Joe Biden: "Abortion is always wrong."

Joe Biden: 'Abortion Is Always Wrong' | National Review Online

Here's goofy old Uncle Joe, starting trouble again for Obama and the Democratic Party.

Haaa Uncle Joe~

Not all Democrats think abortion is ok, just as much as not all republicans feel abortion is wrong.

The vice president’s stance puts him in the company of a long line of Roman Catholic Democrats, dating back to Mario Cuomo. The interview was published one day before Senate Democrats filibustered a ban on late-term abortions, legislation that derives much of its force from evidence that in utero fetuses can feel pain at 20 weeks of gestation.

Read more at: Joe Biden: 'Abortion Is Always Wrong' | National Review Online

May Joe isn't as stupid as we think. There are a lot of Catholics living in the blue states. Maybe they will vote for Joe because he's Catholic and pro-life.
It really isn't possible to be a Democrat and a Catholic as the same time.
Abortion is always wrong. Even if it is sometimes necessary, that necessity doesn't make it right. It's still wrong.
Joe Biden: 'Abortion Is Always Wrong' | National Review Online

Here's goofy old Uncle Joe, starting trouble again for Obama and the Democratic Party.

It's perfectly consistent to oppose abortion and acknowledge a woman's right to privacy, where it's incumbent upon those opposed to abortion to find a solution that comports with the Constitution and its case law.

indeed, everyone is opposed to abortion and considers it wrong, everyone agrees that the practice needs to be ended – the conflict concerns how to end abortion, where most on the right – social conservatives in particular – seek to 'ban' abortion in violation of the Constitution, thus increasing the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.
It really isn't possible to be a Democrat and a Catholic as the same time.
Wrong again - at least you're consistent at being wrong.

And again: one can oppose the practice of abortion and work to seek its end while at the same time respecting and acknowledging the privacy rights of women in accordance with the Constitution and its case law.

What is your solution to the problem of abortion that comports with the Constitution and its case law – it comes as no surprise that this is a question those on the right refuse to answer.
May Joe isn't as stupid as we think. There are a lot of Catholics living in the blue states. Maybe they will vote for Joe because he's Catholic and pro-life.
Everyone is 'pro-life,' including those who respect and acknowledge the privacy rights of women, who understand that government has no authority to compel a woman to give birth against her will, and who seek in good faith to find actual solutions to the problem of abortion, where 'banning' abortion is no 'solution.'

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