Joe Biden calls a black reporter a junkie! His racism is on full display


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2019
WOW you can’t make this up! The way this man attacks black men. Scary what he would do as president.
WOW you can’t make this up! The way this man attacks black men. Scary what he would do as president.
Yep. A cocaine junkie. And Biden is the one who actually drafted crack cocaine legislation that was specifically designed to give black people very lengthy mandatory minimum prison sentences.

Yet so many blacks still vote for the party of slavery and Jim Crow. Low IQ is obviously genetic.
WOW you can’t make this up! The way this man attacks black men. Scary what he would do as president.

Why do you misrepresent what was said?
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WOW you can’t make this up! The way this man attacks black men. Scary what he would do as president.

Why do you misrepresent what was said?

He’s asked him if he was a junkie lol
WOW you can’t make this up! The way this man attacks black men. Scary what he would do as president.
/——/ And TDS libtards think Dementia Joe is the ticket to the White House. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
WOW you can’t make this up! The way this man attacks black men. Scary what he would do as president.

Yea I saw this (not an article, the actual interview). Joe Biden is not fit to lead this country. His behavior was disgraceful and racists for sure.
Man, the Democrats are bleeding that country dry, it seems. Typical of the criminal nature of the 'Party', though, setting themselves up as a major global extortion racket operation, given they had a 'community organizer' from corrupt Chicago Land and a racist AG who loved him some Black Panthers and hate crimes against white people running cover for them and keeping the FBI and CIA at bay. Jow Un Biden probalby got a cut of that, too, being higher up the pyramid.
WOW you can’t make this up! The way this man attacks black men. Scary what he would do as president.

But Jow Un is now the Syndicate Boss who determines who is black now, so this isn 't a problem for Democrats.
Here the transcript.....just amazing how racist Biden

Errol Barnett: (37:41)
Mr. Vice President, your opponent in this election, President Trump, has made your mental state a campaign topic. And when asked in June, if you’d been tested full cognitive decline, you’ve responded that you’re constantly tested in effect because you’re in situations like this on the campaign trail. But please clarify specifically, have you taken a cognitive test?

Joe Biden: (38:04)
No, I haven’t taken a test. Why the hell would I take a test? Come on man. That’s like saying, “Before you got in this program, if you take a test where you’re taking cocaine or not. What do you think? Huh? Are you a junky?”

Errol Barnett: (38:17)
What do you say to President Trump who brags about his test and makes you a message say an issue for voters?

Joe Biden: (38:27)
Well, if he can’t figure out the difference between an elephant and a lion, I don’t know what the hell he’s talking about. Did you watch that? Look, come on, man. I know you’re trying to goad me, but I mean, I’m so forward-looking to have an opportunity to sit with the President or stand with the President in debates. There going to be plenty of time. And by the way, as I joke with him… I shouldn’t say it. I’m going to say something I probably shouldn’t say. Anyway, I am very willing to let the American public judge my physical as well as my mental fitness and to make a judgment about who I am and what state of affairs I have, what kind of physical shape I’m in, what kind of mental shape I’m in.
Here the transcript.....just amazing how racist Biden

Errol Barnett: (37:41)
Mr. Vice President, your opponent in this election, President Trump, has made your mental state a campaign topic. And when asked in June, if you’d been tested full cognitive decline, you’ve responded that you’re constantly tested in effect because you’re in situations like this on the campaign trail. But please clarify specifically, have you taken a cognitive test?

Joe Biden: (38:04)
No, I haven’t taken a test. Why the hell would I take a test? Come on man. That’s like saying, “Before you got in this program, if you take a test where you’re taking cocaine or not. What do you think? Huh? Are you a junky?”

Errol Barnett: (38:17)
What do you say to President Trump who brags about his test and makes you a message say an issue for voters?

Joe Biden: (38:27)
Well, if he can’t figure out the difference between an elephant and a lion, I don’t know what the hell he’s talking about. Did you watch that? Look, come on, man. I know you’re trying to goad me, but I mean, I’m so forward-looking to have an opportunity to sit with the President or stand with the President in debates. There going to be plenty of time. And by the way, as I joke with him… I shouldn’t say it. I’m going to say something I probably shouldn’t say. Anyway, I am very willing to let the American public judge my physical as well as my mental fitness and to make a judgment about who I am and what state of affairs I have, what kind of physical shape I’m in, what kind of mental shape I’m in.
/——/ Oh yeah, Dementia Joe’s mind is sharp as a tack. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
WOW you can’t make this up! The way this man attacks black men. Scary what he would do as president.
/—-/ Can you imagine the total meltdown of the Left if Trump said anything remotely close to this?
WOW you can’t make this up! The way this man attacks black men. Scary what he would do as president.

It's kinda' racist. Let's be honest though, this business declaring everything racist is well out of hand, what a bunch of snowflakes, poor fucking babies. I don't mean anyone in particular, just the MS shit-hole PROGS have created.

More than that who takes anything Biden says seriously? It's kind of an unusual thing Trump Vs Biden. On one hand a guy talks too much, sometimes he's full of shit, often times he's just bluntly honest. On the other the guy can't be taken seriously, EVER. For starts he has dementia, to the end he's like a monkey being taught how to do sign language or some shit. Imagine if he were black and I compared him to a monkey........... ah the Un-holly Hell, say it aint so.

Biden is a puppet POTUS, wanna-be. PROG-nation has really stooped low this time, to me it's a strong representation of their current demise. Thank GOD for sane people, we're going to miss this assault. With luck the Democrat party is doomed to collapse very soon, they need to be replaced with at least a hint of honesty and integrity.
WOW you can’t make this up! The way this man attacks black men. Scary what he would do as president.
/—-/ Remember when democRATs wanted to invoke the 25th Amendment and remove Trump because of some tweets they didn’t like? Now their candidate is clearly mentally impaired.

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