Jesus said "my wife".

Thanks for the link, Gracie. What always struck me as odd was 13 guys hanging out together without any women around. It wasn't as though they didn't have jobs and couldn't provide for families either. The OT has plenty of women and some of them played significant roles. The NT relegates them to little more than bit players.

The everyday reality must have been different to that which is currently portrayed. Given that we know the early texts were edited and censored the odds are the message was modified to suit the ruling prejudices of the time. Evidence like this tells us that there was a lot more to the story.
Many Mormons I have known believe that Jesus was married.

No doubt in their minds.

The world always seeks after that which will excuse their own rebellion. Even a lie! Even changing the truth of Gods word in order to force it conform with the basest nature of man. ( who lives according to the gratification of his or her own flesh ) His lust for sex without marriage...

Paul said it would be better for you to marry than to burn with lust. Paul didn't burn with lust and therein chose not to marry.

But what? Was the Apostle Paul above Christ? No. He was not. Indeed he depended upon the holines of Christ to clothe his own nakedness - yes - even his own wretchedness with- for he said, Oh Wretched man am I! I do what I don't want to do and what I want to do I don't do!! Who can save me from this body of sin and death? Thanks be to God it has been done through Jesus Christ our Lord!

Yes it is not by might, not by power but by my Spirit sayeth the LORD! Only by the Holy Spirit can one crucify the carnal nature that seeks the things after the flesh. Jesus never sought after the things of the flesh. He was and he is - HOLY. Holy is our God! Oh! The scriptures warn us, Without holiness no one will see the Lord. The Lord gave his own body on the cross, his own blood on that cross that we would be made whole even as Paul was later made whole. Paul desired that others would follow his example but he said, if they could not - indeed they should marry rather than to burn with lust.

Yes if one could not resist the temptation of the flesh - if one burns with lust - then by all means marry. But if you can live as Jesus Christ lived? Them by all means do this and remain unmarried as Jesus Christ was ( he came for a Holy Bride - the church - not a woman! ) - because Paul told us for the one who is married there are other matters that must be looked after, other concerns that have nothing to do with the preaching of the gospel, things such as to provide a house for your wife, to give her that which she needs and it does give opportunity for much distraction.

Had Jesus married he would not have said, He must be about His fathers business.. yet he was.. you see, beloved? How the Word of God, the truth given by the Holy Spirit will expose the lies satan tries to deceive you with? Oh how I praise the Father and the Son for sending me this Comforter. This one who teaches me and gives me a right answer to every question because without Him how can we know the truth? Jesus said, even the very elect would be deceived in the end days if it were possible.. you know...

As the Apostle Paul who said he desired to "be like Christ"? Who said, no longer do I live but Christ liveth in me? If you can be like that one then by all means - do it - follow Pauls example and do not marry. But if not? If you fear you will fall into fornication - having sex without marriage then do not hesitate to marry. It is better to marry then to burn in hell for your lusts, people. Amen.
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The kingdom of heaven is nigh unto you today. Some people are getting healed right now. Amazing how the Lord sent His Word to heal the people. To deliver the people. To set the captives free! How beautiful the Lord is. How he delights in blessing us...
I have no reason to believe He wasn't married. After all, He did keep the commandments to fulfill all righteousness. The First commandment given to man was to cleave to his wife to multiply and replenish the earth. Could Jesus have fulfilled all righteousness without obeying that command as well? Ill be honest, I don't know. God's ways are higher than mine. But it makes sense that He would have had to fulfill this command.

It was quite a popular Christian idea that Christ was married and had children. The Catholic Church squashed that idea during the middle ages because men would claim to be descendants of Christ and use that as an excuse to rule and oppress people. It's very understandable why. But I have no reason to believe that He didn't just because they thought it was wise to say the opposite.

When Christ returns to the Earth in glory, I think we will learn alot of things about Him that we never realized and that wasnt mentioned in the Biblical text.
... are we talking about marriage or sex ?

Mary Magdalene and her lifestyle seemed proper enough for JC.
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Only the spoken testimonies of the saints can be trusted as coming from our true Creator through the invisible "Christ", where all God's spoken thoughts ( wavelengths of energy ) exist.

The writings of the saints were easily changed by the Romans or any antichrists who stole them from the saints after they were arrested and killed by Rome.

It makes no difference if Jesus was married or not because many of the saints were married before they were born of God and became true saints who speak for our Creator. God makes us all eunuchs and has us divorce our wives before preaching the gospel to find believers. No saint can be having sexual encounters once they're born of God. Otherwise, they would be hypocrites like all Christians are.
It's fascinating stuff. Regardless of how many or who has been saying it for years.

I don't think Jesus was out banging every chick he could find. I think he fell in love with Mary...and married her. Period. He was God's son...but He was also a man. Men lust for their wives. He was a man.

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