Jew woman complains about santa claus trip,parents pull kids from school go anyways

Christmas should not be celebrated at school...

I have no problem with children celebrating the Solstices or the Equinoxes though. These events predate religion yet most religions incorporate them into their culture, one way or another. By celebrating them, just about everyone can find some spiritual/ religious meaning, without imposing their religion on other people.

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I think most Theists realize Santa is fictitious. Santa is totally made up. Unlike Jesus, Yawei and Mohamed, real deal Lucille...
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Christmas should not be celebrated at school...

I have no problem with children celebrating the Solstices or the Equinoxes though. These events predate religion yet most religions incorporate them into their culture, one way or another. By celebrating them, just about everyone can find some spiritual/ religious meaning, without imposing their religion on other people.

Christmas as celebrated here in the states is secular. Those that want it to have religious meaning do so. Those that want to celibate the secular holiday do so as well. Those that become offended by it are idiots and very rare - there is a LOT of noise made in the name of 'offended' people with almost no one that is actually offended by a national holiday.
Goddess I have to respectfully disagree. Whether paganism, Wicca, American Indians, Druids, or your attempt to be neutral it is still some form of belief, a religion. You cannot,isolate single incidents like this, you have to consider the steady drip drip drip of the cumalitive effect. This is a cultural attack whose body blows have an effect. We are not a society created by solstice celebrations, we are a Judeo Christian society, that is our culture, that is our identity, that is the basis of our govt. that does not mean we are intolerant of others, but it does mean that our culture in our country needs to be respected.

Now for the practical aspect of this. For gods sake these kids are,kindergarteners. Does no one have the couth to not use 5 year olds as pawns. Do they even know what solstice or Jew means. Why are you taking away their hot chocolate and their innocence. So they can get on usmb sooner? Or maybe we should scar them for life by making them think Santa Claus is a bad man. " mommy why can't we go see Santa Claus?" Do you have kids goddess? Isn't bringing a gift to leave for someone less fortunate a good life lesson. Just the fact that this political correctness is being visited on the most young and most helpless is testament to the insidious infection that is being foisted on our country.

Where do I agree with you? The school should not pay for any trips off campus to see Santa. Anyone that doesn't want to go should not have to or be treated like a pariah. If they still have show and tell other kids should be able to give examples of their holidays from,their standpoint, not the teachers. Having an identity and being proud of it is necessary for the social contract. A generation growing up having no idea who they really are is a national security threat.

Let the kids be kids.
I think most Theists realize Santa is fictitious. Santa is totally made up. Unlike Jesus, Yawei and Mohamed, real deal Lucille...
Lucille - also real deal material...


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