Joe, shower us with money and win our love


Senior Member
Jan 22, 2021
Joe Biden is doing the same to the country that he did to his corrupt son--throwing money at him to win his love.


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Dear Uncle Joe:

Please use your position to get me on the boards of a Ukrainian and Chinese energy company. I don't know much about gas or oil, but I'm a fast learner. In return, I promise to send you 10%, when I'm not busy smoking crack, fucking my dead brother's underage daughter, and filming it on my laptop.

Yours truly, JGalt.

PS: Also please ask the ATF to forget about that gun I left on the lid of a trashcan. You're the President, so they'll listen to you. Thanks.
As opposed to giving trillions in tax breaks to millionaires you mean? Or is that not showering corporations with money?

The government doesn't "give" corporations anything. Allowing them to keep more of their money isn't the same as "giving" them money that's already been collected as revenue.

Has nobody ever explained that to you?
The government doesn't "give" corporations anything. Allowing them to keep more of their money isn't the same as "giving" them money that's already been collected as revenue.

Has nobody ever explained that to you?
Actually it is giving them money. The infrastructure these corporations, or for that matter you use costs money. Fire department, military, police, education, the internet, etc., etc., none of it is free. This means it has to be funded by taxation. Less taxation means either the government borrows the money or levies the populace and corporations for it.
The government doesn't "give" corporations anything. Allowing them to keep more of their money isn't the same as "giving" them money that's already been collected as revenue.

Has nobody ever explained that to you?
Allowing corporations to have a zero tax liability or in some cases $$$ back on a tax return IS giving them $$$, you moron.

So, one person goes to college has to pay for the entire tuition. the other person gets a full scholarship.
So, which one is getting something for free.

Has nobody ever explained that to you?
Actually it is giving them money. The infrastructure these corporations, or for that matter you use costs money. Fire department, military, police, education, the internet, etc., etc., none of it is free. This means it has to be funded by taxation. Less taxation means either the government borrows the money or levies the populace and corporations for it.

Butbutbutbut fire and police!
Programmed leftists are funny!
Allowing corporations to have a zero tax liability or in some cases $$$ back on a tax return IS giving them $$$, you moron.

So, one person goes to college has to pay for the entire tuition. the other person gets a full scholarship.
So, which one is getting something for free.

Has nobody ever explained that to you?

Politicians aren’t pissing our money away because
Grow up!
Actually it is giving them money. The infrastructure these corporations, or for that matter you use costs money. Fire department, military, police, education, the internet, etc., etc., none of it is free. This means it has to be funded by taxation. Less taxation means either the government borrows the money or levies the populace and corporations for it.

Fire departments, police departments and schools are largely funded at a local/regional level. Internet infrastructure is funded by companies and it is paid for by user fees where corporations are located. To my knowledge corporations are not exempted from city or county taxes or special assessments for local infrastructure refurbishment or new projects.

Please provide a link showing that corporations are exempt from the types of taxes I mention above.

Do you work for a corporation?
Yes I do. Just not for an American one. My corporation pays considerably more taxes than American ones, I pay considerably more taxes than Americans. On the other hand me and my family can afford things that frankly aren't affordable to most Americans.
Yes I do. Just not for an American one. My corporation pays considerably more taxes than American ones, I pay considerably more taxes than Americans. On the other hand me and my family can afford things that frankly aren't affordable to most Americans.

Name the things you can afford? Health insurance???:

The above news articles are from the past couple of weeks but describe a problem the UK has been facing long before covid.

Name the things you can afford? Health insurance???:

The above news articles are from the past couple of weeks but describe a problem the UK has been facing long before covid.

I'm going to the US on Sunday. For a month, while getting paid. I have access to cheap, unlimited health care, regardless of what ails me or how long it takes to get healthy. I will be capable of sending my kid to ANY college in my country without having to save for it or my kid having to be in debt for 20 years. If I get unemployed my country pays for retraining even if it takes year, while giving me a living wage. I have payed time of if I become a father, my wife gets pregnant or somebody in my family dies.If I get sick I can get a nurse or physio to my house for a few bucks a month.

There are many more things but I hope you get the picture?
I'm going to the US on Sunday. For a month, while getting paid. I have access to cheap, unlimited health care, regardless of what ails me or how long it takes to get healthy. I will be capable of sending my kid to ANY college in my country without having to save for it or my kid having to be in debt for 20 years. If I get unemployed my country pays for retraining even if it takes year, while giving me a living wage. I have payed time of if I become a father, my wife gets pregnant or somebody in my family dies.If I get sick I can get a nurse or physio to my house for a few bucks a month.

There are many more things but I hope you get the picture?

The UK is such a happy and well-managed place.

Education in the UK has changed and not for the better. When the UK moved from the fact that higher education had to be earned by being a good student to a system that invites even the less-qualified students to participate, this has created a mountain of problems with no end in sight. Student debt is already mounting in the UK and government doesn't have the resources to finance this mess. British universities are in panic mode.

Your healthcare is crap and most of what you get for the taxes you pay isn't worth what you pay but keep putting a happy face on your situation.


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