Joe Biden Claims Gas Prices Were Always $7.00

I guess there is a segment of Americans that are fine with being lied to.... everyone knows what Joe said is not true...
But if leftists tells the lie often enough, their extremely impressionable low IQ base will believe it is true, nonetheless.

If CNN or MSNBC or some other fake news outlet tells the lie often enough, morons think it's truth because folks with very low intelligence are very suggestible.

Someone can tell them that 2+2=4, but if someone else tells them that 2+2=5 more often, they will actually believe that 2+2=5 and call you and math wayciss.
I just can't figure out if he's lying, or just really that stupid. 🙄
It's called "vascular dementia". If you don't believe me, look it up and come to your own diagnosis.

Here's a couple hints...


He had to undergo open emergency brain surgery twice.

And he used to have a serious cocaine addiction (and perhaps still does).

FYI: Cocaine is a very popular recreational drug that can cause horrible damage to your vascular system. Especially in the delicate blood vessels of the braincase and everything in it.

Hence the vascular dementia and brain surgeries and bloody eye.
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Biden has lied so many times and his lying has increased enormously that no one expects him to tell the truth anymore. It's not surprising nor remarkable.

What the out come of no world leader being able to believe the American resident will be is anyone's guess. We will have no leader. I mean we don't have a leader now.

I am hoping that Republicans take the house and senate in November. The new speaker will be able to act and just ease fuckwad Biden to the side. Let Biden and Kumquat keep their titles, just keep them to the side.
Anyways, the elephant in the room here right now is this all comes down to the idea that Democrats want to replace gasoline cars with electric cars.
Biden's Dementia Syndrome (BDS): alling down so frequently. He is on video falling down on the steps of AF1 3 times, falling off of a bicycle, and he also had a broken foot that he blamed on the dog.

Most likely, he couldn't remember how he broke his foot, so he and the Whithouse staffers blamed it on the dog (FYI: Dogs can't speak for themselves, so they can't deny it when assholes blame them for something they didn't do. A very childish tactic) and the fakestream press pretended like they actually believed that bullshit story.

That is a lot of falls in a short period of time. Very typical of people suffering from dementia.

And the faulty memory. That is also typical of dementia patients.

And that zoned out look on his face and his abnormal gait. Those are also symptoms of people suffering from dementia.
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