John Fetterman could potentially be a future presidential nominee!

You don't know me me from Adam.
What, are you getting all miffed because I insulted your big fat thug-ass brain-damaged Neanderthal marshmallow man?
Do you believe in the stolen election? If so, you are already technically insane along with all your other total baloney conspiracy nut job views... And you're election poison so keep up the good work!
Me and every respected journalism outlet in the world and every person not brainwashed by your ridiculous conspiracy garbage and total hate propaganda. All the doctors involved say his cognitive powers are perfect and he has some problems understanding which will end soon and are pretty damn close to it right, now as opposed to your insanity... Keep up the good work you and the orange clown are now election poison keep it up
Me and every respected journalism outlet in the world and every person not brainwashed by your ridiculous conspiracy garbage and total hate propaganda. All the doctors involved say his cognitive powers are perfect and he has some problems understanding which will end soon and are pretty damn close to it right, now as opposed to your insanity... Keep up the good work you and the orange clown are now election poison keep it up

John Fetterman could potentially be a future presidential nominee, lets face it, he Couldn't Be Worse Than What We Have Right Now!​


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