Jenna Ellis censured in Colorado


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
You ugly fucking hypocrite, you had best get down upon those knees of yours and pray God does not in fact exist, you thing of slime, pray to whatever evil fucking thing whose feet you suckle at, that justice is not meted out by divine being, because if it is, your tail has a date with the fires of perdition in its future... :puke3:

Perhaps you can help me. He paraphrased the comments of the Lawyer when she admitted that she lied, and had dishonored her profession. So if he is going to hell, and I’m not sure you get any say in that, would that be for repeating the message of the Woman who was censured?

Lying is bad enough...but lying as an Attorney threatens the very soul of our justice system.
You’re an idiot and a liar.

What Ms. Ellis did was stipulate to something. "Ellis agreed that she violated Colo. RPC 8.4(c), which prohibits reckless, knowing, or intentional misrepresentations by attorneys.”

See. It’s in the alternative. An erroneous statement erroneous but if it wasn’t made knowingly, it ain’t a lie.

Again, it doesn’t matter how often I have to tell libs. But it’s always true. Words have actual meaning.

Lying is bad enough...but lying as an Attorney threatens the very soul of our justice system.

She also acknowledges the fact that Trump is lying about the 2020 election being ‘stolen.’

Of course, the dishonest right will continue to lie about it regardless.
Perhaps you can help me. He paraphrased the comments of the Lawyer when she admitted that she lied, and had dishonored her profession. So if he is going to hell, and I’m not sure you get any say in that, would that be for repeating the message of the Woman who was censured?
Satan has a special room for these people and it is not lined with trump's toilet.
Satan has a special room for these people and it is not lined with trump's toilet.

I’ve studied the Bible and read up on other Religions. Nowhere in the Bible or any religious Philosophy does it indicate that I get any say in where a soul ends up.

It does say Judge not lest ye be so judged. I’ve always taken that to mean if I am an unforgiving and lacking in compassion then I will receive the same lack of compassion when it is my time to be judged.

It isn’t my call. I don’t want they power. I don’t want that responsibility. I will gladly leave that to the Almighty in His wisdom.

The most I can do is ask the Lord for compassion when judging another. The Catholics have the Hail Mary prayer. Pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our Death. Other sects have prayer lists for those who need special attention.

It is why I don’t comment on someone going to hell or not. I know you and most people are saying they will get justly punished in the afterlife by God. But it isn’t my call. And I’d rather ask the Lord for forgiveness than vengeance.
I’ve studied the Bible and read up on other Religions. Nowhere in the Bible or any religious Philosophy does it indicate that I get any say in where a soul ends up.

It does say Judge not lest ye be so judged. I’ve always taken that to mean if I am an unforgiving and lacking in compassion then I will receive the same lack of compassion when it is my time to be judged.

It isn’t my call. I don’t want they power. I don’t want that responsibility. I will gladly leave that to the Almighty in His wisdom.

The most I can do is ask the Lord for compassion when judging another. The Catholics have the Hail Mary prayer. Pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our Death. Other sects have prayer lists for those who need special attention.

It is why I don’t comment on someone going to hell or not. I know you and most people are saying they will get justly punished in the afterlife by God. But it isn’t my call. And I’d rather ask the Lord for forgiveness than vengeance.
You are right, all we can do it repeat the predictions of the scriptures.

Revelation 21:8 ESV​

But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.”

Lying is bad enough...but lying as an Attorney threatens the very soul of our justice system.
She lied. She used the Big Lie in court. She has fucking admitted it. Another thing to throw on the pile for the Trumpsters to avoid & ignore.

That pile is about a mile high now. Pathetic.

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