Joke of the day: Obamanation takes credit for oil boom

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Obama on Tuesday: "Suddenly America is the largest oil producer, that was me, people ... say thank you."

Gasoline prices per gallon on the day he said we could not drill our way to lower prices: $3.91.

On Tuesday: $2.73.

Thank him?

He tried to kill fracking. Last December, The Hill reported, "The Trump administration will take its final step to repeal the Obama administration’s 2015 rule setting standards for hydraulic fracturing on federal land."


The man is slowly disintegrating before our eyes. The loss of his socialist policies are driving him to distraction.

His plan to weaponize environmental rules to cripple industry is MIA.

His Iran Can Have Nukes accord is gone.

His TPP is torpedoed.

His Paris Accord is dead.

His bailed out GM is stopping almost all its North American car production.

Red China's economy is sinking.

Even Black Lives Matter is irrelevant these days. If I had a failure, it would look like Obama.

History will note him as the first black president. That's it.

I never hated Obama. Never needed to. I realized he would be gone sooner or later

But he just is the worst of my presidents.
Obama is an official lying sack of shit and apparently too stupid to realize there is plenty of documentation to demonstrate how he was critical to stifling supply and undermining the economy.
My household lost $80k during his reign so we’re already aware of how he fucked us.
But for those who need a refresher...
Gas Prices Are Up Because of Obama’s Offshore Ban
Obama on Tuesday: "Suddenly America is the largest oil producer, that was me, people ... say thank you."

Gasoline prices per gallon on the day he said we could not drill our way to lower prices: $3.91.

On Tuesday: $2.73.

Thank him?

He tried to kill fracking. Last December, The Hill reported, "The Trump administration will take its final step to repeal the Obama administration’s 2015 rule setting standards for hydraulic fracturing on federal land."


The man is slowly disintegrating before our eyes. The loss of his socialist policies are driving him to distraction.

His plan to weaponize environmental rules to cripple industry is MIA.

His Iran Can Have Nukes accord is gone.

His TPP is torpedoed.

His Paris Accord is dead.

His bailed out GM is stopping almost all its North American car production.

Red China's economy is sinking.

Even Black Lives Matter is irrelevant these days. If I had a failure, it would look like Obama.

History will note him as the first black president. That's it.

I never hated Obama. Never needed to. I realized he would be gone sooner or later

But he just is the worst of my presidents.
------------------------------------------------------- yeah , just saw some clips of the 'azzwipe' on tv . You say the word 'DISINTEGRATING' , i say , YEAH , looks like it eh !! [chuckle]
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and i remember the speech where the TRUMP told him to his face that he was going to get him and all his legacy . Told him to his face , think it was the Inauguration Speech .
Obama on Tuesday: "Suddenly America is the largest oil producer, that was me, people ... say thank you."

Gasoline prices per gallon on the day he said we could not drill our way to lower prices: $3.91.

On Tuesday: $2.73.

Thank him?

He tried to kill fracking. Last December, The Hill reported, "The Trump administration will take its final step to repeal the Obama administration’s 2015 rule setting standards for hydraulic fracturing on federal land."


The man is slowly disintegrating before our eyes. The loss of his socialist policies are driving him to distraction.

His plan to weaponize environmental rules to cripple industry is MIA.

His Iran Can Have Nukes accord is gone.

His TPP is torpedoed.

His Paris Accord is dead.

His bailed out GM is stopping almost all its North American car production.

Red China's economy is sinking.

Even Black Lives Matter is irrelevant these days. If I had a failure, it would look like Obama.

History will note him as the first black president. That's it.

I never hated Obama. Never needed to. I realized he would be gone sooner or later

But he just is the worst of my presidents.
And yet he still lives rent free in your head.
Obama on Tuesday: "Suddenly America is the largest oil producer, that was me, people ... say thank you."

Gasoline prices per gallon on the day he said we could not drill our way to lower prices: $3.91.

On Tuesday: $2.73.

Thank him?

He tried to kill fracking. Last December, The Hill reported, "The Trump administration will take its final step to repeal the Obama administration’s 2015 rule setting standards for hydraulic fracturing on federal land."


The man is slowly disintegrating before our eyes. The loss of his socialist policies are driving him to distraction.

His plan to weaponize environmental rules to cripple industry is MIA.

His Iran Can Have Nukes accord is gone.

His TPP is torpedoed.

His Paris Accord is dead.

His bailed out GM is stopping almost all its North American car production.

Red China's economy is sinking.

Even Black Lives Matter is irrelevant these days. If I had a failure, it would look like Obama.

History will note him as the first black president. That's it.

I never hated Obama. Never needed to. I realized he would be gone sooner or later

But he just is the worst of my presidents.
And yet he still lives rent free in your head.
But nowhere as bad as you, child!
Obama is reaching at best to try to take full credit for increased oil production in the same way Trump reached when he took credit for black unemployment, even though under Obama it decreased by 6 points lower than Trump.....but even "conservative media outlets" admit the following:

"Obama does deserve credit for agreeing to lift the decades-old ban on crude oil exports, and it’s true that he could have regulated the industry more heavily than he did. He’s an ideologue but not so much of one that he was willing to handcuff oil production upon taking power in 2009, at the height of the most ferocious economic downturn in 75 years. That’s true of a lot of Obama policies in hindsight, in fact: As much as he wanted to move the country left, he wasn’t as radical about it as the new crop of progressive-approved presidential contenders"

Obama on U.S. oil production: You're welcome, America

In other words, Obama was never some radical leftist socialist Kenyan dictator terrorist -- he was a centrist corporate democrat like the last democrat president was.
Obama on Tuesday: "Suddenly America is the largest oil producer, that was me, people ... say thank you."

Gasoline prices per gallon on the day he said we could not drill our way to lower prices: $3.91.

On Tuesday: $2.73.

Thank him?

He tried to kill fracking. Last December, The Hill reported, "The Trump administration will take its final step to repeal the Obama administration’s 2015 rule setting standards for hydraulic fracturing on federal land."


The man is slowly disintegrating before our eyes. The loss of his socialist policies are driving him to distraction.

His plan to weaponize environmental rules to cripple industry is MIA.

His Iran Can Have Nukes accord is gone.

His TPP is torpedoed.

His Paris Accord is dead.

His bailed out GM is stopping almost all its North American car production.

Red China's economy is sinking.

Even Black Lives Matter is irrelevant these days. If I had a failure, it would look like Obama.

History will note him as the first black president. That's it.

I never hated Obama. Never needed to. I realized he would be gone sooner or later

But he just is the worst of my presidents.
And yet he still lives rent free in your head.
But nowhere as bad as you, child!
This is what's known as "projection". I suggest you look it up.
Since the Obomanation is taking credit for our increased oil, shouldn't you ABNORMALS be going after him for making Global Warming worse....after all, OIL is the main cause of climate change, and here you have him TELLING YOU it was all him who did that!
I saw Obama on TV at some speaking engagement bragging about how he nor any of his administration was indicted. Well duh when you own the DOJ and the Attorney General is your bitch, you're probably not going to be indicted.
Obama on Tuesday: "Suddenly America is the largest oil producer, that was me, people ... say thank you."

Gasoline prices per gallon on the day he said we could not drill our way to lower prices: $3.91.

On Tuesday: $2.73.

Thank him?

He tried to kill fracking. Last December, The Hill reported, "The Trump administration will take its final step to repeal the Obama administration’s 2015 rule setting standards for hydraulic fracturing on federal land."


The man is slowly disintegrating before our eyes. The loss of his socialist policies are driving him to distraction.

His plan to weaponize environmental rules to cripple industry is MIA.

His Iran Can Have Nukes accord is gone.

His TPP is torpedoed.

His Paris Accord is dead.

His bailed out GM is stopping almost all its North American car production.

Red China's economy is sinking.

Even Black Lives Matter is irrelevant these days. If I had a failure, it would look like Obama.

History will note him as the first black president. That's it.

I never hated Obama. Never needed to. I realized he would be gone sooner or later

But he just is the worst of my presidents.

Do you want to talk about oil or a general hatred of Obama?

Not that you'd be silly enough to soil your post by showing a really slanted POV.

But yeah, we started pumping a lot of oil under Obama. No one who says the current continuation of the economic recovery under Trump is Trump's fault can possibly say that pumping that oil isn't Obama's fault.

I'll say this, he pushed for some modern controls and thanks to market circumstances we sure did end up pumping a lot of oil. Did Obama go work the wells? lol, no.
I saw Obama on TV at some speaking engagement bragging about how he nor any of his administration was indicted. Well duh when you own the DOJ and the Attorney General is your bitch, you're probably not going to be indicted.
------------------------------------------------- Yeah , i saw that , thought it was funny . Fast and Furious gun running , 'eric holder ' , IRS and that chick that can't think of her name , 'loretta lynch' and 'bill clinton' and private airplane conversations and a bunch more . mrobama is funny .

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