Jews are increasingly turning against the democratic party


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
Still at too slow of a pace especially when one considers how the leftwingers are so openly haters of Judaism and Christianity as well.

Yet they have no such qualms with marxists and we all were recent witness of biden quoting Mao...have they gone completely mad?

Old habits die hard.

I tend to look towards Europe as the trendsetter because we are a bit behind them in terms of the degradation of society at the hands of the Marxists, but the British left is so anti-Semitic that Jewish people would be idiots to be a member, yet some persist. Even when Jeremy Corbyn meets regularly with Hamas to plot together on how to kill them, it doesn't get through people's heads what is actually going on. People have been so thoroughly conditioned to only look at the right for antisemitism, they fail to look at the left.
Still at too slow of a pace especially when one considers how the leftwingers are so openly haters of Judaism and Christianity as well.

Yet they have no such qualms with marxists and we all were recent witness of biden quoting Mao...have they gone completely mad?

American, phoney jews aren't very bright in this respect. Then again most of the European jews where they came from marched off to the concentration camps and into the ovens whimpering all the way. I they thought Hitler was their friend. The only real jews in my opinion are in Israel and they just don't take any shit from anyone. Then again the real jews in Israel all love Donald Trump because they know he is their real friend.
Still at too slow of a pace especially when one considers how the leftwingers are so openly haters of Judaism and Christianity as well.

Funny that there is more reaction here on the message board to your post than at the linked article site itself. Yes, I have to admit the pace is real slow,

Still at too slow of a pace especially when one considers how the leftwingers are so openly haters of Judaism and Christianity as well.

Yet they have no such qualms with marxists and we all were recent witness of biden quoting Mao...have they gone completely mad?

American Jews for decades thought that they needed to vote Democratic to offset the White Christian Supermajority in the nation.

They weirdly were against Israel too.

They may be coming around to the idea that the white Christians would be better at protecting their interests.
Still at too slow of a pace especially when one considers how the leftwingers are so openly haters of Judaism and Christianity as well.

Yet they have no such qualms with marxists and we all were recent witness of biden quoting Mao...have they gone completely mad?

Can you see any difference between GOP and dems?
I'm not.
Old habits die hard.

I tend to look towards Europe as the trendsetter because we are a bit behind them in terms of the degradation of society at the hands of the Marxists, but the British left is so anti-Semitic that Jewish people would be idiots to be a member, yet some persist. Even when Jeremy Corbyn meets regularly with Hamas to plot together on how to kill them, it doesn't get through people's heads what is actually going on. People have been so thoroughly conditioned to only look at the right for antisemitism, they fail to look at the left.

Well...remember......when Moses led the Jews out of Egypt, many of them wanted to go back to being slaves ....... human foolishness has been around a long, long time and it isn't going away anytime soon.....

The democrat party hates Jews.....and yet the vote them power every single election.
American Jews for decades thought that they needed to vote Democratic to offset the White Christian Supermajority in the nation.

They weirdly were against Israel too.

They may be coming around to the idea that the white Christians would be better at protecting their interests.

White Christians are the biggest supporters of Jewish people and Israel......the democrat party hates Jewish people......
I'm a Jew and for the life of me I cannot fathom why even a secular Jew, let alone religious would vote Democrat any longer. Only a self hating brainwashed partisan hack would vote Democrat today. Unfortunately, most Jews have traditionally been Democrats and like with Blacks, it's a hard habit to break, considering they are so ingrained in the Democrat party's power structure and it's an affiliation that has been building up for many years.
I'm a Jew and for the life of me I cannot fathom why even a secular Jew, let alone religious would vote Democrat any longer. Only a self hating brainwashed partisan hack would vote Democrat today. Unfortunately, most Jews have traditionally been Democrats and like with Blacks, it's a hard habit to break, considering they are so ingrained in the Democrat party's power structure and it's an affiliation that has been building up for many years.
Sad to say, White Christians, especially evangelicals care more for Israel that American Jews. But there is a large segment that has left the Democratic Party, and after Obama and recent elevation of characters like Sanders, Omar, AOC in the Democratic Party, this defection is growing daily.
American Jews for decades thought that they needed to vote Democratic to offset the White Christian Supermajority in the nation.

They weirdly were against Israel too.

They may be coming around to the idea that the white Christians would be better at protecting their interests.

White Christians are the biggest supporters of Jewish people and Israel......the democrat party hates Jewish people......

I know that and you know that..........
I'm a Jew and for the life of me I cannot fathom why even a secular Jew, let alone religious would vote Democrat any longer. Only a self hating brainwashed partisan hack would vote Democrat today. Unfortunately, most Jews have traditionally been Democrats and like with Blacks, it's a hard habit to break, considering they are so ingrained in the Democrat party's power structure and it's an affiliation that has been building up for many years.
Sad to say, White Christians, especially evangelicals care more for Israel that American Jews. But there is a large segment that has left the Democratic Party, and after Obama and recent elevation of characters like Sanders, Omar, AOC in the Democratic Party, this defection is growing daily.

One can only hope....the democrat party is the location of the greatest evil in our country........
Old habits die hard.

I tend to look towards Europe as the trendsetter because we are a bit behind them in terms of the degradation of society at the hands of the Marxists, but the British left is so anti-Semitic that Jewish people would be idiots to be a member, yet some persist. Even when Jeremy Corbyn meets regularly with Hamas to plot together on how to kill them, it doesn't get through people's heads what is actually going on. People have been so thoroughly conditioned to only look at the right for antisemitism, they fail to look at the left.

You nailed it.

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