issue and not each other.
it isnt helpful and it isnt changing anyone's mind.

just sayin...

Ask the parents of trayvon if they think Sharpton is helping them get justice for their child.

You see the middle may be comfy but the facts are not alwayys in the middle.

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