Joe Biden Won?! Guess What Hasn't Been Seen Since 2008 & Is Now Back again in 2021......


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
A Permanent Ban on Pork Barrel Spending | U.S. Representative Ralph Norman
That's Right.....PORK, baby!

Democrats plan to bring back earmarks. Ready the pork barrel!
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Didn’t we finally drive a stake in this vampire already?

If you don’t believe in zombies, you may want to rethink your position because some of the most disgusting relics of the past are clearly able to rise up from the grave and stalk the land again. Nearly a decade ago, under the leadership of then-Speaker John Boehner, we finally got rid of earmarks in Congress, significantly reducing the ages-old practice of pork-barrel politics. Amazingly, it turned out to be something that both Democrats and Republicans were able to get behind and it seemed generally popular with the public. But now that Joe Biden is coming back to town and the Democrats appear poised to cling to the majority in the House, Majority Leader Steny Hoyer is telling people that earmarks may be coming back again. And he’s acting as if it’s the most natural and expected thing in the world.


Nice to see the fiscal hawks return to the nest after four years of flying with their heads in the clouds.
'fiscal hawks' mean like Pelosi, who has tried to pack Green New Deal BS & Abortion funding into COVID-19 RELIEF BILLS?


Should I remind snowflakes about the massive pork spending once the Democrats took the House, Senate, & WH? About the 'Shrimp On A Treadmill', Brand new expensive 'Energy-EFFICIENT' windows for a Ranger/Wildlife Station that was planned to be demolished 2 months later, the non-existent 'shovel-ready' jobs, (wasted) Cash-for-Clunkers', and more...?

Nice to see the fiscal hawks return to the nest after four years of flying with their heads in the clouds.
'fiscal hawks' mean like Pelosi, who has tried to pack Green New Deal BS & Abortion funding into COVID-19 RELIEF BILLS?


Should I remind snowflakes about the massive pork spending once the Democrats took the House, Senate, & WH? About the 'Shrimp On A Treadmill', Brand new expensive 'Energy-EFFICIENT' windows for a Ranger/Wildlife Station that was planned to be demolished 2 months later, the non-existent 'shovel-ready' jobs, (wasted) Cash-for-Clunkers', and more...?

I’m glad that you’re back on board with giving a shit about spending now that President Trump will be leaving office.
I’m glad that you’re back on board with giving a shit about spending now that President Trump will be leaving office.
Bwuhahahaha....I love you passive-aggressive LYING, suggesting that political partisanship somehow affects my level of concern over criminal / wasteful economic policies and tax-dollar spending.

The FACT is that in 2008, when the Democrats seized control of the House, Senate, and WH, the Democrats blew off the dust from decades-old and current spending 'Wish-Lists'...and rammed them through.


Afterwards, due to American Tax Payer outrage, an end to pork spending was reached.....

The article author....and Hoyer and Pelosi.....remind us of this that it is BACK. (Or at least the THREAT of it is back.)

I, personally, don't completely buy it, CONSIDERING Democrat Congressional losses and IF the GOP keep the Senate. But the Leftist Extremists created the Democrat Platform, consisting in part of the insane Green New Deal. They will and have already pushed to control Joe Biden...and (IMO) if he refuses to 'pay ball' they will remove him via the 25thAmendment based on his dementia & make Harris the President to get what they want.
No one in their right mind ignored the national debt, and no sane person could foresee the devastating impact a international pandemic would have on the words economy, except China Joe, CNBC, CNN, Huffy Puffy who had all the answers and solutions.
You confusion is eclipsed only by your delusion

Was that comment directed to yourself? Trump ran up the debt more than any administration in history and it wasn't because of COVID either. He was on track to eclipse Obama before that even happened.
I’m glad that you’re back on board with giving a shit about spending now that President Trump will be leaving office.
Bwuhahahaha....I love you passive-aggressive LYING, suggesting that political partisanship somehow affects my level of concern over criminal / wasteful economic policies and tax-dollar spending.

The FACT is that in 2008, when the Democrats seized control of the House, Senate, and WH, the Democrats blew off the dust from decades-old and current spending 'Wish-Lists'...and rammed them through.


Afterwards, due to American Tax Payer outrage, an end to pork spending was reached.....

The article author....and Hoyer and Pelosi.....remind us of this that it is BACK. (Or at least the THREAT of it is back.)

I, personally, don't completely buy it, CONSIDERING Democrat Congressional losses and IF the GOP keep the Senate. But the Leftist Extremists created the Democrat Platform, consisting in part of the insane Green New Deal. They will and have already pushed to control Joe Biden...and (IMO) if he refuses to 'pay ball' they will remove him via the 25thAmendment based on his dementia & make Harris the President to get what they want.
I think his point is that most of us, not me, have been silent on the ridiculous spending under Trump. For the most part he is correct.
A Permanent Ban on Pork Barrel Spending | U.S. Representative Ralph Norman
That's Right.....PORK, baby!

Democrats plan to bring back earmarks. Ready the pork barrel!
Placeholder Image

Didn’t we finally drive a stake in this vampire already?

If you don’t believe in zombies, you may want to rethink your position because some of the most disgusting relics of the past are clearly able to rise up from the grave and stalk the land again. Nearly a decade ago, under the leadership of then-Speaker John Boehner, we finally got rid of earmarks in Congress, significantly reducing the ages-old practice of pork-barrel politics. Amazingly, it turned out to be something that both Democrats and Republicans were able to get behind and it seemed generally popular with the public. But now that Joe Biden is coming back to town and the Democrats appear poised to cling to the majority in the House, Majority Leader Steny Hoyer is telling people that earmarks may be coming back again. And he’s acting as if it’s the most natural and expected thing in the world.


Time for the inconsistent conservative.

It’s the dawn of a Democratic administration and suddenly for the right deficits are an ‘issue.’
Nice to see the fiscal hawks return to the nest after four years of flying with their heads in the clouds.
What about all that "congress controls the purse strings" bullshit?
You forget about that when it comes to your 116th huh?
And yet you and others on the dishonest right claim Biden will ‘raise taxes’ when he lacks the authority to do so.
Nice to see the fiscal hawks return to the nest after four years of flying with their heads in the clouds.
What about all that "congress controls the purse strings" bullshit?
You forget about that when it comes to your 116th huh?
And yet you and others on the dishonest right claim Biden will ‘raise taxes’ when he lacks the authority to do so.

What an utterly stupid statement considering Pelosi controls the House and you clowns are dead set on stealing the senate election as well.

You can't figure it out.
Nice to see the fiscal hawks return to the nest after four years of flying with their heads in the clouds.
'fiscal hawks' mean like Pelosi, who has tried to pack Green New Deal BS & Abortion funding into COVID-19 RELIEF BILLS?


Should I remind snowflakes about the massive pork spending once the Democrats took the House, Senate, & WH? About the 'Shrimp On A Treadmill', Brand new expensive 'Energy-EFFICIENT' windows for a Ranger/Wildlife Station that was planned to be demolished 2 months later, the non-existent 'shovel-ready' jobs, (wasted) Cash-for-Clunkers', and more...?

I’m glad that you’re back on board with giving a shit about spending now that President Trump will be leaving office.
I'm glad to see you are now on board again with unlimited deficits and debt now that the possibility of a Democrat taking the Whitehouse is there.

I've always been against spending.
I'm glad to see you are now on board again with unlimited deficits and debt now that the possibility of a Democrat taking the Whitehouse is there.

I've always been against spending.

Same here and it’s why didn’t vote for either of the duopolists running for president.

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