Joe's gone off to fire lake.....


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
Sorry Bob Seger....but the line is just too good not to use. When Donald Trump was President he virtually filled every day with News Buzz and pretty much dominated every news cycle. In fact he still gets more coverage that the current Commander in Thief.... but I digress. Where the Hell is Joe Biden? Hell Even Jimmy carter wasn't this autistic.

This POTUS ( Present Occupant Thiefed US!) is pretty much seen and not heard and he's not heard very much either.

But a Tribute to one of the greatest Pop singles ever!

Tornadoes, no vaccine, 350,000,000 Americans vaccinated, Make China Great Again, Afghanistan....we'd be better off if he just stayed in his basement and only came out on every Feb 29th
The difference in media scrutiny between former president Trump and current president Biden is stunning. Democrats would rather talk about Trump and whine about partisanship than face the fact that the president is deteriorating.
To this day Trump occupies more media than Biden does it simply phenomenal.

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