Jews and salvation

Must Jews achieve salvation through jesus or are they exempt

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rtwngAvngr said:
Simple answer, asshat:

I don't know.
Simple follow on question, tubby:

Do you think its more likely, less likely, or 99.999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% impossible that someone is using hurricanes for ethnic cleansing? Quit dodging for fear of being judged. It makes you look silly, and we're judging you anyways.
The ClayTaurus said:
You're so open minded about weather control, or is it weathermancers, why not be open minded about the authors of your sources being wrong?

Keep handing him bricks! Keep building the wall! No light must penetrate! ooooooohweeeeeeeeeeeeoooooooooooh!

WHat do you believe they're wrong about? Besides weather control. Anything regarding noahides, the thread topic? I'm asking for some substance. Now go eat crotch cheese, dairy-boy. (See what I mean about amusing?)
rtwngAvngr said:
WHat do you believe they're wrong about? Besides weather control. Anything regarding noahides, the thread topic? I'm asking for some substance.
You continue to miss the point. EVERY source you post is chock full of lunacy. Most of which I'm starting to think you're buying into, but dance around so as to not be made a complete fool by even the densest of lurkers. I don't even need to address your articles when you can't even present one with a credible background behind it. I'm sure you understand, considering you just pulled the same maneuver on me.

You see, in the real world, people who believe that Al Gore is making hurricane weapons are written off as insane, and ignored.
rtwngAvngr said:
Now go eat crotch cheese, dairy-boy. (See what I mean about amusing?)
Not really. I'm sure your 5-year-old ego feels better though. Is this where I call you penis breath? Bird brain? Lemme know what juvenile insults to hurl at you, since you're so easily amused.
The ClayTaurus said:
You continue to miss the point. EVERY source you post is chock full of lunacy. Most of which I'm starting to think you're buying into, but dance around so as to not be made a complete fool by even the densest of lurkers. I don't even need to address your articles when you can't even present one with a credible background behind it. I'm sure you understand, considering you just pulled the same maneuver on me.

You see, in the real world, people who believe that Al Gore is making hurricane weapons are written off as insane, and ignored.Not really. I'm sure your 5-year-old ego feels better though. Is this where I call you penis breath? Bird brain? Lemme know what juvenile insults to hurl at you, since you're so easily amused.

So after all this, do you have a point about noahides you'd like to make?
The ClayTaurus said:
Oh, I see the defense mechanism shield is back up and running. I'll leave you to your vices then.

You're made no subtantive point regarding noahides. I'm very, very sorry.
Here... I'll do some of RWA's work:

Christian critics of the Noahide laws contend that insisting upon a basic set of moral laws is contrary to religious pluralism. Some believe that their existence implies that Jews may set up a legal system that would effectively outlaw Christianity. The Jewish community responds by noting that it makes laws and customs for its own members (like all faiths) and does not set up governments to force Jewish beliefs on non-Jews; in contrast, some non-Jewish faiths have carried out such actions in practice. In addition, with their minimal threshold of morality, the Noahide law may be compared to Catholic social teachings.
Check out this joke I found from the same forum:

There was a restaurant in Jerusalem with a sign out front, "NO ARABS ALLOWED." An Arab in full dress came in, sat down and ordered. The waiter asked the owner of the restaurant what he should do. He said, "Charge him double price." After the meal the Arab gladly paid the price and left. The next day the Arab came back and the waiter once again asked the owner what to do. The owner said, "Triple the price and maybe he'll get the message." When the Arab got the check for the meal, he once again gladly paid the price and left. The next day the Arab came back, but brought six of his friends along. Same thing - the waiter asked the owner what he should do, and the owner said, "Quadruple the price!" The Arabs gladly paid for their meals and left.

The next day there was a new sign out in front of the restaurant: "NO JEWS ALLOWED."
5stringJeff said:
Here... I'll do some of RWA's work:

Christian critics of the Noahide laws contend that insisting upon a basic set of moral laws is contrary to religious pluralism. Some believe that their existence implies that Jews may set up a legal system that would effectively outlaw Christianity. The Jewish community responds by noting that it makes laws and customs for its own members (like all faiths) and does not set up governments to force Jewish beliefs on non-Jews; in contrast, some non-Jewish faiths have carried out such actions in practice. In addition, with their minimal threshold of morality, the Noahide law may be compared to Catholic social teachings.

The jewish community is lying when they say noachide laws are not to be enforced on others. Noachide laws are STRICTLY FOR others, not jews. You christian zionists will one day be persecuted as idolaters by your jew masters.:poop:
rtwngAvngr said:
The jewish community is lying when they say noachide laws are not to be enforced on others. Noachide laws are STRICTLY FOR others, not jews. You christian zionists will one day be persecuted as idolaters by your jew masters.:poop:
And THIS is the bullshit you have no CREDIBLE proof of.
The ClayTaurus said:
And THIS is the bullshit you have no CREDIBLE proof of.

Connect the dots, Spuds Mackenzie.
jillian said:
First you have to make sure the dots aren't the ones floating around in front of your eyes after you've been hitting the hard stuff.

So who are the Noachide Laws for, jillian? And remember, do not lie is one of them.
A quote from WebEliahu, the online torah master

webeliahu said:
This is not correct. You don't have the concept yet, but I will keep trying to make this understood.

Belief matters in religions.

Belief does not matter in a covenant.

God has contracted every human being through their parents, the Bnei Noach (Bereishis/Genesis 9:9).


There is NO CHOICE. With religions a person has a choice. With a covenant with God, there is no choice.

One can CHOOSE to disobey. One cannot choose not to belong.

The road to Godliness and a positive verdict at judgment time BEGINS by understanding what I have just written.

Best Wishes, Eliahu .. Looking Forward To The Journey, Eliahu ..
rtwngAvngr said:
Connect the dots, Spuds Mackenzie.
No. You've been trying to show us how the dots are connected, and all of your sources are absurd. You can't just go cross out the numbers next to the dots, renumber them, and then draw your own fucked up picture.

Again, we're all waiting on a credible source.
Another quote from WebEliahu the online torah master (from the same thread), illustrating the hierarchical nature of the Jewish conception of the world to come or Olam Ha Ba.

webeliahu said:
In the World to Come, our relationship with God is going to be entirely different, because we will come to that World as part of the management team, and not as minimum wage employees, all because of our covenantal relationship with God.

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