Jewish synagogue on fire in lod

It’s time to crush these terrorist and push them all back to Jordan

It is time to crush these terrorist and ship them back to Germany and Russia from whence they came.
You truly are a vacuous buffoon and an anti Semitic loser of hate
The land has been Jewish for 3,500 yrs but you clearly never went far in school
The Chicago school system has obliterated any relationship I once had with my nieces and nephews as they view anything white as racist and evil
One thing I learned living in Vegas - never ever get attached to anything you like
The land has been Jewish for 3,500 yrs but you clearly never went far in school
Technically, the region involving Israel, has changed hands multiple times. It started out as Hebrew when they founded Jerusalem. After that, Alexander's Macedonians, then the Romans conquered the region, then it changed hands to the Christians, then to the Muslims and then back to the Hebrews in the 20th century. That said, throughout it all, the Jews have continued living there since Jerusalem was founded and some of their ancestors migrated to other regions and some returned once the state of Israel was formerly recognized by the United Nations.
The problem the Jews are facing is that, per the Quran, after conquering territory from infidels, should the infidels get back their territory, they are to be considered "occupiers" of Muslim land, hence the often heard claim that the Jews are "occupiers."
I doubt that the region will ever really know peace. Religion always has a way of causing hatred and war.
The land has been Jewish for 3,500 yrs but you clearly never went far in school
Technically, the region involving Israel, has changed hands multiple times. It started out as Hebrew when they founded Jerusalem. After that, Alexander's Macedonians, then the Romans conquered the region, then it changed hands to the Christians, then to the Muslims and then back to the Hebrews in the 20th century. That said, throughout it all, the Jews have continued living there since Jerusalem was founded and some of their ancestors migrated to other regions and some returned once the state of Israel was formerly recognized by the United Nations.
The problem the Jews are facing is that, per the Quran, after conquering territory from infidels, should the infidels get back their territory, they are to be considered "occupiers" of Muslim land, hence the often heard claim that the Jews are "occupiers."
I doubt that the region will ever really know peace. Religion always has a way of causing hatred and war.
It’s only one religion !! Not the Judaism !!
Israel has had 4 massive new peace deals under Trump
Israeli war planes and drones are incinerating Hamas targets and leaders as many Jews are hiding deep under ground
What the hell are you talking about? The Hebrews and Jews are one and the same. I never said anything different.
The control of that region did change hands, repeatedly, even though Jews still lived there since its founding. During King Herod's time as the Jewish king, they were under Roman occupation and had to pay taxes to Rome. Thus, Rome ruled then.
The Chicago school system has obliterated any relationship I once had with my nieces and nephews as they view anything white as racist and evil
One thing I learned living in Vegas - never ever get attached to anything you like
You know what it means when everyone else is the problem?
It is time to crush these terrorist and ship them back to Germany and Russia from whence they came.

Palestinians come from Germany and Russian?!

Who knew?

The land has been Jewish for 3,500 yrs but you clearly never went far in school
Technically, the region involving Israel, has changed hands multiple times. It started out as Hebrew when they founded Jerusalem. After that, Alexander's Macedonians, then the Romans conquered the region, then it changed hands to the Christians, then to the Muslims and then back to the Hebrews in the 20th century. That said, throughout it all, the Jews have continued living there since Jerusalem was founded and some of their ancestors migrated to other regions and some returned once the state of Israel was formerly recognized by the United Nations.
The problem the Jews are facing is that, per the Quran, after conquering territory from infidels, should the infidels get back their territory, they are to be considered "occupiers" of Muslim land, hence the often heard claim that the Jews are "occupiers."
I doubt that the region will ever really know peace. Religion always has a way of causing hatred and war.
Jerusalem was captured by David and he built it into his capitol, and that is why it was called it The City of David..
Most Israelis came from nearby middle eastern nations
Only 40 percent I think are ashkenazi

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