Joe Biden is a no-good lying dogface pony soldier!


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
What gall this man has! :banghead:

He tells the illegals to "surge to the border!" They deserve to be heard, all those criminals!

Day one, he ends all Trump-era border security measures!

Day one, he ends border wall construction!

Day one, the 'surge' increases, along with felons flooding in knowing that with Joe in charge, they are welcome to come in!

Months go by, the flood becomes a crisis, but the administration assures Americans that the "border is secure!"

States like Texas, knowing they've been hung out to dry, begin to try and go it alone, by securing their own borders!

Biden and his cronies immediately challenge in the courts ANY EFFORT that states use, to secure themselves from the flood which has now turned into a catastrophe in MANY places around the country!

And now, this same man, Joe Biden, has the FUCKING GALL, the absolute N-E-R-V-E to try and attempt to blame ANY of this on the Republicans for not being able to have secured borders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What an absolute piece of shit!!!
What gall this man has! :banghead:

He tells the illegals to "surge to the border!" They deserve to be heard, all those criminals!

Day one, he ends all Trump-era border security measures!

Day one, he ends border wall construction!

Day one, the 'surge' increases, along with felons flooding in knowing that with Joe in charge, they are welcome to come in!

Months go by, the flood becomes a crisis, but the administration assures Americans that the "border is secure!"

States like Texas, knowing they've been hung out to dry, begin to try and go it alone, by securing their own borders!

Biden and his cronies immediately challenge in the courts ANY EFFORT that states use, to secure themselves from the flood which has now turned into a catastrophe in MANY places around the country!

And now, this same man, Joe Biden, has the FUCKING GALL, the absolute N-E-R-V-E to try and attempt to blame ANY of this on the Republicans for not being able to have secured borders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What an absolute piece of shit!!!
In before the demotion.

Republicans own the crisis at the border. Lock. Stock. Barrel. It's about time Democrats start using this as a bludgeon.
Yep, impeach the secretary over a crisis you created and now won't help solve cause it's an election year.

Who is the POS again? :)
What gall this man has! :banghead:

He tells the illegals to "surge to the border!" They deserve to be heard, all those criminals!

Day one, he ends all Trump-era border security measures!

Day one, he ends border wall construction!

Day one, the 'surge' increases, along with felons flooding in knowing that with Joe in charge, they are welcome to come in!

Months go by, the flood becomes a crisis, but the administration assures Americans that the "border is secure!"

States like Texas, knowing they've been hung out to dry, begin to try and go it alone, by securing their own borders!

Biden and his cronies immediately challenge in the courts ANY EFFORT that states use, to secure themselves from the flood which has now turned into a catastrophe in MANY places around the country!

And now, this same man, Joe Biden, has the FUCKING GALL, the absolute N-E-R-V-E to try and attempt to blame ANY of this on the Republicans for not being able to have secured borders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What an absolute piece of shit!!!
Hey asshole. You’re premise is wrong
He didn’t tell illegals to surge the border

What a ridiculous claim.

He said WE will surge the border


In fact, Blaming Republicans for failing to secure the border is a brilliant move.

His followers will believe it as gospel

The media will report it as fact.

Those who aren't paying attention will just accept it.
I have been paying attention. For a couple of decades now. And up until about 10 years ago, I would have given the blame to both parties for the mess.
Not anymore. Republicans steadfastly refuse to come to the table and work out a real solution. It's easier to campaign on building walls (that other countries will pay for...NOT!), frightening ma and pa white kettle in middle America that the brown skin people are coming to get them, and not penalizing the corporations who hire undocumented workers because those corps fill said Republican coffers with lotsa campaign cash. :rolleyes:
I have been paying attention. For a couple of decades now. And up until about 10 years ago, I would have given the blame to both parties for the mess.
Not anymore. Republicans steadfastly refuse to come to the table and work out a real solution. It's easier to campaign on building walls (that other countries will pay for...NOT!), frightening ma and pa white kettle in middle America that the brown skin people are coming to get them, and not penalizing the corporations who hire undocumented workers because those corps fill said Republican coffers with lotsa campaign cash. :rolleyes:

Look asswipe, Joe Biden, could have used tools that were on his table the day he took office!!!! Instead, he went in the opposite direction, invited the flood, enabled it, tries to get in the way of anyone or any governing body that tries even to slow the flood!

So get out of here, if you're just going to post more lies!
I have been paying attention. For a couple of decades now. And up until about 10 years ago, I would have given the blame to both parties for the mess.
Not anymore. Republicans steadfastly refuse to come to the table and work out a real solution. It's easier to campaign on building walls (that other countries will pay for...NOT!), frightening ma and pa white kettle in middle America that the brown skin people are coming to get them, and not penalizing the corporations who hire undocumented workers because those corps fill said Republican coffers with lotsa campaign cash. :rolleyes:
Refresh my memory, Simp…after Biden shit canned all the border security policies of Trump that worked, exactly what did your Dimwingers do to secure the border for his first two years when you asshats controlled everything?

In fact, Blaming Republicans for failing to secure the border is a brilliant move.

His followers will believe it as gospel

The media will report it as fact.

Those who aren't paying attention will just accept it.

Well certainly the Dim media, which of course is the vast percentage, will try to pin it on Republicans, but most of the asswipes that listen, watch, or read that crap, would be coting Dim anyway!
I have been paying attention. For a couple of decades now. And up until about 10 years ago, I would have given the blame to both parties for the mess.
Not anymore. Republicans steadfastly refuse to come to the table and work out a real solution. It's easier to campaign on building walls (that other countries will pay for...NOT!), frightening ma and pa white kettle in middle America that the brown skin people are coming to get them, and not penalizing the corporations who hire undocumented workers because those corps fill said Republican coffers with lotsa campaign cash. :rolleyes:
Link us up to Biden punishing corps who hire illegals JackOfNoTrades
Look asswipe, Joe Biden, could have used tools that were on his table the day he took office!!!! Instead, he went in the opposite direction, invited the flood, enabled it, tries to get in the way of anyone or any governing body that tries even to slow the flood!

So get out of here, if you're just going to post more lies!
What tools would those be? The ones his predecessor left him? Cause..he didn't. Just kicked the can down the road. Again, a Democrat is forced to deal with the mess a Republican leaves behind. Sorry, he never invited a surge. Stop lying. It makes you look like you have no argument.

Oh yeah, stop whining and shut the fuck up! :auiqs.jpg:

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