Jerry Brown declares war on Trump, says California is a "beacon of hope."

Yeah, Republicans would never pull this, right?

I think the Governor has been smoking a little too much of California's weed.

Without the ocean & natural beauty, CA would be a bankrupt crime infested wasteland.

Jerry Brown delivers anti-Trump manifesto

Dumb republicans always throw out that "crime infested" bullshit. Yet it's Republican states that are often the worst.

. Have to go by percentages within the state, and then where exactly are those percentages coming in from.
California is up to their ass in debt, and Brown can't afford a spelling bee against Trump let alone a 'war'.

Californians are a bunch of liberal nut jobs who can't afford their own liberal policies / lifestyles and rely on others to help pay for it.
"we're here in the White House for the American people. we're not here for the establishment, the elites like Jerry Brown" - President Trump

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