Carmel Harris and Kevin Cooper; Foreshadowing of a Harris DoJ?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
The state DA can certainly allow for more DNA testing if they wish, but Carmel pretends it is out of her hands.

Is this the kind of person we want running America's legal system?

SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- California's governor should allow more sensitive DNA testing that advocates say could exonerate a death row inmate, U.S. Senator Kamala Harris said Friday. "As a firm believer in DNA testing, I hope the governor and the state will allow for such testing in the case of Kevin Cooper," Harris, a former state attorney general and San Francisco prosecutor who opposes the death penalty, said in a statement.
Cooper, 60, is awaiting execution for the 1983 Chino Hills hatchet and knife killings of four people. He escaped from a nearby minimum-security prison east of Los Angeles two days before the slayings of Doug and Peggy Ryen, their 10-year-old daughter Jessica and 11-year-old neighbor Christopher Hughes.
Two previous DNA tests concluded Cooper was the killer. A piece by New York Times' columnist Nicholas Kristof suggesting Cooper was framed sparked Harris's comments. Kristof's column labels Harris one of the "flawed political leaders" he blames for blocking the new DNA testing while she was attorney general.

New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristoff, to his credit, has written about the case extensively. In May of last year, he wrote an interactive multimedia opinion feature that starkly laid out evidence that Cooper may have been framed for the crime. When the column was published online, Kristoff wrote that he got a call from California Sen. Kamala Harris, who for years served as the state attorney general, and whom he said had previously “showed no interest in the case.”
“I feel awful about this,” Harris told Kristoff, referring to her refusal, during her entire time as the state’s top law enforcement officer, to allow advanced DNA testing of the evidence in Cooper’s case.
Why oppose it? Doesn't take much time. It's always good to be sure. If it validates the others, then bye bye Cooper.
Why oppose it? Doesn't take much time. It's always good to be sure. If it validates the others, then bye bye Cooper.
I dont know, but Harris had little to say about it other than she felt sorry for blocking the request for new DNA testing, and yet that is what she did.

Brain fart? i dunno
Why oppose it? Doesn't take much time. It's always good to be sure. If it validates the others, then bye bye Cooper.
I dont know, but Harris had little to say about it other than she felt sorry for blocking the request for new DNA testing, and yet that is what she did.

Brain fart? i dunno

All the efforts to get Biden and others to a Primary victory over Harris will now make for controversy now that she is V.P. The left wing papers, used against their own parties candidate (as we know how papers lean).

It was similar to the assisting of Trump when Kasich stayed in the race when he was miles behind, knowing it would ensure Trump win the Primary. He hoped Clinton would win and all would be well for the China First agenda. Did he know about the impending Access Hollywood that was "found"...surely, they thought, he couldn't get the female vote after that....

Alas, Clinton lost. Now Kasich tries to find a new home at the Dem convention, as all career politicians try. They bet on the wrong horse and the Will of the American voter.
All the efforts to get Biden and others to a Primary victory over Harris will now make for controversy now that she is V.P. The left wing papers, used against their own parties candidate (as we know how papers lean).

It was similar to the assisting of Trump when Kasich stayed in the race when he was miles behind, knowing it would ensure Trump win the Primary. He hoped Clinton would win and all would be well for the China First agenda. Did he know about the impending Access Hollywood that was "found"...surely, they thought, he couldn't get the female vote after that....

Alas, Clinton lost. Now Kasich tries to find a new home at the Dem convention, as all career politicians try. They bet on the wrong horse and the Will of the American voter.
And now we have Clinton 2.0 with Carmell Harris who is willing to commit injustice for the sake gaining power.

But thats OK to Dimocrats, since this black life doesnt matter.

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