Joe Biden’s 7 Cringeworthy Moments at Wisconsin Town Hall


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Joe Biden’s 7 Cringeworthy Moments at Wisconsin Town Hall
Joe Biden's 7 Cringeworthy Moments at Wisconsin Town Hall (
17 Feb 2021 ~~ By Wendell Husebo

President Joe Biden had several cringeworthy moments at a CNN town hall event Tuesday night in Wisconsin.

1. Biden claimed at one point that “minorities … don’t know how to use, know how to get online.”​
2. After his comments about American minorities, Biden moved on to the topic of Chinese minorities and China’s related human rights abuses against Uyghur Muslims, who are widely believed to live in concentration camp-like facilities within China.​
Biden explained he’s “not going to speak out against … what he’s [President Xi Jinping] is doing with the Uyghurs.” He then reiterated by saying, “He [Xi] gets it,” posing that “culturally there are different norms” about how humans should be treated.​
3. “Everybody knows I like kids better than people,” Biden explained in a poorly landed joke with host Anderson Cooper.​
4. Biden improvised when asked about his administration’s original goal of reopening schools five days a week, which changed last week with a new goal of schools only reopening one day a week. “It was a mistake in the communication,” Biden said.​
On Wednesday morning, Vice President Kamala Harris went on the Today show to clarify Biden’s comment, stressing that “teachers should be a priority,” contradicting the scientific community’s belief that teachers do not need to be vaccinated in order for schools to reopen.​
5. The coronavirus comments continued when Biden then claimed, “We didn’t have [the vaccine] when we came into office,” which fact-checkers were quick to debunk. The first dose of the Pfizer vaccine was given on December 14 and the first dose of the Moderna vaccine was given on December 22 — a month before he was inaugurated on January 20, 2021.​
6. Before the night was over, Biden, who has denied accusations of contracting dementia, was asked, “You’ve already spent a great deal of time at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, except now you’re living there and you’re president. It’s been four weeks. What’s it like? How is it different?”​
Biden responded, “I wake up every morning, look at Jill, and say, ‘Where the hell are we?’”​
7. A few seconds later, Biden, perhaps without knowing he was throwing former President Obama under the bus, said that Obama never invited him to the White House residence when he was vice president, despite the fact Biden served as vice president for eight years.​

Taking Joey Xi's responses to the questions at the Town Hall show that he's either lost all touch with reality, is in truth the racist he's been portrayed to be, or he just doesn't give a damn about the people that supposedly voted him into office.
The fact remains that the majority of people in this country are appalled at his responses.
We are being told that Joey Xi received 10 to 15 million votes more than Obama got. THat is again hard to believe especially with statements like "I got hairy legs that turn blonde, kids would rub my legs down and then watch as hair came back up, I learned about kids jumping on my lap, I love kids jumping on my lap", during his limited campaign.
Then there's racial slurs to and against the black interviewer...
No one but truly addled Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists believe that China Joe actually won the election.
To think he legally got 80 million votes without massive fraud is just unbelievable.
His actions and words since prove that he's the wrong person for the presidency.
Unfortunately, we now have a man in 1600 Pennsylvania Ave with full blown dementia with a phone and a pen led around by his handlers. Hopefully they wil keep him from the nuclear button.
The complicit biased quisling media will cover for him and bury any and all he does. This includes his son Hunter and Joey's brothers....
China Joe told us himself in a moment of clarity!!! Remember

This is with everything meticulously scripted and teed up perfectly. But Plugs is just like working with animals... you never can fully predict the outcomes.

I don't think Pooper was ready to admit he bought a kid. He looked pretty sheepish about revealing that abomination of nature. I wonder if the kid has seen his 2 daddies shit-dick each other.... I see some large therapy bills in that future.
Joe Biden’s 7 Cringeworthy Moments at Wisconsin Town Hall
Joe Biden's 7 Cringeworthy Moments at Wisconsin Town Hall (
17 Feb 2021 ~~ By Wendell Husebo

President Joe Biden had several cringeworthy moments at a CNN town hall event Tuesday night in Wisconsin.

1. Biden claimed at one point that “minorities … don’t know how to use, know how to get online.”​
2. After his comments about American minorities, Biden moved on to the topic of Chinese minorities and China’s related human rights abuses against Uyghur Muslims, who are widely believed to live in concentration camp-like facilities within China.​
Biden explained he’s “not going to speak out against … what he’s [President Xi Jinping] is doing with the Uyghurs.” He then reiterated by saying, “He [Xi] gets it,” posing that “culturally there are different norms” about how humans should be treated.​
3. “Everybody knows I like kids better than people,” Biden explained in a poorly landed joke with host Anderson Cooper.​
4. Biden improvised when asked about his administration’s original goal of reopening schools five days a week, which changed last week with a new goal of schools only reopening one day a week. “It was a mistake in the communication,” Biden said.​
On Wednesday morning, Vice President Kamala Harris went on the Today show to clarify Biden’s comment, stressing that “teachers should be a priority,” contradicting the scientific community’s belief that teachers do not need to be vaccinated in order for schools to reopen.​
5. The coronavirus comments continued when Biden then claimed, “We didn’t have [the vaccine] when we came into office,” which fact-checkers were quick to debunk. The first dose of the Pfizer vaccine was given on December 14 and the first dose of the Moderna vaccine was given on December 22 — a month before he was inaugurated on January 20, 2021.​
6. Before the night was over, Biden, who has denied accusations of contracting dementia, was asked, “You’ve already spent a great deal of time at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, except now you’re living there and you’re president. It’s been four weeks. What’s it like? How is it different?”​
Biden responded, “I wake up every morning, look at Jill, and say, ‘Where the hell are we?’”​
7. A few seconds later, Biden, perhaps without knowing he was throwing former President Obama under the bus, said that Obama never invited him to the White House residence when he was vice president, despite the fact Biden served as vice president for eight years.​

Taking Joey Xi's responses to the questions at the Town Hall show that he's either lost all touch with reality, is in truth the racist he's been portrayed to be, or he just doesn't give a damn about the people that supposedly voted him into office.
The fact remains that the majority of people in this country are appalled at his responses.
We are being told that Joey Xi received 10 to 15 million votes more than Obama got. THat is again hard to believe especially with statements like "I got hairy legs that turn blonde, kids would rub my legs down and then watch as hair came back up, I learned about kids jumping on my lap, I love kids jumping on my lap", during his limited campaign.
Then there's racial slurs to and against the black interviewer...
No one but truly addled Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists believe that China Joe actually won the election.
To think he legally got 80 million votes without massive fraud is just unbelievable.
His actions and words since prove that he's the wrong person for the presidency.
Unfortunately, we now have a man in 1600 Pennsylvania Ave with full blown dementia with a phone and a pen led around by his handlers. Hopefully they wil keep him from the nuclear button.
The complicit biased quisling media will cover for him and bury any and all he does. This includes his son Hunter and Joey's brothers....

Well just shows how out of touch he is. Good Lord. No vaccine?? And minorities can't use a computer??

Man's a flaming idiot and shouldn't be in the WH at all.

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