Joe Biden Signs Legislation to Destroy High School Girls Athletics


May 23, 2014
But I thought we’ve always been told Republicans had the “war on women”? Xiden now is okay with actual women getting essentially assaulted on the basketball court or beaten badly in track or other sports. There for the scholarships for girls. So much for Title IX. Only a matter of time before a women’s coach (with the University’s blessing) recruits a bunch of “men” and wins a women’s Championship with them. Will the left scream then? They’ll probably cheer.
But I thought we’ve always been told Republicans had the “war on women”? Xiden now is okay with actual women getting essentially assaulted on the basketball court or beaten badly in track or other sports. There for the scholarships for girls. So much for Title IX. Only a matter of time before a women’s coach (with the University’s blessing) recruits a bunch of “men” and wins a women’s Championship with them. Will the left scream then? They’ll probably cheer.
Marxist Democrats are a threat to our country, culture, and our way of life.
I often wonder if many people are really nothing but trained automatons. I can ALMOST understand how our children posters could support this as they have had an unrelenting indoctrination at school, but anybody more than, say, 35 or so should be able to ask themselves how they would have reacted to this same thing 10, 20, 30 or 40 years ago? They would have thought it was fucking nuts just as it IS fucking nuts, but as the democrat party just keeps devolving and devolving, they just go along with it because they are too stupid to question anything and too conformist to risk having a mind of their own.
I often wonder if many people are really nothing but trained automatons. I can ALMOST understand how our children posters could support this as they have had an unrelenting indoctrination at school, but anybody more than, say, 35 or so should be able to ask themselves how they would have reacted to this same thing 10, 20, 30 or 40 years ago? They would have thought it was fucking nuts just as it IS fucking nuts, but as the democrat party just keeps devolving and devolving, they just go along with it because they are too stupid to question anything and too conformist to risk having a mind of their own.
Young athletes I talk to think this concept is fucking absurd.
I often wonder if many people are really nothing but trained automatons. I can ALMOST understand how our children posters could support this as they have had an unrelenting indoctrination at school, but anybody more than, say, 35 or so should be able to ask themselves how they would have reacted to this same thing 10, 20, 30 or 40 years ago? They would have thought it was fucking nuts just as it IS fucking nuts, but as the democrat party just keeps devolving and devolving, they just go along with it because they are too stupid to question anything and too conformist to risk having a mind of their own.
Young athletes I talk to think this concept is fucking absurd.

and well they should.

I cannot even imagine all the hurt of a young woman who has trained for years to be a top athlete only to have a biological male just waltz in and take away her opportunity.

This is utterly sick, and it is as misogynist as all get up.
I have zero interest in watching males in the process of transferring to female completing with girls. That would be like watching a good lightweight boxer completing with a good heavyweight. It’s a mismatch.

If I was a high school girl who had to complete with such individuals, I would decide all the training effort required to be competitive was a waste of my time as no matter how hard I trained chances are I would lose. Plus I would find showering with individuals in the process of changing their sex creepy at the least.
I often wonder if many people are really nothing but trained automatons. I can ALMOST understand how our children posters could support this as they have had an unrelenting indoctrination at school, but anybody more than, say, 35 or so should be able to ask themselves how they would have reacted to this same thing 10, 20, 30 or 40 years ago? They would have thought it was fucking nuts just as it IS fucking nuts, but as the democrat party just keeps devolving and devolving, they just go along with it because they are too stupid to question anything and too conformist to risk having a mind of their own.
Young athletes I talk to think this concept is fucking absurd.

and well they should.

I cannot even imagine all the hurt of a young woman who has trained for years to be a top athlete only to have a biological male just waltz in and take away her opportunity.

This is utterly sick, and it is as misogynist as all get up.
Biden, Pelosi, Schumer and their whole entourage of fuckheads are sick human beings.
It's not legislation....It's an EO edict from on high, which Gropey Joe is to twisted with dementia to know what he was signing.
I thought perhaps he signed the Pelosi bill. It was another executive order from Chairman Xiden.
I have zero interest in watching males in the process of transferring to female completing with girls. That would be like watching a good lightweight boxer completing with a good heavyweight. It’s a mismatch.

If I was a high school girl who had to complete with such individuals, I would decide all the training effort required to be competitive was a waste of my time as no matter how hard I trained chances are I would lose. Plus I would find showering with individuals in the process of changing their sex creepy at the least.
John F. Kennedy would be appalled at this piss poor excuse for a Democratic Party.
It's not legislation....It's an EO edict from on high, which Gropey Joe is too twisted with dementia to know what he was signing.

He knew.

he may not have understood the ramifications

but he knew
Leftist piece of shit Biden just said fuck you to every girl playing high school sports in order to placate Marxist-Democrat freak show.
Female student athletes speak out against Biden executive order on transgender competition (

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