John Kerry: War Hero

Was watching a program where they were showing Kerry testifying before a Senate committee in the '70's where he called American troops war criminals and baby killers. The truth about Kerry was he was a gutless coward. The policy at the time he was in Viet Nam was that if you were awarded 3 Purple Hearts you got sent home. Kerry served a total of 120 days in country on a gunboat. He was awarded 3 Purple Hearts but did not spend 1 day in a field hospital. How is that possible? He was sent home, joined a group of veterans against the war, led protests and threw his medals over the fence at the Whitehouse. That made him enough of a hero to the commies in the Peoples Republic of Massachusetts to get him elected to the senate. Now the SOB is the Secretary of State. Great job America!

You mean THIS guy, John Kerry Heinz?!??!?!? :eek:

Thanks for reminding us that he teamed up with Hanoi Jane...who should have gone to prison.

I'm gonna have to call bullshit on the first picture, which really looks photoshopped. However, your other points about his testimony and all remain true, and I can see how some veterans may be offended by his positions. Though I doubt he actually "hates" veterans. In fact, throughout the core of his congressional testimony he is advocating for better health benefits for returning GI's. Doesn't sound like the kind of thing a traitor would say, and definitely not something he would say if he would give veterans the finger.
Dan Rather's memos were fakes. You do know this, right?

Let me guess -- you've been shown the proof countless times, but still believe they're real. :lol:
This has nothing to do with Rather.

Bush's National Guard record still shows an 18 month gap between entries and he's never produced any documents showing his whereabouts during that period in Alabama.

Anyone who has served in the military knows what the odds are of going 18 months without a single entry in your file.

He's a fuckin' AWOL and you know it!
Dan Rather's memos were fakes. You do know this, right?

Let me guess -- you've been shown the proof countless times, but still believe they're real. :lol:
This has nothing to do with Rather.

Bush's National Guard record still shows an 18 month gap between entries and he's never produced any documents showing his whereabouts during that period in Alabama.

Anyone who has served in the military knows what the odds are of going 18 months without a single entry in your file.

He's a fuckin' AWOL and you know it!

Progressive melt down, Aisle 3.


The left's constant lies about Bush's service failed. He was re-elected.

Suck it up, Buttercup.
There is no way I have the right to judge? So now you're denying my 1st amendment right? I thought this was a major reason Americans fought and died for so we could have the right to opine whether or not we were experienced in the subject we speak of. Sad that people wish to deny others of a basic God given right.

Just like Chickenhawk hypocrites, Netties won't support something when it applies to themselves or the plastic idols they worship. As long as we have the Ignore function, there is no need for moderators. But all the talk about freedom of speech is muffled when it comes to the self-enslaving Internet. I dare you to send your post, exactly as written, to the Mod Squad of Netiquette Nannies.

WTF are you talking about? Lay off the sauce and seek help...soon.

You are an American in name only. Your natural right to free speech is being violated all over this dependent fraud of an Internet and you act like some silenced slave in North Korea, who is probably able to yap about how bad South Korea is or say anything else that doesn't get him in trouble. Welcome to the land of the self-enslaved.
The insult is that by alleging Kerry was able to obtain these awards without earning them, is the insult you hoist on every man who was awarded the same honor. You and your kind don't care about how your bullcrap effects the status of other PH awarded vet's. You question the honor of vet's as you try to rewrite the criteria for being awarded a PH with the notion that you have the right to do so. You place the stigma on those vet's that perhaps they didn't earn their PH. You ignore the fact that Kerry was also awarded the Silver Star, and so you challange every man that has earned that honor. What you are saying is that just because a vet was awarded a Medal does not mean he actually earned it. You insult all vet's that have earned awards from all wars. So, you tell us, where does that put you on the scale of honor and decency?

I disagree. If you are a VIP, or are willing to bargain, or part of the system medals are not that hard to get. Which explains why there are so many highly decorated company clerks. That truth doesn't besmirch those that do not game the system; only those who do and those that aid them for whatever reason. Kerry's biggest critics are those who served with him and actually earned whatever honors they received. You have a right to question their honor but not Kerry's? Does not compute.

I disagree with you on the "those who served with him". While it is true that the Swift Boat community challanged his awards, his actual crew members and the Green Beret that was rescued by Kerry and the crew have stood behind him. So it depends on what you consider "those that served with him". Not sure if your comment "You have the right to question their honor but not Kerry's?" is in reference to something I said, but if it does it is a misinterpretation. I do not question anyones awards or honor in how they earned them. I question the honor and decency of people who have never served who judge specific individuals that have served with heresy and rumor and data that can not be confirmed one way or the other. Until the Swift Boat campaign to discredit Kerry, I can not recall this kind of challange having ever occured. It opened up a can of worms that did not need to be opened, all for the use of his political opponents in a political campaign. It's not as though there wasn't plenty of stuff to attack him on. IMO the Swift Boat guys were used for politics without concern for how it would effect them and Vietnam Vet's in the long run. It is still being used. In my mind these challages should be off limits. Ofcourse that will not stop people from doing it because it is only my opinion. I just hope this is the last man who is challanged in such a way and men and women in the future do not have to defend themselves and how they earned awards if they decide to enter politics.

Vietnam Vets hate his fucking guts.
Trust me on this, imbecile.
Dan Rather's memos were fakes. You do know this, right?

Let me guess -- you've been shown the proof countless times, but still believe they're real. :lol:
This has nothing to do with Rather.

Bush's National Guard record still shows an 18 month gap between entries and he's never produced any documents showing his whereabouts during that period in Alabama.

Anyone who has served in the military knows what the odds are of going 18 months without a single entry in your file.

He's a fuckin' AWOL and you know it!

Bush produced an honorable discharge.
Can you do the same?

Of course you can't

You're a fucking Chickenshit Chickenhawk.

Hitler, Mussolini, and Franco were all decorated and wounded war veterans. No opponent of those fascists questions their bravery before they came to power. We have really sunk that low to treat Kerry worse than wiser and more mature people treated mass murderers. At the same time, those who clearly avoided the draft get elected to public office.

After Joe Kennedy, Jr., got killed in combat, JFK's father told him he'd have to end his rich kid's duty as a DC-based naval officer and put his life on the line because now he had to run for office. At the time, the American people wouldn't elect a rich kid whose Daddy got him out of having to fight to any office at all.

That should be the law. But we are not that kind of country any more. In World War II, Japan and Germany lost their worst people, while England and the US lost their best.
Bush's National Guard record still shows an 18 month gap between entries and he's never produced any documents showing his whereabouts during that period in Alabama.

Anyone who has served in the military knows what the odds are of going 18 months without a single entry in your file.

He's a fuckin' AWOL and you know it!

Bush produced an honorable discharge.

You're a fucking Chickenshit Chickenhawk.

Who owns the military that passes out such pieces of paper to plutocratic POSs? There is nothing honorable about how they let the MI Complex's gutless puke sons legally desert the country in a time of war.

Bush was as much of a fighter pilot as Dukakis was a tank commander. That spoiled slimeball spent his phony duty in hungover joyrides playing Snoopy and the Red Baron.
I don't care if you got a Medal of Honor; if you don't hate sissyboy Bush's guts, you have no honor.

I fought in Vietnam. I came out with my pride intact. I wasn't a crippled burnout with all the fight taken out of him. Those are the castrated hollow men who say, "Bush didn't protest. He didn't call us names. So having his Daddy get him out of fighting is all right with me."
I fought in Vietnam. I came out with my pride intact. I wasn't a crippled burnout with all the fight taken out of him. Those are the castrated hollow men who say, "Bush didn't protest. He didn't call us names. So having his Daddy get him out of fighting is all right with me."

You're also a lying sack of shit.

I disagree. If you are a VIP, or are willing to bargain, or part of the system medals are not that hard to get. Which explains why there are so many highly decorated company clerks. That truth doesn't besmirch those that do not game the system; only those who do and those that aid them for whatever reason. Kerry's biggest critics are those who served with him and actually earned whatever honors they received. You have a right to question their honor but not Kerry's? Does not compute.

I disagree with you on the "those who served with him". While it is true that the Swift Boat community challanged his awards, his actual crew members and the Green Beret that was rescued by Kerry and the crew have stood behind him. So it depends on what you consider "those that served with him". Not sure if your comment "You have the right to question their honor but not Kerry's?" is in reference to something I said, but if it does it is a misinterpretation. I do not question anyones awards or honor in how they earned them. I question the honor and decency of people who have never served who judge specific individuals that have served with heresy and rumor and data that can not be confirmed one way or the other. Until the Swift Boat campaign to discredit Kerry, I can not recall this kind of challange having ever occured. It opened up a can of worms that did not need to be opened, all for the use of his political opponents in a political campaign. It's not as though there wasn't plenty of stuff to attack him on. IMO the Swift Boat guys were used for politics without concern for how it would effect them and Vietnam Vet's in the long run. It is still being used. In my mind these challages should be off limits. Ofcourse that will not stop people from doing it because it is only my opinion. I just hope this is the last man who is challanged in such a way and men and women in the future do not have to defend themselves and how they earned awards if they decide to enter politics.

Vietnam Vets hate his fucking guts.
Trust me on this, imbecile.

You are the imbecile asshole. I don't need to trust you that Vietnam Vet's hate his guts. I did more to expose his anti-war activities in the 80's and 90's than you could ever dream about, including helping to fund and publish a Veteran's newspaper with of publication of over 300,000 issue's. You can find some of it on the internet. Look for U.S. Veterans Dispatch and U.S. Veterans New & Report. Your reading comprehension indicates you are in fact as stupid as you look in your avatar. My comments have been about attacking a man for the awards he was given while in the service of his country. Jerks like you who are unable to articulate your hatetred of Kerry for his political views and actions when he came home have to revert to challanging his awards at the exspense of other veterans.
Bush produced an honorable discharge.
Who gives a fuck!

What he didn't produce, was any documents showing his whereabouts for 18 months in Alabama. Until he does, he's a fuckin' AWOL!

At least Kerry was man enough to go to Vietnam. He didn't puss out, like Bushy-boy did.

Can you do the same?
What? Say things I don't mean? Show people my word don't mean shit? No, I wouldn't want to do shit like that.

Of course you can't

You're a fucking Chickenshit Chickenhawk.

And you admire cowards!
I disagree with you on the "those who served with him". While it is true that the Swift Boat community challanged his awards, his actual crew members and the Green Beret that was rescued by Kerry and the crew have stood behind him. So it depends on what you consider "those that served with him". Not sure if your comment "You have the right to question their honor but not Kerry's?" is in reference to something I said, but if it does it is a misinterpretation. I do not question anyones awards or honor in how they earned them. I question the honor and decency of people who have never served who judge specific individuals that have served with heresy and rumor and data that can not be confirmed one way or the other. Until the Swift Boat campaign to discredit Kerry, I can not recall this kind of challange having ever occured. It opened up a can of worms that did not need to be opened, all for the use of his political opponents in a political campaign. It's not as though there wasn't plenty of stuff to attack him on. IMO the Swift Boat guys were used for politics without concern for how it would effect them and Vietnam Vet's in the long run. It is still being used. In my mind these challages should be off limits. Ofcourse that will not stop people from doing it because it is only my opinion. I just hope this is the last man who is challanged in such a way and men and women in the future do not have to defend themselves and how they earned awards if they decide to enter politics.

Vietnam Vets hate his fucking guts.
Trust me on this, imbecile.

You are the imbecile asshole. I don't need to trust you that Vietnam Vet's hate his guts. I did more to expose his anti-war activities in the 80's and 90's than you could ever dream about, including helping to fund and publish a Veteran's newspaper with of publication of over 300,000 issue's. You can find some of it on the internet. Look for U.S. Veterans Dispatch and U.S. Veterans New & Report. Your reading comprehension indicates you are in fact as stupid as you look in your avatar. My comments have been about attacking a man for the awards he was given while in the service of his country. Jerks like you who are unable to articulate your hatetred of Kerry for his political views and actions when he came home have to revert to challanging his awards at the exspense of other veterans.

Sure you did
Chill out poser
Before you blow a gasket
Progressive melt down, Aisle 3.


The left's constant lies about Bush's service failed. He was re-elected.

Suck it up, Buttercup.
His re-election didn't prove he wasn't an AWOL.

But if you think it does, then you're the one who needs "Aisle 3".
"Bush!! BOOOOOSH!!!"

Oh, shut up, kid.
I could care less about Kerry's medals.
I could care less about the political implications.
Soldiers hate Kerry because of his vicious campaign of lies waged against us. That was true then and remains true now.
It's not about politics or awards and never has been.
I could care less about Kerry's medals.
I could care less about the political implications.
Soldiers hate Kerry because of his vicious campaign of lies waged against us. That was true then and remains true now.
It's not about politics or awards and never has been.

I understand the frustration of the soldiers who were cited in specific cases by Kerry. However, I do not necessarily think the average soldier should feel personally insulted by Kerry's testimony. Obviously, however they want to feel is up to them, that's just my opinion. Indeed, it's possible the cases he cited weren't true or were thrown out due to lack of evidence, and that those soldiers named were wrongly defamed. Yet throughout most of Kerry's core statement to the Congress, he is advocating for more health benefits for G.I.s, and more attention given to their injuries and sacrifice. That doesn't sound like the words of a man that has some inherent hatred towards soldiers.

You're right, his awards don't matter. Whether you disagree with his testimony and stories of war crimes is one thing, but I can pretty much guarantee you Kerry holds nothing personal against the average soldier. I think what's sad about this whole situation is that it's people like Kerry, who misspeak or rush to conclusions or are overly emotional, who really distract from the important issues. In other words, we all are here debating this particular man and not so much the larger picture of G.I. health benefits and overall treatment when coming back home. Kerry is a spokesperson, and in my mind almost entirely irrelevant.

All that being said, I for one do not think Kerry was attempting to make a blanket statement that all soldiers were war criminals, no matter how his testimony was received. I also think very few people would consider the average Vietnam War veteran some crazed rapist psycho.

I, too, will personally apologize if I have offended any veterans who think I have wrongly disparaged or insulted their honor and sacrifice. I could personally care less about John Kerry, but I think his goal in his campaign against the war was not to insult 100% of Vietnam veterans, but rather to bring attention to a number of very real problems that were going on at the time. Once again, I emphasize his attention to the lack health benefits at the time, or the overall feelings that society had towards veterans.

I guess I just don't want people to pretend like there weren't crimes committed in the Vietnam War, or any other war for that matter. I suppose it's a fine line between fighting the enemy and committing a war crime. Burning a village down, for instance, can be portrayed in a number of different ways. I think we need to find a way to reconcile the two view points; the one that honors and thanks our veterans for their service (almost all of which indeed committed no crimes), and the one that honors history and the crimes committed as well. We can all find a way to co-exist.
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"All that being said, I for one do not think Kerry was attempting to make a blanket statement that all soldiers were war criminals, no matter how his testimony was received. I also think very few people would consider the average Vietnam War veteran some crazed rapist psycho."

He didn't "attempt" anything. He did in fact make blanket statements that were in fact pre-planed, deliberate and malicious slander intended to discredit and vilify the average soldier in Vietnam. And, no, he didn't just "misspeak" in his testimony (under oath). He had been spouting the same bullshit long before and after his testimony. The wintersoldier "investigation" was a deliberate fraud that he participated in. He preached his slander as gospel to uncounted thousands of drugged out hippies who believed every word and responded by cursing us in the streets, spitting, and throwing dog shit at us along with occasional violence.
War crimes? Why have I never heard Kerry speak of this one?

Massacre at Hue - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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