Joe the Plumber...err...Joe the WELFARE recipient

For freaking out loud! I post about something Obama does or says and I'm slammed for 'not giving him a chance.'

If he's so freaking wonderful, why can't the left write about what he's doing or planning on doing? Oh I know, they don't know. Really, they don't know sh** about him or his plans. They have hope for change or belief in change or belief in hope, I get confused on their agenda.

So the left is left with attacking the party and officials that lost and a plumber. Going to be a great time ahead. :cuckoo:

Excuse me, but just because you're not a very bright person and can't understand what Obama is gonna do doesn't mean that I can't. Wow, you sound like a grumpy b@@tch who just got her ass kicked in an election and is now mad about it
His personally history Dive.

He lied and lied and lied again about who he was.

I'll ask the same question again...


He could have made his point without lying about who he was.
no, he didnt
you are lying to say he did
you guys love to attack anyone that didnt follow in line for Obama
its sickening
Excuse me, but just because you're not a very bright person and can't understand what Obama is gonna do doesn't mean that I can't. Wow, you sound like a grumpy b@@tch who just got her ass kicked in an election and is now mad about it
you should take your sig line to heart
Excuse me, but just because you're not a very bright person and can't understand what Obama is gonna do doesn't mean that I can't. Wow, you sound like a grumpy b@@tch who just got her ass kicked in an election and is now mad about it

Actually I lost my temper at the inanity of what I've been seeing here. You folks don't seem to know how to celebrate a victory. I don't get it, I just don't. I'm amazed at the level of anger from the left, after a victory. There was a message, which I failed to understand of 'Hope', 'Beliefs', and 'Change', because I kept failing to pick up specifics. I just couldn't get it. But more people did than questioned it. YOUR SIDE WON!!!! Where is the happiness and why the continuing anger?

Instead I see all these angry folks at a plumber and a woman who's returned to Alaska. Hounding them makes things better, how? Then there's folks that seem to just go off at those who fail to jump on their bandwagon, even when nothing derogatory is written.

Catch a clue, many have serious reservations about the President-Elect. We have the right to have our reservations, concerns, skepticism if you will. I will not ever put a bumper sticker on a car saying, "Don't blame me, I didn't vote for him." Never. I didn't vote for him.

He'll be the President of US, my country. Right or wrong? Nope. I won't fail to voice my disagreements with him or his administration or the Congress. However, would I write or sign petitions that denigrate him or his policies that were visible to the 'world'? No. Would I hammer a representative of our government and tried to negotiate or conduct diplomacy that undermined the executive branch of my government? Yes, regardless of party.

I don't understand the winners inability to understand. Nevertheless, I wish you and your winner the best.
no, he didnt
you are lying to say he did
you guys love to attack anyone that didnt follow in line for Obama
its sickening

Joe: I'm getting ready to buy a company that makes about $250,000 Â… $270-$280,000 a year.

Which part of that was true?
Actually I lost my temper at the inanity of what I've been seeing here. You folks don't seem to know how to celebrate a victory. I don't get it, I just don't. I'm amazed at the level of anger from the left, after a victory. There was a message, which I failed to understand of 'Hope', 'Beliefs', and 'Change', because I kept failing to pick up specifics. I just couldn't get it. But more people did than questioned it. YOUR SIDE WON!!!! Where is the happiness and why the continuing anger?

Instead I see all these angry folks at a plumber and a woman who's returned to Alaska. Hounding them makes things better, how? Then there's folks that seem to just go off at those who fail to jump on their bandwagon, even when nothing derogatory is written.

Catch a clue, many have serious reservations about the President-Elect. We have the right to have our reservations, concerns, skepticism if you will. I will not ever put a bumper sticker on a car saying, "Don't blame me, I didn't vote for him." Never. I didn't vote for him.

He'll be the President of US, my country. Right or wrong? Nope. I won't fail to voice my disagreements with him or his administration or the Congress. However, would I write or sign petitions that denigrate him or his policies that were visible to the 'world'? No. Would I hammer a representative of our government and tried to negotiate or conduct diplomacy that undermined the executive branch of my government? Yes, regardless of party.

I don't understand the winners inability to understand. Nevertheless, I wish you and your winner the best.

good point---apparently after years of being on offense they don't even remember how to run a defense---either that or they don't have anything they can defend yet. Sorta like Congress for the last two years until they passed the "bailout" . :lol:
Once again:

Joe isn't running for office.
Whether or not he "misrepresented" himself during the minute it took him to pose a question to Obama doesn't matter.

What matters is Obama's answer. It makes no difference whether Joe is on welfare or looking to go into business or is posing a hypothetical. What matters is that Obama was exposed.

Accept it and move on. Please. I'm begging you.
Once again:

Joe isn't running for office.
Whether or not he "misrepresented" himself during the minute it took him to pose a question to Obama doesn't matter.

What matters is Obama's answer. It makes no difference whether Joe is on welfare or looking to go into business or is posing a hypothetical. What matters is that Obama was exposed.

Accept it and move on. Please. I'm begging you.

Agree with this exactly. If he ever was relevant, it ended last Tuesday. Get over it, move on, celebrate you win.
You're getting this information from a partisan news source. Here is Obama's entire voting record.

Barack Obama - U.S. Senator for Illinois

Please post the entire transcript without cutting anything from the text of every single bill he has voted for that has raised taxes.

Thank you.
Do you think the Democratic National Committee would provide votes made by Obama that raised taxes? Get real, of course the source is going to have a slant to it. How is the source unfair to Obama as far as his record is concerned?
Do you think the Democratic National Committee would provide votes made by Obama that raised taxes? Get real, of course the source is going to have a slant to it. How is the source unfair to Obama as far as his record is concerned?
thats actually Obama's senate website
but, with the way his campaign site was scrubbed, i wouldnt doubt they did it there too
Because your opinion means anything?

If I wanted to talk to someone of your intellect I would be at my local supermarket speaking to the grapefruit

Sugarbaby, really, work on those comeback skills. *sigh* My opinion means at least as much as yours. And my punctuation seems to be better as well, but that's neither here nor there. But thanks for trying.

Seriously, do you honestly think anyone who puts themselves on the world's media coverage isn't going to be examined closely? I appreciated people questioning both candidates. We're supposed to scrutinize candidates. That doesn't mean the person asking on national TV is somehow supposed to be insulated from scrutiny himself. Especially when he tries to pass himself off as something he's not. He got busted.

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good point---apparently after years of being on offense they don't even remember how to run a defense---either that or they don't have anything they can defend yet. Sorta like Congress for the last two years until they passed the "bailout" . :lol:

The best defense is a good offence!
Interesting. How much "extra" money have you sent to the IRS with your yearly income tax? Seems to me that if raising taxes is the answer then all those who voted for Obama because he will raise taxes should be sending more money than is required on their tax forms.

Of course, what they really voted for was the idea that SOMEONE ELSE pays exhorbitant taxes so they wont have to.

Sweeping generalization, Sir. I didn't vote for that idea, at all. I voted for Obama for a myriad of good reasons. I don't mind paying taxes. I just don't like my poor country going to economic hell with a war on two fronts, rampant government-sanctioned racketeering that proves Gen. Smedley Butler right, and blatant disregard for our sons & daughters who are grape-deep in the sh** because of greed & free market worship disguised as patriotism. All this mess, with no farking way to pay for it all except with 1) loans from countries we should NEVER be beholden to, and 2) leaving the rest as a crushing IOU to our great-grandkids.

It wouldn't hurt to slash certain parts of the budget - like the fatty part of the DoD...try maybe 50%+ of the moolah we're throwing away to KBR, Halliburton, etc. (My Marines got damn tired of not being allowed to do their own laundry...those private contractors got paid $100 for ONE load of our guys' clothes, and often it didn't really get washed. And God forbid my kids get shot at again to guard the civilian trucks making runs with EMPTY TRUCKS because of the no-bid contracts that pay civilians not just per mile, but also per TRIP. I don't like our heroes being hung out like that. That is WASTE and that is a national SHAME. But I digress.)

Taxes will have to go up to help get us out of this mess, and I for one won't be whining as long as the burden is FAIR. But systematically giving the wealthiest a pass is BRAVO SIERRA. It's time for them to do with less like the rest of us, to work together to fix this cluster****.
Seriously, do you honestly think anyone who puts themselves on the world's media coverage isn't going to be examined closely?
Why should someone have their lives poked into for asking a question? Who give's a shit if Joe was a real plumber or not. He asked Obama a question, a right every American has. There's also a right called "Right to Privacy" and Joe's was invaded by an Obama supporter in Ohio.
What part of "I appreciated people questioning both candidates. We're supposed to scrutinize candidates. That doesn't mean the person asking on national TV is somehow supposed to be insulated from scrutiny himself." did you not understand, dear?
People who ask questions don't need to be scrutinized, because it makes absolutely no difference if THE QUESTION IS A VALID ONE. If the question is a valid one, what the hell difference does it make who asked the question?

It doesn't.