Jews, Democrats, and Death


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Everyone has seen the latest result of the Democrats stealing the election: another flare-up in the conflict that abated during Trump's presidency.

And, of course, just as they are always on the side of the criminal vs the police, the Democrats are urging on the death cult known as 'Palestinians.'

In this Washington organ of the Democrats... the suggestion is that we have no business aiding Israel with the Iron Dome missile defense system because....

...wait for it......

.....because it has the potential to save Jew's lives.

"Israel’s Iron Dome defense system protects Israeli lives. It also perpetuates the Israel-Gaza conflict.

The system has saved lives on both sides of the border — but leaves little incentive for a political solution​

The Israeli-made and U.S.-funded anti-rocket “Iron Dome” intercept system claims to have stopped about 90 percent of these missiles.

Israel has responded with a massive air campaign against Gaza reminiscent of the wars in 2009 and 2014. This cycle of conflict suggests that the success of Iron Dome may have the perverse consequence of helping to perpetuate the Gaza-Israel conflict.

But the unintended consequences of this protective system complicate the story — by reducing the expected costs of bombing Gaza, Iron Dome allows Israel to act with less concern for civilian casualties, and gives Israel less incentive to find a political solution to its conflict with Gaza."

How do Democrats have time to both write this sort of desire for the death of innocent civilians.....

....and still have time to write checks to Planned Slaughterhood???
Another Trump Cult member worldview! Bigly!!!


The only 'cult' is the quasi-religion that called their candidate god, Jesus and the messiah.....that would be you Democrats.

“Describing Trump supporters as a cult has become a trope among his Democratic critics. Which seems ironic, considering how the very same crowd in the past four years tended to invest emotionally in whoever they hoped would end Trump's presidency. Special Counsel Robert Muller probably received the lion's share of the prayers, though figures like ex-FBI director James Comey or even Trump's fixer-turned-critic Michael Cohen basked in some limelight.

The Biden hagiography reached an ear-piercing pitch during the inauguration week. A CNN host saw a vision of the president-elect's arms embracing America in the lighting of the Lincoln memorial, while a New York Times editor confessed to experiencing chills upon Biden landing at Joint Base Andrews. One could be excused for seeing such accounts as quasi-religious.” 'Government becomes God': Jacobin's satirical cover literally idolizing Biden strikes nerve




The only 'cult' is the quasi-religion that called their candidate god, Jesus and the messiah.....that would be you Democrats.
The black stain on the US presidency is just never going to wash off, and Xiden just adds to his legitimacy, doesn't he twisted sister.
Yet it is the republicans who sell arms and give Israel money to continue with no strings attached. Thus indirectly funding the killing with no promises of resolving the conflict.

The heart of the issue is who owns the land. Why can't they split it up. A home land for both people separated by a 20 foot wall. Now that is a wall that I can support. IF they cannot get along then up with the wall until they start acting civil towards one another.

They get 3 billion dollars from the US. How about using that as leverage to find a peaceful solution. It really is not a democrat or republican issue. It is a Palestine and Israel issue and who funds it. Who side to choose.
Everyone has seen the latest result of the Democrats stealing the election: another flare-up in the conflict that abated during Trump's presidency.

And, of course, just as they are always on the side of the criminal vs the police, the Democrats are urging on the death cult known as 'Palestinians.'

In this Washington organ of the Democrats... the suggestion is that we have no business aiding Israel with the Iron Dome missile defense system because....

...wait for it......

.....because it has the potential to save Jew's lives.

"Israel’s Iron Dome defense system protects Israeli lives. It also perpetuates the Israel-Gaza conflict.

The system has saved lives on both sides of the border — but leaves little incentive for a political solution​

The Israeli-made and U.S.-funded anti-rocket “Iron Dome” intercept system claims to have stopped about 90 percent of these missiles.

Israel has responded with a massive air campaign against Gaza reminiscent of the wars in 2009 and 2014. This cycle of conflict suggests that the success of Iron Dome may have the perverse consequence of helping to perpetuate the Gaza-Israel conflict.

But the unintended consequences of this protective system complicate the story — by reducing the expected costs of bombing Gaza, Iron Dome allows Israel to act with less concern for civilian casualties, and gives Israel less incentive to find a political solution to its conflict with Gaza."

How do Democrats have time to both write this sort of desire for the death of innocent civilians.....

....and still have time to write checks to Planned Slaughterhood???

Every time anti-semites like Joe Biden, Barack Obama, and John Kerry are in charge of anything, Israel is compelled to defend itself against enemies emboldened by DemoKKKrat Jew-hatred.
Yet it is the republicans who sell arms and give Israel money to continue with no strings attached. Thus indirectly funding the killing with no promises of resolving the conflict.

The heart of the issue is who owns the land. Why can't they split it up. A home land for both people separated by a 20 foot wall. Now that is a wall that I can support. IF they cannot get along then up with the wall until they start acting civil towards one another.

They get 3 billion dollars from the US. How about using that as leverage to find a peaceful solution. It really is not a democrat or republican issue. It is a Palestine and Israel issue and who funds it. Who side to choose.
No the heart of the matter is not who owns the land.. Radicals like Hamas do not want any Jews on any land read their charter.. By the way they don’t want anyone but muslims on the land either ... Would it shock you to know how Christian and other populations have been systematically removed.. Even places like Bangladesh andPakistan had rather large minority population of Hindus they are mostly gone now do your own research...A wall still doesn’t stop missiles does it so how would that work...As for the 3 Billion dollars that was not a gift originally when Israel captured the Sinia penniseula from Egypt the Israelis were pumping out around 2 Billion dollars in oil revenue in order for the Israelis to give that up the US offered them 3 Billion dollars a year but most of the money is too buy US weapons so it helps with jobs in the states... Thereallyinterestingthingis if Israelhad kept the Sonia then that would have been many many billions way more then 3 Billion as the price of oil has increased drastically plus Israel could have offered thePalestinians land in the Sinia to live much more land then they have now.. It really wasn’t long sighted on the Israelis part to give up that land for the cold treaty they now have with Egypt...

"Washington Post Frets That Iron Dome Means Not Enough Israeli Civilians Are Getting Killed for Hamas to Win

Unhappy at inheriting a quiescent Middle East where Israel and the Arab world are developing economic, security, and diplomatic ties and Iran is so cash-strapped that it is finding it difficult to fund its terrorist operations, the Biden bunch is, in a flashback from the Obama administration, attempting to bolster Iran as the regional superpower while limiting assistance and cooperation with our Arab allies and with Israel. The same sort of big-brain thinking that gave us the Arab Spring, a terrorist state in Libya, ethnic cleansing and genocide in Syria, and made Iraq into a de facto Iranian satrapy is now trying to encourage the Palestinians to engage in a new intifada.

The success of Iron Dome and the astonishing lack of casualties on both sides should be a cause for hope and celebration among sane people but such folk are in short supply on the pages of the Washington Post. For instance, there is this from the Washington Post’s aptly named “Monkey Cage” section that purports to provide “Analysis:” Israel’s Iron Dome defense system protects Israeli lives. It also perpetuates the Israel-Gaza conflict."
" Israel’s prime minister has just tweeted out a video made by Col. Richard Kemp, the former commander of British forces in Afghanistan, released by PragerU shortly after the last Israel-Hamas war in 2014. The title of the video says it all: “Israel: The World’s Most Moral Army.”

In Colonel Kemp’s words: “I was the commander of British Forces in Afghanistan. I have fought in combat zones around the world, including Northern Ireland, Bosnia, Macedonia and Iraq. I was also present throughout the conflict in Gaza in 2014.

“Based on my experience and on my observations, the Israel Defense Force, the IDF, does more to safeguard the rights of civilians in a combat zone than any other army in the history of warfare.”

Which is why the left hates Israel. It is morally better than its neighbors, not to mention its enemies. Just as America has been. But if you believe America was founded in 1619 and that men give birth, you will also believe Israel is the villain in its war with Hamas."
" Israel’s prime minister has just tweeted out a video made by Col. Richard Kemp, the former commander of British forces in Afghanistan, released by PragerU shortly after the last Israel-Hamas war in 2014. The title of the video says it all: “Israel: The World’s Most Moral Army.”

In Colonel Kemp’s words: “I was the commander of British Forces in Afghanistan. I have fought in combat zones around the world, including Northern Ireland, Bosnia, Macedonia and Iraq. I was also present throughout the conflict in Gaza in 2014.

“Based on my experience and on my observations, the Israel Defense Force, the IDF, does more to safeguard the rights of civilians in a combat zone than any other army in the history of warfare.”

Which is why the left hates Israel. It is morally better than its neighbors, not to mention its enemies. Just as America has been. But if you believe America was founded in 1619 and that men give birth, you will also believe Israel is the villain in its war with Hamas."
Col. Richard Kemp is a paid shill for Israel.
" Israel’s prime minister has just tweeted out a video made by Col. Richard Kemp, the former commander of British forces in Afghanistan, released by PragerU shortly after the last Israel-Hamas war in 2014. The title of the video says it all: “Israel: The World’s Most Moral Army.”

In Colonel Kemp’s words: “I was the commander of British Forces in Afghanistan. I have fought in combat zones around the world, including Northern Ireland, Bosnia, Macedonia and Iraq. I was also present throughout the conflict in Gaza in 2014.

“Based on my experience and on my observations, the Israel Defense Force, the IDF, does more to safeguard the rights of civilians in a combat zone than any other army in the history of warfare.”

Which is why the left hates Israel. It is morally better than its neighbors, not to mention its enemies. Just as America has been. But if you believe America was founded in 1619 and that men give birth, you will also believe Israel is the villain in its war with Hamas."
Col. Richard Kemp is a paid shill for Israel.
Your conspiracy theories are a hoot.
" Israel’s prime minister has just tweeted out a video made by Col. Richard Kemp, the former commander of British forces in Afghanistan, released by PragerU shortly after the last Israel-Hamas war in 2014. The title of the video says it all: “Israel: The World’s Most Moral Army.”

In Colonel Kemp’s words: “I was the commander of British Forces in Afghanistan. I have fought in combat zones around the world, including Northern Ireland, Bosnia, Macedonia and Iraq. I was also present throughout the conflict in Gaza in 2014.

“Based on my experience and on my observations, the Israel Defense Force, the IDF, does more to safeguard the rights of civilians in a combat zone than any other army in the history of warfare.”

Which is why the left hates Israel. It is morally better than its neighbors, not to mention its enemies. Just as America has been. But if you believe America was founded in 1619 and that men give birth, you will also believe Israel is the villain in its war with Hamas."
Col. Richard Kemp is a paid shill for Israel.

So he is on the same level you are, but on the right side?
Yet it is the republicans who sell arms and give Israel money to continue with no strings attached. Thus indirectly funding the killing with no promises of resolving the conflict.

The heart of the issue is who owns the land. Why can't they split it up. A home land for both people separated by a 20 foot wall. Now that is a wall that I can support. IF they cannot get along then up with the wall until they start acting civil towards one another.

They get 3 billion dollars from the US. How about using that as leverage to find a peaceful solution. It really is not a democrat or republican issue. It is a Palestine and Israel issue and who funds it. Who side to choose.
No the heart of the matter is not who owns the land.. Radicals like Hamas do not want any Jews on any land read their charter.. By the way they don’t want anyone but muslims on the land either ... Would it shock you to know how Christian and other populations have been systematically removed.. Even places like Bangladesh andPakistan had rather large minority population of Hindus they are mostly gone now do your own research...A wall still doesn’t stop missiles does it so how would that work...As for the 3 Billion dollars that was not a gift originally when Israel captured the Sinia penniseula from Egypt the Israelis were pumping out around 2 Billion dollars in oil revenue in order for the Israelis to give that up the US offered them 3 Billion dollars a year but most of the money is too buy US weapons so it helps with jobs in the states... Thereallyinterestingthingis if Israelhad kept the Sonia then that would have been many many billions way more then 3 Billion as the price of oil has increased drastically plus Israel could have offered thePalestinians land in the Sinia to live much more land then they have now.. It really wasn’t long sighted on the Israelis part to give up that land for the cold treaty they now have with Egypt...

Well lets not hold the history of Christianity to be pure. They have done there fair share of exterminations. You know the history and it is not a pretty one. Even the Jewish people were targeted at one time. But they got over it. Still it is the reason for the mess in the middle east.

War in the name of religion is a fact in man's history.

Israel captured the Sinai. Indicates that it was in someone else's possession. They capture it and would not withdraw. So The US gave them money to leave.

The gift that keeps on giving. Sorry the Sinai did not belong to them.

Still the issue is the fighting must stop. There must be agreement on both sides. Israel has a right to exist but so does the other people who were there before the power that be gave them that land.

Yes, the issue is who's land is it. History has shown that land is a good reason to fight over. Still share the land means something to those who can.

Once they learn to stop killing each other then maybe their can be peace. Instead others countries meddle and take sides.
Yet it is the republicans who sell arms and give Israel money to continue with no strings attached. Thus indirectly funding the killing with no promises of resolving the conflict.

The heart of the issue is who owns the land. Why can't they split it up. A home land for both people separated by a 20 foot wall. Now that is a wall that I can support. IF they cannot get along then up with the wall until they start acting civil towards one another.

They get 3 billion dollars from the US. How about using that as leverage to find a peaceful solution. It really is not a democrat or republican issue. It is a Palestine and Israel issue and who funds it. Who side to choose.
No the heart of the matter is not who owns the land.. Radicals like Hamas do not want any Jews on any land read their charter.. By the way they don’t want anyone but muslims on the land either ... Would it shock you to know how Christian and other populations have been systematically removed.. Even places like Bangladesh andPakistan had rather large minority population of Hindus they are mostly gone now do your own research...A wall still doesn’t stop missiles does it so how would that work...As for the 3 Billion dollars that was not a gift originally when Israel captured the Sinia penniseula from Egypt the Israelis were pumping out around 2 Billion dollars in oil revenue in order for the Israelis to give that up the US offered them 3 Billion dollars a year but most of the money is too buy US weapons so it helps with jobs in the states... Thereallyinterestingthingis if Israelhad kept the Sonia then that would have been many many billions way more then 3 Billion as the price of oil has increased drastically plus Israel could have offered thePalestinians land in the Sinia to live much more land then they have now.. It really wasn’t long sighted on the Israelis part to give up that land for the cold treaty they now have with Egypt...

Well lets not hold the history of Christianity to be pure. They have done there fair share of exterminations. You know the history and it is not a pretty one. Even the Jewish people were targeted at one time. But they got over it. Still it is the reason for the mess in the middle east.

War in the name of religion is a fact in man's history.

Israel captured the Sinai. Indicates that it was in someone else's possession. They capture it and would not withdraw. So The US gave them money to leave.

The gift that keeps on giving. Sorry the Sinai did not belong to them.

Still the issue is the fighting must stop. There must be agreement on both sides. Israel has a right to exist but so does the other people who were there before the power that be gave them that land.

Yes, the issue is who's land is it. History has shown that land is a good reason to fight over. Still share the land means something to those who can.

Once they learn to stop killing each other then maybe their can be peace. Instead others countries meddle and take sides.

"Well lets not hold the history of Christianity to be pure. They have done there fair share of exterminations."

Perhaps we should compare the Christian faith to yours, Militant Secularism, in terms of slaughter.

"Over the past 100 years the most oppressive ideology in the world has been communism [Marxism]. While the people who lived under it were starved, tortured and murdered, its leaders lived in luxury.
The suppression of ordinary people by their communist rulers far surpasses anything capitalist employers were ever accused of doing. While condemning exploitation, communist dictators turned out to be masters at it.

a. R.J. Rummel estimates that almost 170 million people were killed in the 20th century by their own governments. These are not deaths in war. They are the victims of genocide by the governments in the countries where they lived. Hate on the Left

Some people blame organized religion for most of history's killings. It is also sometimes claimed that more people have been killed in the name of Christ than for any other reason.
Of course, that's simply Leftist propaganda.

The total number of deaths estimated to lie at the feet of humanity's poor practice of Christianity is approximately 17 million. This number would include ancient wars, the Crusades, the Inquisitions, various European wars during the Middle Ages, and witchcraft trials.
Everyone has seen the latest result of the Democrats stealing the election: another flare-up in the conflict that abated during Trump's presidency.

And, of course, just as they are always on the side of the criminal vs the police, the Democrats are urging on the death cult known as 'Palestinians.'

In this Washington organ of the Democrats... the suggestion is that we have no business aiding Israel with the Iron Dome missile defense system because....

...wait for it......

.....because it has the potential to save Jew's lives.

"Israel’s Iron Dome defense system protects Israeli lives. It also perpetuates the Israel-Gaza conflict.

The system has saved lives on both sides of the border — but leaves little incentive for a political solution​

The Israeli-made and U.S.-funded anti-rocket “Iron Dome” intercept system claims to have stopped about 90 percent of these missiles.

Israel has responded with a massive air campaign against Gaza reminiscent of the wars in 2009 and 2014. This cycle of conflict suggests that the success of Iron Dome may have the perverse consequence of helping to perpetuate the Gaza-Israel conflict.

But the unintended consequences of this protective system complicate the story — by reducing the expected costs of bombing Gaza, Iron Dome allows Israel to act with less concern for civilian casualties, and gives Israel less incentive to find a political solution to its conflict with Gaza."

How do Democrats have time to both write this sort of desire for the death of innocent civilians.....

....and still have time to write checks to Planned Slaughterhood???
You just post whatever your handler's want, even a known lie.
Everyone has seen the latest result of the Democrats stealing the election: another flare-up in the conflict that abated during Trump's presidency.

And, of course, just as they are always on the side of the criminal vs the police, the Democrats are urging on the death cult known as 'Palestinians.'

In this Washington organ of the Democrats... the suggestion is that we have no business aiding Israel with the Iron Dome missile defense system because....

...wait for it......

.....because it has the potential to save Jew's lives.

"Israel’s Iron Dome defense system protects Israeli lives. It also perpetuates the Israel-Gaza conflict.

The system has saved lives on both sides of the border — but leaves little incentive for a political solution​

The Israeli-made and U.S.-funded anti-rocket “Iron Dome” intercept system claims to have stopped about 90 percent of these missiles.

Israel has responded with a massive air campaign against Gaza reminiscent of the wars in 2009 and 2014. This cycle of conflict suggests that the success of Iron Dome may have the perverse consequence of helping to perpetuate the Gaza-Israel conflict.

But the unintended consequences of this protective system complicate the story — by reducing the expected costs of bombing Gaza, Iron Dome allows Israel to act with less concern for civilian casualties, and gives Israel less incentive to find a political solution to its conflict with Gaza."

How do Democrats have time to both write this sort of desire for the death of innocent civilians.....

....and still have time to write checks to Planned Slaughterhood???
You just post whatever your handler's want, even a known lie.

You forgot to provide what the lie is.
Yet it is the republicans who sell arms and give Israel money to continue with no strings attached. Thus indirectly funding the killing with no promises of resolving the conflict.

The heart of the issue is who owns the land. Why can't they split it up. A home land for both people separated by a 20 foot wall. Now that is a wall that I can support. IF they cannot get along then up with the wall until they start acting civil towards one another.

They get 3 billion dollars from the US. How about using that as leverage to find a peaceful solution. It really is not a democrat or republican issue. It is a Palestine and Israel issue and who funds it. Who side to choose.
No the heart of the matter is not who owns the land.. Radicals like Hamas do not want any Jews on any land read their charter.. By the way they don’t want anyone but muslims on the land either ... Would it shock you to know how Christian and other populations have been systematically removed.. Even places like Bangladesh andPakistan had rather large minority population of Hindus they are mostly gone now do your own research...A wall still doesn’t stop missiles does it so how would that work...As for the 3 Billion dollars that was not a gift originally when Israel captured the Sinia penniseula from Egypt the Israelis were pumping out around 2 Billion dollars in oil revenue in order for the Israelis to give that up the US offered them 3 Billion dollars a year but most of the money is too buy US weapons so it helps with jobs in the states... Thereallyinterestingthingis if Israelhad kept the Sonia then that would have been many many billions way more then 3 Billion as the price of oil has increased drastically plus Israel could have offered thePalestinians land in the Sinia to live much more land then they have now.. It really wasn’t long sighted on the Israelis part to give up that land for the cold treaty they now have with Egypt...

Well lets not hold the history of Christianity to be pure. They have done there fair share of exterminations. You know the history and it is not a pretty one. Even the Jewish people were targeted at one time. But they got over it. Still it is the reason for the mess in the middle east.

War in the name of religion is a fact in man's history.

Israel captured the Sinai. Indicates that it was in someone else's possession. They capture it and would not withdraw. So The US gave them money to leave.

The gift that keeps on giving. Sorry the Sinai did not belong to them.

Still the issue is the fighting must stop. There must be agreement on both sides. Israel has a right to exist but so does the other people who were there before the power that be gave them that land.

Yes, the issue is who's land is it. History has shown that land is a good reason to fight over. Still share the land means something to those who can.

Once they learn to stop killing each other then maybe their can be peace. Instead others countries meddle and take sides.

"Well lets not hold the history of Christianity to be pure. They have done there fair share of exterminations."

Perhaps we should compare the Christian faith to yours, Militant Secularism, in terms of slaughter.

"Over the past 100 years the most oppressive ideology in the world has been communism [Marxism]. While the people who lived under it were starved, tortured and murdered, its leaders lived in luxury.
The suppression of ordinary people by their communist rulers far surpasses anything capitalist employers were ever accused of doing. While condemning exploitation, communist dictators turned out to be masters at it.

a. R.J. Rummel estimates that almost 170 million people were killed in the 20th century by their own governments. These are not deaths in war. They are the victims of genocide by the governments in the countries where they lived. Hate on the Left

Some people blame organized religion for most of history's killings. It is also sometimes claimed that more people have been killed in the name of Christ than for any other reason.
Of course, that's simply Leftist propaganda.

The total number of deaths estimated to lie at the feet of humanity's poor practice of Christianity is approximately 17 million. This number would include ancient wars, the Crusades, the Inquisitions, various European wars during the Middle Ages, and witchcraft trials.
Militant Secularism - The goal is to be an atheists society

Sorry I am talking about peace between people. It really has nothing to do with militant secularism. IF they kill each other then atheists will inherit the world.

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