JFK Bombshell: Secret Service agent breaks silence with claim that blows up the 'magic bullet' theory and suggests there WAS more than one shooter

It's always been pretty silly that anyone would believe in a magic bullet that changes directions, not being re-directed by any bones. Arlen Specter was always a POS.

It's always been a conspiracy, whether it was the CIA (most likely), the Soviets, the Cubans, or the Mafia.
Actually, I've seen demonstrations where there is no need for a magic bullet that changes directions. When you take into account the fact that JFK was leaning forward and Connelly was turned to the side, the path of the bullet is quite straight. The situation doesn't demand a second shooter.
I'm not going to rehash all the evidence that supports the theory.

If this is something that has your interest and you want to know more the evidence is laid out in this book:

It’s weird that you can’t answer a simple question, but have to direct me to a book. It seems like you have an inability to think for yourself.
It’s weird that you can’t answer a simple question, but have to direct me to a book. It seems like you have an inability to think for yourself.
I told you I don't know what happen. What I told you is that there is significant evidence that suggest an accidental discharge was the fatal shot to Kennedy.

I referenced you the source where the evidence is presented.

You can do whatever you want. Read the book and see the evidence and see for yourself or not. I don't give a shit.
I told you I don't know what happen. What I told you is that there is significant evidence that suggest an accidental discharge was the fatal shot to Kennedy.

I referenced you the source where the evidence is presented.

You can do whatever you want. Read the book and see the evidence and see for yourself or not. I don't give a shit.
If you don’t have time to give a rudimentary outline, I don’t have time to read some random book.
If you don’t have time to give a rudimentary outline, I don’t have time to read some random book.

I was a Freshman in High School the day the sonofabitch was wasted.

I remember that day very well. However, I was over a thousand miles away so I have no idea what went down other than what somebody else tells me.

Over the years I heard all kinds of theories. Everything from the CIA did it to Cuban Patriots pissed about the Bay of Pigs to a lone gunman nutcase. I honestly don't give a shit.

The book lays out a compelling case that it could have been an accidental discharge that was the lethal shot. It evens discusses the photo evidence that supports the theory.

I don't know if the theory is true or not but if the JFK assassination is something that interest you then it is well worth exploring.

The reason some people don't want to accept the theory is because it would dispel the theory of another gunman. Besides, who wants to admit the SS did a major fuck up?

Go read the book, or not. I don't care.
Of course I have no knowledge of what happen on that day.

However, there is a substantial amount of credible evidence that suggest that JFK was accidentally killed by a SS agent.

No doubt Oswald put bullets into JFK. However, they may not have been fatal.

The evidence suggest that the bullet that went into head, that killed him, came from behind and was a .223.

The trailing vehicle had agents and one of them had an AR-15, which was a new firearm that nobody had much training with. The conjecture is that there was an accidental discharge in the chaos following the shooting and that was the fatal shot to Kennedy's head that killed him.

If that was the case we know that the Secret Service would never admit it because that would be disastrous to their reputation. It would also explain why all the records have not been released.

Menninger is part of a small but vocal group of theorists who hold that after Lee Harvey Oswald rattled off multiple shots at the motorcade carrying Kennedy past the Texas School Book Depository, a Secret Service agent riding in a car immediately behind the presidential limousine grabbed his Colt AR-15 high-velocity rifle to return fire.

But when his car stopped suddenly, the theory holds, Agent George Hickey lost his balance and accidentally discharged his weapon, sending a .223-caliber round rocketing into Kennedy's head — the wound that later killed the 35th president.

"It was entirely accidental," Menninger said. "Unfortunately, fate intervened as this agent was attempting to do his job."

Never heard that one before. That one is actually interesting.
That was an accusation that was never fully proved.

Your info is false.
The ballistics determined that the bullet aimed at Walker came from the same rifle used by Oswald to shoot JFK.
It’s hard for people to accept that a loser like Oswald could kill the POTUS but that’s often how real life works.
Never heard that one before. That one is actually interesting.
In addition to the book a few years back (I think it was PBS) did a two hour show about it.

I think the crux of the theory is that none on the ballistics from Oswald's rifle lines up with the head shot that killed Kennedy. The head shot is also consistent with a .223 fragmentation and lines up with being shot from behind.

Nobody is talking and all of the evidence is circumstantial so who knows if it true or not?

I suspect if it was true then the SS would never admit it. That would also explain why, 60 years later, a lot of evidence in the shooting have not been released to the public. It would be a major embarrassment to the Secret Service.
Dr. Cyril Wecht, one of the greatest forensic pathologists of our time, blew the single bullet theory out of the water several decades ago.
Actually, I've seen demonstrations where there is no need for a magic bullet that changes directions. When you take into account the fact that JFK was leaning forward and Connelly was turned to the side, the path of the bullet is quite straight. The situation doesn't demand a second shooter.
All the attending doctors and nurses in Dallas assumed that the neck hole was the entrance wound because it was so neat.
All the attending doctors and nurses in Dallas assumed that the neck hole was the entrance wound because it was so neat.
Which it would be if the bullet hit nothing hard and was not tumbling. The point is, there is no need for a bullet to change course miraculously when you account for the way the people were positioned in the car.
Which it would be if the bullet hit nothing hard and was not tumbling. The point is, there is no need for a bullet to change course miraculously when you account for the way the people were positioned in the car.
But supposedly it was an exit wound, according to the Warren Commission, as Oswald was behind the car.
That doesn't explain why this fourth bullet was on the seat behind where JFK was sitting.
According to this that bullet was removed from the back seat and placed on the stretcher where it became the magic bullet supposed falling out of Connolly’s thigh

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