Joe Biden-From insanity to stupidity.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Why is Joe Biden’s corruption important? For the same reason that history is important. If we do not study history then we never understand how we came to be where we are. If you are a Baby Boomer you probably have a history that included a job that came with employee health insurance. Say, in the early 1970’s you went to doctor and generated a medical bill. You then got an itemized record of the visit in the mail and the bill was likely paid one hundred percent. Does that happen today? Good luck with that.

When did things change? Things began to change slowly in 1980 when China was first granted Most Favored Nation Status. Trade with China was limited at first but with over a billion citizens to exploit, the wheels of American greed soon started to roll. China is a society immersed in itself and it acts for its own benefit at the expense of all else including any other county it deals with. By 1989 many US industries were well on the way to selling out their American workforce when the Tiananmen Square massacre took place.

This demonstrated to the world that the People’s Republic of China had no interest in human rights and was more than willing to spill the blood of any citizen in their country that stood up for more freedom. This was only momentarily problematic for American industry and a US Congress that was in the process of being showered with money from China seemingly coming from all directions. Where did your affordable health insurance go? The Chinese bought it. The Chinese communists do not offer health insurance or company pensions to their citizens so to compete in a new global market, US industry and political leadership stripped these benefits from American workers with dollar signs in their eyes.

Joe Biden’s corruption is just part and parcel of the great sellout that has been going on for more than forty years. How do you think the Chinese got control of the US Pharmaceutical industry? They bought it from US congress leaving vulnerable American citizens the mercy of the same Tiananmen butchers that imposed carnage on their own people.

Joe Biden is as dirty as dirty gets but he is not alone. Doing the same thing and expecting a different result is insanity but voting for Biden steps into stupidity.
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How about tramp corruption. All the republicans wished for free trade that is how they got all manufacturing , prescriptions and the rest, and tramp and Ivanka went along for the ride, because they like dirt cheap labor and even hire illegals.
How about tramp corruption. All the republicans wished for free trade that is how they got all manufacturing , prescriptions and the rest, and tramp and Ivanka went along for the ride, because they like dirt cheap labor and even hire illegals.

Biden is beholden to China and who knows what other countries. That is simply not the case with Trump. Not sure why you lefties can't get that.
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How about tramp corruption. All the republicans wished for free trade that is how they got all manufacturing , prescriptions and the rest, and tramp and Ivanka went along for the ride, because they like dirt cheap labor and even hire illegals.
You may have noticed that Trump called for leverage against China using tariffs? Then, suddenly out of the blue US intelligence agencies began "investigating" the president. What were they protecting? Oh, I forgot, the Deep State does not exist.
How about tramp corruption. All the republicans wished for free trade that is how they got all manufacturing , prescriptions and the rest, and tramp and Ivanka went along for the ride, because they like dirt cheap labor and even hire illegals.
we have specific corruption, evidence and witnesses who did the business with biden.

all you got is a shitload of anger and paychecks from china for your trolling.
How about tramp corruption. All the republicans wished for free trade that is how they got all manufacturing , prescriptions and the rest, and tramp and Ivanka went along for the ride, because they like dirt cheap labor and even hire illegals.


Trump is not on the take from Russia, Ukraine, China, and Iran.
Are you saying lefties like Bezos dont like cheap labor?

not sure what point you are making. Dont you left wong nutsacks call what did a WHATABOUTISM?
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Biden's marching orders are the same methodology that has been in play since human history began=Admit nothing, deny everything and make counteraccusations.

Watch him as he reads his teleprompter. It is almost robotic.

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Why is Joe Biden’s corruption important? For the same reason that history is important. If we do not study history then we never understand how we came to be where we are. If you are a Baby Boomer you probably have a history that included a job that came with employee health insurance. Say, in the early 1970’s you went to doctor and generated a medical bill. You then got an itemized record of the visit in the mail and the bill was likely paid one hundred percent. Does that happen today? Good luck with that.

When did things change? Things began to change slowly in 1980 when China was first granted Most Favored Nation Status. Trade with China was limited at first but with over a billion citizens to exploit, the wheels of American greed soon started to roll. China is a society immersed in itself and it acts for its own benefit at the expense of all else including any other county it deals with. By 1989 many US industries were well on the way to selling out their American workforce when the Tiananmen Square massacre took place.

This demonstrated to the world that the People’s Republic of China had no interest in human rights and was more than willing to spill the blood of any citizen in their country that stood up for more freedom. This was only momentarily problematic for American industry and a US Congress that was in the process of being showered with money from China seemingly coming from all directions. Where did your affordable health insurance go? The Chinese bought it. The Chinese communists do not offer health insurance or company pensions to their citizens so to compete in a new global market, US industry and political leadership stripped these benefits from American workers with dollar signs in their eyes.

Joe Biden’s corruption is just part and parcel of the great sellout that has been going on for more than forty years. How do you think the Chinese got control of the US Pharmaceutical industry? They bought it from US congress leaving vulnerable American citizens the mercy of the same Tiananmen butchers that imposed carnage on their own people.

Joe Biden is as dirty as dirty gets but he is not alone. Doing the same thing and expecting a different result is insanity but voting for Biden steps into stupidity.

Enjoyed the read, and I agree 100%
Not once have I considered the insurance industry in several months, other than Trump saying he has a plan.
Trump has taken on China, big pharma, corruption in Washington, IRS, etc..., so I dont see why he wouldnt go ahead and try and root out any corruption that might be in the insurance industry.
I know that price transparency is going to change the status quo.
Sometimes I think the swamp is too deep for Trump alone, and that he doesnt have enough time now that China unleashed the virus.
He needs help, but from whom might he get it ?
The mighty powers(big tech-media-etc...) are against him(us).
Everything they warned us about in school is coming to pass. Novels like 1984, Animal Farm and Brave New World have made the transition from fantasy to reality. When they made me read this stuff in 1962 I recall thinking that it was boring and could never happen.

I wish I had paid more attention. If I had fallen into the pattern of drugs and alcohol I would be dead now or so far gone that I would be oblivious to the tragedy that is threatening our democracy. But I have clear mind and it is painful to watch this country so poisoned with corruption.

It is the corruption of the press that sends chills up my spine. There is no free press left; it has prostituted itself to the state. There is no search for truth because the only truth is the truth of the state. No one took over the country and imposed this on anyone. The Fourth Estate in the world’s most powerful democracy has chosen to become a propaganda tool of the state. How could Orwell have predicted this so long ago?

I know I am not alone. The people sent a message in 2016 when Trump won a presidential election and the state reacted with everything it could throw at people who had the insolence to resist the ramparts of authoritarianism. It turned state intelligence agencies inward to spy on the people’s choice and manufactured criminal acts to remove him from office. The press dutifully played along.

The press in America no longer acts to comfort the afflicted while afflicting the comfortable. It speaks in blaring unison like the high decibel broadcasts of North Korean oppression. It crawls like a giant snake through American democracy spreading venom against all who threaten state planning.

How could so many be such fools? The says hate the new leader and they hate on command. How many of us are there left that are not fooled? We are going to find out soon.
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Sorry, that last line should read the state says hate the new leader and the people hate on command.

Your freedom of speech is disappearing, your free press is gone, your company health insurance vanished years ago and your pension system was sold to the Chinese. Enjoy your state-indoctrinated hatred of Trump. If he loses your reward won't take long to become apparent. Joe Biden and his family got fabulously wealthy by taking these things away from you and you will end up with a handicap parking space and an electric shopping cart. If your man Biden wins that is all you will deserve.

I can't dumb it down any more than this.
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I know its hard to do, but completely setting aside Trumps disposition, he is by far the greatest thing that could have possibly happened to this country.
After 4 more years of Trump, our country has a chance to get back on track and stay that way, hopefully for a very long time.
I did not go to Harvard or Yale because I did not have rich parents to buy me in. This may be a blessing because I did not end up a crack head like Hunter Biden. I always had good jobs and when I retired I got two pensions, one from the Steelworker’s Pension Trust and one from a private company that offered a pension benefit when I started there in the 1980’s. That last company, a worldwide steel producer and a leading manufacturer of components for friction management, had no union but many years ago it was the best place to work in the city I lived in and you had to know someone who worked there to get in.

In the 1990’s there was a big meeting announcing the fact that the pension plan was being phased out and would no longer be offered. There were about 1200 employees at the time, all of them hired with the carrot of a pension. The company apparently did some legal checking and had to grandfather in some long-term employees along with workers who were approaching retirement age. Since I was working 50-60 hours a week I did not pay too much attention to politics but like Paul Simon said in his song, Kodachrome, I could read the writing on the wall.

I went right to the head guy who was there from Ohio to attend the meeting and asked him how it made sense to take away pensions. His answer was short and sweet-everyone else was doing it and the company did not want to be at a disadvantage in building plants in other parts of the world. He told me not worry because due to my age and length of service I would get my pension. He said it in front of hundreds of younger workers who were being swindled out of a benefit they were promised.

Do I long for the good old days? You bet I do but not for me. I wish you would get the retirement I am getting but you will never see it. Political Bernie Madoff’s like Joe Biden sold your retirement along with great company medical benefits to the Chinese for bags of money.

But you hate Donald Trump’s personality and you prefer shysters like Biden because you have been taught that by a government that is still selling you out.

If Biden wins, enjoy your prize.

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