Journalistic liars cost 8,000 households $250 million in Ferguson


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Journalistic liars cost 8,000 households $250 million in Ferguson

I am sure Jonathan Capehart of the Washington Post felt warm and fuzzy when he posted, " ‘Hands up, don’t shoot’ was built on a lie."

Admitting his mistake is a start.

When will he pony up some money to help the 8,192 households in Ferguson, Missouri, recover the approximately $250 million in lost property values caused by his sloppy journalism and to be blunt, racism?

Jonathan Capehart is not alone in repeating this outrageous lie, of course, but before he pats himself on the back for finally admitting the truth, four months after the truth came out, how about some cash. This is a tort. Jonathan Capehart, Comcast (through MSNBC) and dozens of other news organizations made stacks of money by repeating a lie for months.

They should pay.

From Fusion:
The average selling price of a home in the city has been on a steady decline since the shooting of Brown last August, according to housing data compiled from MARIS, an information and statistics service for real estate agents. Prior to Brown’s death, the average home sold in 2014 was selling for $66,764. For the last three and a half months of the year, the average home sold for $36,168, a 46 percent decrease.The trend has continued on through this year, with the average home selling for only $22,951 so far in 2015. Another negative indicator: in the eight and a half months leading up to Brown’s death, the average residential square foot in 2014 was selling for $45.82. In the eight and a half months since Brown’s passing, the average residential square foot in the city has sold for $24.11. That’s about a 47 percent downtick in one of real estate’s core indicators.“This is not normal for the region,” says Crista Patton, a local REMAX real estate agent who helped get these numbers for Fusion. “Last time I pulled up numbers like this for a neighborhood around here, we were seeing the market going up,” she says. “In St. Louis in general, the market is going up, and as a whole it’s almost completely recovered from the recession.”That is a loss of $30,000 per home for the 8,192 households of Ferguson -- or one quarter-billion dollars -- $250 million.

The Fusion story goes on to tell about the damage to businesses, who also have lost about half their vaue and I would imagine half their customers and half their revenues.

People like Jonathan Capehart did this because the news media is run by a bunch of college-educated liberals who take the word of black people over white people. Every time.

It is racist.

Black people now this and a few black people take advantage of it. Hence the lie that Michael Brown had his hands up when Officer Darren Wilson killed him. The only person who said that was Dorian Johnson, Brown's accomplice in walking out of a convenience store without paying for some cigars -- after pushing and threatening the store owner.

Don Surber Journalistic liars cost 8 000 households 250 million in Ferguson


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