Johnson has no way out for a ukraine floor vote


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

Johnson is boxing himself in. He is either gonna have to allow a floor vote or face the same fate as McCarthy. Moderates in the GOP have had enough
despite the “brainwashing” of some within his caucus who oppose foreign spending because of the crisis at the southern border.

I oppose it because it's not paid for and it's a total and complete waste of money. I can't imagine I'm the only one.

Hopefully Johnson doesn't give in.

Johnson is boxing himself in. He is either gonna have to allow a floor vote or face the same fate as McCarthy. Moderates in the GOP have had enough
McCarthy Republicans would do good to pack up and get out. MAGA.
The lack of action on your southern border, a border that should be shut down and Remain in Mexico reinstalled; looks horrible to the world. I am hearing people from India mock the U.S border. India, a country with over 1 billion people!

That should be a wake up call to anyone who cares about America.

Johnson is boxing himself in. He is either gonna have to allow a floor vote or face the same fate as McCarthy. Moderates in the GOP have had enough
Those feared and powerful moderates!
The lack of action on your southern border, a border that should be shut down and Remain in Mexico reinstalled; looks horrible to the world. I am hearing people from India mock the U.S border. India, a country with over 1 billion people!

That should be a wake up call to anyone who cares about America.

Leftoids don't care, they see the invasion as a good thing. When have you seen any of the leftoids that hang around here post anything against this horde of Biden's illegals?

And the EU? Lunatics.


Johnson is boxing himself in. He is either gonna have to allow a floor vote or face the same fate as McCarthy. Moderates in the GOP have had enough

Just say No!

Johnson is boxing himself in. He is either gonna have to allow a floor vote or face the same fate as McCarthy. Moderates in the GOP have had enough

Deport everyone voting for this Bill
despite the “brainwashing” of some within his caucus who oppose foreign spending because of the crisis at the southern border.

I oppose it because it's not paid for and it's a total and complete waste of money. I can't imagine I'm the only one.

Hopefully Johnson doesn't give in.
what do you think of the 20k plus chinese nationals mostly young military aged running in

does that concern you?
The GOP House is a Three Stooges rerun. Their ignorance has assured a Dem win in November.
what do you think of our southern border being loaded with south american prisoner gangs who make ms13 look like tuxedos
Leftoids don't care, they see the invasion as a good thing. When have you seen any of the leftoids that hang around here post anything against this horde of Biden's illegals?

And the EU? Lunatics.

next year we need to identify every illegal and try to find out who they are, and ship them back to the mexican border to wait their turn

every illegal i see has horrific teeth which we will fix...also means their health is poor....never vaxed

Johnson is boxing himself in. He is either gonna have to allow a floor vote or face the same fate as McCarthy. Moderates in the GOP have had enough
No vote or vote no
despite the “brainwashing” of some within his caucus who oppose foreign spending because of the crisis at the southern border.

I oppose it because it's not paid for and it's a total and complete waste of money. I can't imagine I'm the only one.

Why is it a waste of money?
But maybe the American people don't want to bail out their pension system. Once our border is secured, we will be able to send them weapons, not cash. MAGA

But that's (mostly) what we're doing? Ukraine "aide" is manufacturing weapons here in the United States, with American workers, which employs American workers. We then send what they make overseas to Ukraine so that they can stop a Russian criminal and murderer from expanding Russian influence in Europe and pushing American influence out.

You think it's a money drop? God fucking damn, MAGAs are some stupid fucking mother fuckers.
next year we need to identify every illegal and try to find out who they are, and ship them back to the mexican border to wait their turn

every illegal i see has horrific teeth which we will fix...also means their health is poor....never vaxed

Even if we wanted to, countries have to take them back. Should we just dump them in the Pacific Ocean?
But that's (mostly) what we're doing? Ukraine "aide" is manufacturing weapons here in the United States, with American workers, which employs American workers. We then send what they make overseas to Ukraine so that they can stop a Russian criminal and murderer from expanding Russian influence in Europe and pushing American influence out.

You think it's a money drop? God fucking damn, MAGAs are some stupid fucking mother fuckers.
Yeah, it is a money drop. We're payrolling retired Ukrainian officials pensions. That's a cash drop. And worse still... We don't have money , the US is broke. We are taking on more debt to make this happen. Anyone who thinks going into debt, for a country universally known to be the most corrupt in Europe is a stupid mother fucker...
Because there is no financial benefit to the average American.

You mean, there's no financial benefit to every American.

There's a lot of shit that other Americans do here and abroad that don't benefit me directly, but that doesn't mean it doesn't benefit Americans. We're creating manufacturing jobs. If supporting Ukraine were such a drag, why is our economy among the fastest growing in the world?

Sure, we have a debt problem, but that's not because of Ukraine, that's because both parties are not serious about a lot of other long-term financial shit.

Ukraine is worth it. Not because Ukraine, per se, is some bastion of liberal democracy (it's not), but because Putin is using Ukraine to test American resolve elsewhere.

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