Jordan Peterson "Big Five Aspects" personality test


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
Interesting test ---- >
It is a new test.
Anyway - good for me, I scored an 88/100 for intellect... but uh... yeah... 2/100 on agreeableness.
Bonzi laughed at that one.
Also scored 88/100 for assertiveness but also only 7/100 for compassion for strangers.
I scored 63 in Open to experience
4 in Extroversion
70 in Agreeable
85 in Intellect

That's all I'm sharing :)

I'm not sure I'm agreeable as to some of the other results.. :dunno:
I scored 63 in Open to experience
4 in Extroversion
70 in Agreeable
85 in Intellect

That's all I'm sharing :)

I'm not sure I'm agreeable as to some of the other results.. :dunno:
Reading a bit, scoring low on some traits on this "abridged" version of the much more extensive original test, doesn't mean a negative necessarily.
So for instance my damning low score on compassion for strangers. But that isn't a bad thing for those close to me. As I have a very protective nature for those I care about... and that is what primarily drives my compassion. But away from my control areas, I don't really care
Reading a bit, scoring low on some traits on this "abridged" version of the much more extensive original test, doesn't mean a negative necessarily.
So for instance my damning low score on compassion for strangers. But that isn't a bad thing for those close to me. As I have a very protective nature for those I care about... and that is what primarily drives my compassion. But away from my control areas, I don't really care
I didn't see any category for compassion.. which is weird bc I remember plenty of Qs having to do with that. Maybe I should go back and try to find that one
Reading a bit, scoring low on some traits on this "abridged" version of the much more extensive original test, doesn't mean a negative necessarily.
So for instance my damning low score on compassion for strangers. But that isn't a bad thing for those close to me. As I have a very protective nature for those I care about... and that is what primarily drives my compassion. But away from my control areas, I don't really care
Well, Jesus wants us to care about everyone. Maybe someone outside your family needs your apape love more than family members? just sayin

As Jesus said "What credit is it when you love those who love you?" something to that effect.. "Even the heathens do the same.."
Fair enough
Love is a verb. We don't have to FEEL any affection toward.. say, the less fortunate. Jesus only requires that we DO something for them. Everyone does not have the wherewithal required to "conquer the world" and get filthy rich. That doesn't mean they are worthless humans. Some of the most humble and nice poeple I've ever met were the downtrodden. That's not to say there aren't some serious exceptions but anyhow.. I walked by a homeless man the other day.. I presume he was homeless because he was sleeping near a public building. Then I remembered that someone had been generous with me a day or so earlier and so, I returned the generosity by giving him what I could afford (God may think I could have afforded more, but.. I have to admit, my faith is often weak...). In any case, I also gave him some spiritual information that hopefully helped him.. informed him about Jesus.. the One who always loves.. even though He often seems very far away when people have to go through such things.
Love is a verb. We don't have to FEEL any affection toward.. say, the less fortunate. Jesus only requires that we DO something for them. Everyone does not have the wherewithal required to "conquer the world" and get filthy rich. That doesn't mean they are worthless humans. Some of the most humble and nice poeple I've ever met were the downtrodden. That's not to say there aren't some serious exceptions but anyhow.. I walked by a homeless man the other day.. I presume he was homeless because he was sleeping near a public building. Then I remembered that someone had been generous with me a day or so earlier and so, I returned the generosity by giving him what I could afford (God may think I could have afforded more, but.. I have to admit, my faith is often weak...). In any case, I also gave him some spiritual information that hopefully helped him.. informed him about Jesus.. the One who always loves.. even though He often seems very far away when people have to go through such things.
Just sayin... he highly-highly likely just took your money and bought alcohol.
My nephew use to work at a liquor store about a half block away from a popular place people panhandle off of a highway exit.
All day, everyday, these people would carry signs about needing help, veteran etc. etc.
Then when they got enough money, they would come into the store and buy beer singles and single shot bottles of vodka/whiskey. Go back out and panhandle, get more money, come back to the liquor store... repeat.
Just sayin... he highly-highly likely just took your money and bought alcohol.
My nephew use to work at a liquor store about a half block away from a popular place people panhandle off of a highway exit.
All day, everyday, these people would carry signs about needing help, veteran etc. etc.
Then when they got enough money, they would come into the store and buy beer singles and single shot bottles of vodka/whiskey. Go back out and panhandle, get more money, come back to the liquor store... repeat.
Again, you are very wrong to categorize ALL homeless as being druggies

Maybe too many do what u say.. one is too many

But ALL of any given group does not do the same thing. That is not possible. Again, I think that the well to do just use this kind of thing for an excuse to be greedy and selfish with all their material possessions. Even if some depressed person who has no hope or feels he has none for a better life has a beer thanks to the well to do folks.. so what? It looks to me like most Americans can afford to give someone a beer now and again. What is $3 to someone who owns 2 or 3 houses and 5 cars?

it is amazing how hated the homeless are... But you know.. God is no respecter of persons as the Word says and some day, we are all going to stand before Him with... guess what?


no material possessions will be there to protect Him from his Justice..
Again, you are very wrong to categorize ALL homeless as being druggies

Maybe too many do what u say.. one is too many

But ALL of any given group does not do the same thing. That is not possible. Again, I think that the well to do just use this kind of thing for an excuse to be greedy and selfish with all their material possessions. Even if some depressed person who has no hope or feels he has none for a better life has a beer thanks to the well to do folks.. so what? It looks to me like most Americans can afford to give someone a beer now and again. What is $3 to someone who owns 2 or 3 houses and 5 cars?

it is amazing how hated the homeless are... But you know.. God is no respecter of persons as the Word says and some day, we are all going to stand before Him with... guess what?


no material possessions will be there to protect Him from his Justice..
Quit being dramatic and ridiculous.
Your virtue signaling will get you nowhere with me.
Quit being dramatic and ridiculous.
Your virtue signaling will get you nowhere with me.
oh please... sounds like a cop out

just a way of not responding to the most important part of the post. But oh well... People are known for believing what they want to believe

I'd say that's why most people end up in Hell
ha ha... the irony... judging me by saying I am judging...

And who is the liberal?

ha ha... too funny
I made no judgement.
I stated an observation. You immediately, three times now, apply moral judgement on me for having said something that isn't what you want to believe. That is judging.
I calling you out on that, is not.
you're a liar

You judged me by saying I was judgmental

But I don't give a rat's ass what dishonest people like u think

because you are dishonest, even w/ yourself... don't like liars

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