Jesus Camp

Sounds like a cult.

The children are heard speaking in tongues, praying for an end to abortion, crying over plastic foetuses and saying a Christian alternative pledge of allegiance to a cardboard likeness of George Bush.
I've been to camps with similar concepts, but this one's just a little wierd. Praying is normal. Speaking in tongues is part of the Pentecostal movement. Saying a reworded Pledge of Allegience to a cardboard effigy of Bush is a little creepy. Crying over plastic fetii is VERY creepy. Now, I've been to church camp before, and it was a good thing. This one, however, is just a little off the deep end.
I've been to camps with similar concepts, but this one's just a little wierd. Praying is normal. Speaking in tongues is part of the Pentecostal movement. Saying a reworded Pledge of Allegience to a cardboard effigy of Bush is a little creepy. Crying over plastic fetii is VERY creepy. Now, I've been to church camp before, and it was a good thing. This one, however, is just a little off the deep end.
I've been to Catholic "church" camps before I left the church. They were fun and they are the reason I do believe there is a god.

But this one's a bit whacko.
"This is an enormous youth movement," said Lauren Sandler, a secular, liberal feminist from New York City who spent months among the believers researching her new book, "Righteous."

Sandler says the evangelical youth movement will have a negative impact on the country's future, because even the most moderate young evangelicals are inflexible on issues such as abortion and gay marriage.

Yup, people who are inflexible on abortion and gay marriage are bad! Very very bad! Does any Christian actually think Jesus would approve of abortion and gay marriage?

"It's an absolute, straight-up us-against-them," Sandler said. "It's, you're either with us or you're against us. … Not only are you a sinner, but you are working for the enemy — the enemy being Satan."
Imagine that! Christians teaching that sin is evil, and if you don't believe in Jesus you aren't getting into heaven....just like Jesus said!
A bizarre and harmful cult, it would seem - but at least, not fatally incendiary in the "Bill Clinton/Janet Reno School of Limited Federal Government" sense.

The way I see that thing is, as long as we as a people and government handle our dangerous and violent kooks hiding behind religion is such a manner, there will ALWAYS be a difference between us as Islamofascism.

Koresh had a cult going, and he is the one responsible for the escalation to violence. Right or wrong, indignation or no, none of us has the RIGHT to refuse to submit to proper authority.

Even had he been in the right, when you're arrested you don't get to shoot the cop trying to arrest you. As it was, he was violating a whole bunch of BATF laws.
The way I see that thing is, as long as we as a people and government handle our dangerous and violent kooks hiding behind religion is such a manner, there will ALWAYS be a difference between us as Islamofascism.

Koresh had a cult going, and he is the one responsible for the escalation to violence. Right or wrong, indignation or no, none of us has the RIGHT to refuse to submit to proper authority.

Even had he been in the right, when you're arrested you don't get to shoot the cop trying to arrest you. As it was, he was violating a whole bunch of BATF laws.

Koresh was a kook, no doubt about it. But Clinton - through Reno - had decided that 51 days was enough; that the power of the federal government was not going to be scoffed at for another minute - no matter what. He incinerated babies. Ruby Ridge, the holocaust at Waco, and a screaming, terrified Elian Gonzalez; these are indelible mental photographs which - for me - will always sum up Bill Clinton's domestic policy. He was a tyrant.
Koresh was a kook, no doubt about it. But Clinton - through Reno - had decided that 51 days was enough; that the power of the federal government was not going to be scoffed at for another minute - no matter what. He incinerated babies. Ruby Ridge, the holocaust at Waco, and a screaming, terrified Elian Gonzalez; these are indelible mental photographs which - for me - will always sum up Bill Clinton's domestic policy. He was a tyrant.

Koresh was different by waging war against the government while surrounding himself with babies/children/noncombatants than Islamofascists HOW exactly?

Do you have a different standard for domestic noncombatants than foreign ones? David Koresh declared war on the US government. In that I fault neither Clinton nor Reno. What if every little kook group decided to declare war against the US government?

The Elian Gonzales thing was also justified. I think the the amount of force used was excessive; however, that child's next nearest living relative was alive and wanted custody. If that person was a US citizen, a court would have to find him unfit as a parent before he would be denied custody.

Instead, we decided to find him unfit as a parent because the ruler of his country is a piece of crap.

The Ruby Ridge thing was a fiasco. I'll give you that. At the same time, Randy Weaver had been busted for the illegal sale of firearms and was asked peacefully to surrender to authorities. Instead, a known anarchist, survivalist and gun nut decided to hole up in his cabin and defy the government. What was the FBI supposed to do? Go after him with slingshots or mace?

I don't have any particular trust in our government; however, when someone openly defies the US government and threaten violence, I don't see why they think they gov't is going to back down to one dipstick with a rifle or a commune leader with an arsenal of weapons at his disposal.
Yup, people who are inflexible on abortion and gay marriage are bad! Very very bad! Does any Christian actually think Jesus would approve of abortion and gay marriage?

Imagine that! Christians teaching that sin is evil, and if you don't believe in Jesus you aren't getting into heaven....just like Jesus said!

Jesue camp not my thing, but you sure said a mouthful here:beer:

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