Jen Psaki Thinks You're a Moron, and She's Making It Clear We Don't Really Have a President


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Jen Psaki Thinks You're a Moron, and She's Making It Clear We Don't Really Have a President
Jen Psaki Thinks You're a Moron, and She's Making It Clear We Don't Really Have a President – RedState
9 ar 2021 ~~ By Bonchie
The situation at the border is getting worse, specifically regarding the number of migrant children in custody, and the responsibility for that lies solely with Joe Biden and his pursuit of absolutely terrible policies that are encouraging a surge of illegal immigration.
Despite that, Jen Psaki decided to make some ridiculous claims in today’s presser, clearly believing that those listening are morons. In the process, she also made it clear that we don’t really have a president. The following clips are just mind-blowing in their level of dishonesty and buck-passing.
When asked about why illegal immigrants are flooding the border, Psaki attempted to blame (checks notes)…hurricanes?

The hurricanes in question hit in early November. I’m not great with math, but I’m pretty sure that’s four months ago. Further, the latest surge, including a record-high number of migrant children, occurred well after that point, only happening after Joe Biden took office. Besides, those coming from Central America aren’t exactly being shy about why they are coming. There was one viral picture showing a migrant caravan with dozens of people wearing Joe Biden t-shirts.
Psaki sought to play word games instead of admitting that we now have a full-blown crisis going on.

As I wrote previously (see Joe Biden Has Blood on His Hands, and It’s Going to Get Worse), while encouraging illegal immigration may seem compassionate to some, the reality is that thousands of men, women, and children will end up abused and/or dead along the way. There is nothing moral about encouraging unaccompanied children to make a dangerous journey across the desert. There’s certainly nothing moral about seeing them used as pawns for the drug cartels.
Meanwhile, Psaki also made it clear that the Biden administration won’t even take the most basic level of responsibility for what is happening.

It’s not their program? Is Joe Biden president or is he not? It is simply not acceptable for Psaki to blow this question off when it is her boss’s job to run these organizations and provide these answers. The Department of Homeland Security is not its own branch of government, and the lack of communication with the White House is a stunning indictment of how worthless the current officeholder is.
Overall, Psaki is making it clear we don’t really have a president. We have a doddering old man who doesn’t know where he’s at half the time. That’s about the extent of Biden’s capabilities these days. Deflections to other agencies is not leading. It’s being a coward.
I’ll end by noting that the media would have never accepted this kind of obfuscation and lack of transparency from the Trump administration. Biden is a Democrat, though, so he gets a pass.

We will survive Pseudo-President Biden and his pseudo administration. We ought be be thankful the bastards have outed thsemselves so splendidly, complete with Rachel the Trans. They’ve only crystallized the situation and further galvanized the normals, i.e. patriots.
Psaki is really, truly ill-equipped for this job. The water is very deep and Jen-Jen is in waayyy over her head...
Each day that goes by, we are reaffirmed in that Chyna Joey Xi Biden is not a doddering old man. He has full blown dementia. They have him propped up on drugs to keep him somewhat lucid and to not fly off in fits of rage, as he is known to do. They don't have him do any real media questioning because when challenged dementia patients quickly loose their patience, loose their composure and get mad. Biden has all of this.
He certainly can't stand up there for an hour plus to deliver the STOU to a combined Congress and the PEOPLE of America.
Pogressive Marxist/DSA Democrats and their Quisling media lapdogs are asylum level pathological liars; they will never acknowledge that their policies are at fault that is why they continue to insist applying over and over the policies that have turned thriving cities into shitholes.
PM/DSA Democrat Leftists "solutions" ALWAYS turn things exponentially worse but their brainwashed minions as obedient slaves never will blame their masters for their problems but somebody else.
Holy shit that cracked me up XD


Anyways, in all seriousness, I agree with her on this:
REPORTER: "Is this a crisis at the border?"
@PressSec: "I don't think we need to sit here and put new labels on what he have already conveyed is challenging."

We all know there is a lot of immigrants at the border. I think asking about it daily is probably pretty silly.
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Holy shit that cracked me up XD

View attachment 466052

Anyways, in all seriousness, I agree with her on this:
REPORTER: "Is this a crisis at the border?"
@PressSec: "I don't think we need to sit here and put new labels on what he have already conveyed is challenging."

We all know there is a lot of immigrants at the border. I think asking about it daily is probably pretty silly.
I've been on this board for a very long time. There was a time when nobody talked about illegal immigration much. You can look at the topics before 2015 for proof. Once the blob showed up, the minions were suddenly interested in the topic.

They're only interested in it now because they want to play up the supposed threat a bunch of nannies and gardeners present.
Jen Psaki Thinks You're a Moron, and She's Making It Clear We Don't Really Have a President
Jen Psaki Thinks You're a Moron, and She's Making It Clear We Don't Really Have a President – RedState
9 ar 2021 ~~ By Bonchie
The situation at the border is getting worse, specifically regarding the number of migrant children in custody, and the responsibility for that lies solely with Joe Biden and his pursuit of absolutely terrible policies that are encouraging a surge of illegal immigration.
Despite that, Jen Psaki decided to make some ridiculous claims in today’s presser, clearly believing that those listening are morons. In the process, she also made it clear that we don’t really have a president. The following clips are just mind-blowing in their level of dishonesty and buck-passing.
When asked about why illegal immigrants are flooding the border, Psaki attempted to blame (checks notes)…hurricanes?

The hurricanes in question hit in early November. I’m not great with math, but I’m pretty sure that’s four months ago. Further, the latest surge, including a record-high number of migrant children, occurred well after that point, only happening after Joe Biden took office. Besides, those coming from Central America aren’t exactly being shy about why they are coming. There was one viral picture showing a migrant caravan with dozens of people wearing Joe Biden t-shirts.
Psaki sought to play word games instead of admitting that we now have a full-blown crisis going on.

As I wrote previously (see Joe Biden Has Blood on His Hands, and It’s Going to Get Worse), while encouraging illegal immigration may seem compassionate to some, the reality is that thousands of men, women, and children will end up abused and/or dead along the way. There is nothing moral about encouraging unaccompanied children to make a dangerous journey across the desert. There’s certainly nothing moral about seeing them used as pawns for the drug cartels.
Meanwhile, Psaki also made it clear that the Biden administration won’t even take the most basic level of responsibility for what is happening.

It’s not their program? Is Joe Biden president or is he not? It is simply not acceptable for Psaki to blow this question off when it is her boss’s job to run these organizations and provide these answers. The Department of Homeland Security is not its own branch of government, and the lack of communication with the White House is a stunning indictment of how worthless the current officeholder is.
Overall, Psaki is making it clear we don’t really have a president. We have a doddering old man who doesn’t know where he’s at half the time. That’s about the extent of Biden’s capabilities these days. Deflections to other agencies is not leading. It’s being a coward.
I’ll end by noting that the media would have never accepted this kind of obfuscation and lack of transparency from the Trump administration. Biden is a Democrat, though, so he gets a pass.

We will survive Pseudo-President Biden and his pseudo administration. We ought be be thankful the bastards have outed thsemselves so splendidly, complete with Rachel the Trans. They’ve only crystallized the situation and further galvanized the normals, i.e. patriots.
Psaki is really, truly ill-equipped for this job. The water is very deep and Jen-Jen is in waayyy over her head...
Each day that goes by, we are reaffirmed in that Chyna Joey Xi Biden is not a doddering old man. He has full blown dementia. They have him propped up on drugs to keep him somewhat lucid and to not fly off in fits of rage, as he is known to do. They don't have him do any real media questioning because when challenged dementia patients quickly loose their patience, loose their composure and get mad. Biden has all of this.
He certainly can't stand up there for an hour plus to deliver the STOU to a combined Congress and the PEOPLE of America.
Pogressive Marxist/DSA Democrats and their Quisling media lapdogs are asylum level pathological liars; they will never acknowledge that their policies are at fault that is why they continue to insist applying over and over the policies that have turned thriving cities into shitholes.
PM/DSA Democrat Leftists "solutions" ALWAYS turn things exponentially worse but their brainwashed minions as obedient slaves never will blame their masters for their problems but somebody else.

Ministry of Truth from 1984.
Holy shit that cracked me up XD

View attachment 466052

Anyways, in all seriousness, I agree with her on this:
REPORTER: "Is this a crisis at the border?"
@PressSec: "I don't think we need to sit here and put new labels on what he have already conveyed is challenging."

We all know there is a lot of immigrants at the border. I think asking about it daily is probably pretty silly.
I've been on this board for a very long time. There was a time when nobody talked about illegal immigration much. You can look at the topics before 2015 for proof. Once the blob showed up, the minions were suddenly interested in the topic.

They're only interested in it now because they want to play up the supposed threat a bunch of nannies and gardeners present.
It's been a political question for decades. Liberal's in media simply ignored it.
Holy shit that cracked me up XD

View attachment 466052

Anyways, in all seriousness, I agree with her on this:
REPORTER: "Is this a crisis at the border?"
@PressSec: "I don't think we need to sit here and put new labels on what he have already conveyed is challenging."

We all know there is a lot of immigrants at the border. I think asking about it daily is probably pretty silly.
I've been on this board for a very long time. There was a time when nobody talked about illegal immigration much. You can look at the topics before 2015 for proof. Once the blob showed up, the minions were suddenly interested in the topic.

They're only interested in it now because they want to play up the supposed threat a bunch of nannies and gardeners present.
It's been a political question for decades. Liberal's in media simply ignored it.

Again, you can look on this board prior to Trump's riling you girls up on the topic...very few threads about immigration.
Holy shit that cracked me up XD

View attachment 466052

Anyways, in all seriousness, I agree with her on this:
REPORTER: "Is this a crisis at the border?"
@PressSec: "I don't think we need to sit here and put new labels on what he have already conveyed is challenging."

We all know there is a lot of immigrants at the border. I think asking about it daily is probably pretty silly.
I've been on this board for a very long time. There was a time when nobody talked about illegal immigration much. You can look at the topics before 2015 for proof. Once the blob showed up, the minions were suddenly interested in the topic.

They're only interested in it now because they want to play up the supposed threat a bunch of nannies and gardeners present.
It's been a political question for decades. Liberal's in media simply ignored it.

Again, you can look on this board prior to Trump's riling you girls up on the topic...very few threads about immigration.
Cut the taxes in half in everyway possible for all and see who the girls would be. The immigration doors have been open since the mid 1960's with a massive entrance of immigrants and tens of millions of illegals added with a major party dividing people into groups pushing hatred as an agenda to move us into a potential despot nation.
True to the first part. She probably thinks you're a moron. Like we all do

The second part is pure fiction.

Biden's doing a great job...erasing your blob's memory one uneventful day at a time.
YOU --> It is good when our side lies.
Holy shit that cracked me up XD

View attachment 466052

Anyways, in all seriousness, I agree with her on this:
REPORTER: "Is this a crisis at the border?"
@PressSec: "I don't think we need to sit here and put new labels on what he have already conveyed is challenging."

We all know there is a lot of immigrants at the border. I think asking about it daily is probably pretty silly.
I've been on this board for a very long time. There was a time when nobody talked about illegal immigration much. You can look at the topics before 2015 for proof. Once the blob showed up, the minions were suddenly interested in the topic.

They're only interested in it now because they want to play up the supposed threat a bunch of nannies and gardeners present.
It's been a political question for decades. Liberal's in media simply ignored it.

Again, you can look on this board prior to Trump's riling you girls up on the topic...very few threads about immigration.
That is because Trump had the immigration issue under control.
Holy shit that cracked me up XD

View attachment 466052

Anyways, in all seriousness, I agree with her on this:
REPORTER: "Is this a crisis at the border?"
@PressSec: "I don't think we need to sit here and put new labels on what he have already conveyed is challenging."

We all know there is a lot of immigrants at the border. I think asking about it daily is probably pretty silly.
I've been on this board for a very long time. There was a time when nobody talked about illegal immigration much. You can look at the topics before 2015 for proof. Once the blob showed up, the minions were suddenly interested in the topic.

They're only interested in it now because they want to play up the supposed threat a bunch of nannies and gardeners present.
It's been a political question for decades. Liberal's in media simply ignored it.

Again, you can look on this board prior to Trump's riling you girls up on the topic...very few threads about immigration.
That is because Trump had the immigration issue under control.
Trump had the immigration issue under control before 2015? Wow...really?
Holy shit that cracked me up XD

View attachment 466052

Anyways, in all seriousness, I agree with her on this:
REPORTER: "Is this a crisis at the border?"
@PressSec: "I don't think we need to sit here and put new labels on what he have already conveyed is challenging."

We all know there is a lot of immigrants at the border. I think asking about it daily is probably pretty silly.
I've been on this board for a very long time. There was a time when nobody talked about illegal immigration much. You can look at the topics before 2015 for proof. Once the blob showed up, the minions were suddenly interested in the topic.

They're only interested in it now because they want to play up the supposed threat a bunch of nannies and gardeners present.
It's been a political question for decades. Liberal's in media simply ignored it.

Again, you can look on this board prior to Trump's riling you girls up on the topic...very few threads about immigration.
That is because Trump had the immigration issue under control.
Trump had the immigration issue under control before 2015? Wow...really?
He had it under control for the past 2 years. It is ONLY since you clowns took control that is has degenerated into an issue again. God, you leftists are morons.
Holy shit that cracked me up XD

View attachment 466052

Anyways, in all seriousness, I agree with her on this:
REPORTER: "Is this a crisis at the border?"
@PressSec: "I don't think we need to sit here and put new labels on what he have already conveyed is challenging."

We all know there is a lot of immigrants at the border. I think asking about it daily is probably pretty silly.
I've been on this board for a very long time. There was a time when nobody talked about illegal immigration much. You can look at the topics before 2015 for proof. Once the blob showed up, the minions were suddenly interested in the topic.

They're only interested in it now because they want to play up the supposed threat a bunch of nannies and gardeners present.
It's been a political question for decades. Liberal's in media simply ignored it.

Again, you can look on this board prior to Trump's riling you girls up on the topic...very few threads about immigration.
That is because Trump had the immigration issue under control.
Trump had the immigration issue under control before 2015? Wow...really?
He had it under control for the past 2 years. It is ONLY since you clowns took control that is has degenerated into an issue again. God, you leftists are morons.

Your version of history and reality are vastly different.

If you look at this board, the topic of immigration barely came up before your blob arrived on the scene. Now that you're making it a topic again in some desperate attempt to smear your will too fail of course.
Jen Psaki Thinks You're a Moron, and She's Making It Clear We Don't Really Have a President
Jen Psaki Thinks You're a Moron, and She's Making It Clear We Don't Really Have a President – RedState
9 ar 2021 ~~ By Bonchie
The situation at the border is getting worse, specifically regarding the number of migrant children in custody, and the responsibility for that lies solely with Joe Biden and his pursuit of absolutely terrible policies that are encouraging a surge of illegal immigration.
Despite that, Jen Psaki decided to make some ridiculous claims in today’s presser, clearly believing that those listening are morons. In the process, she also made it clear that we don’t really have a president. The following clips are just mind-blowing in their level of dishonesty and buck-passing.
When asked about why illegal immigrants are flooding the border, Psaki attempted to blame (checks notes)…hurricanes?

The hurricanes in question hit in early November. I’m not great with math, but I’m pretty sure that’s four months ago. Further, the latest surge, including a record-high number of migrant children, occurred well after that point, only happening after Joe Biden took office. Besides, those coming from Central America aren’t exactly being shy about why they are coming. There was one viral picture showing a migrant caravan with dozens of people wearing Joe Biden t-shirts.
Psaki sought to play word games instead of admitting that we now have a full-blown crisis going on.

As I wrote previously (see Joe Biden Has Blood on His Hands, and It’s Going to Get Worse), while encouraging illegal immigration may seem compassionate to some, the reality is that thousands of men, women, and children will end up abused and/or dead along the way. There is nothing moral about encouraging unaccompanied children to make a dangerous journey across the desert. There’s certainly nothing moral about seeing them used as pawns for the drug cartels.
Meanwhile, Psaki also made it clear that the Biden administration won’t even take the most basic level of responsibility for what is happening.

It’s not their program? Is Joe Biden president or is he not? It is simply not acceptable for Psaki to blow this question off when it is her boss’s job to run these organizations and provide these answers. The Department of Homeland Security is not its own branch of government, and the lack of communication with the White House is a stunning indictment of how worthless the current officeholder is.
Overall, Psaki is making it clear we don’t really have a president. We have a doddering old man who doesn’t know where he’s at half the time. That’s about the extent of Biden’s capabilities these days. Deflections to other agencies is not leading. It’s being a coward.
I’ll end by noting that the media would have never accepted this kind of obfuscation and lack of transparency from the Trump administration. Biden is a Democrat, though, so he gets a pass.

We will survive Pseudo-President Biden and his pseudo administration. We ought be be thankful the bastards have outed thsemselves so splendidly, complete with Rachel the Trans. They’ve only crystallized the situation and further galvanized the normals, i.e. patriots.
Psaki is really, truly ill-equipped for this job. The water is very deep and Jen-Jen is in waayyy over her head...
Each day that goes by, we are reaffirmed in that Chyna Joey Xi Biden is not a doddering old man. He has full blown dementia. They have him propped up on drugs to keep him somewhat lucid and to not fly off in fits of rage, as he is known to do. They don't have him do any real media questioning because when challenged dementia patients quickly loose their patience, loose their composure and get mad. Biden has all of this.
He certainly can't stand up there for an hour plus to deliver the STOU to a combined Congress and the PEOPLE of America.
Pogressive Marxist/DSA Democrats and their Quisling media lapdogs are asylum level pathological liars; they will never acknowledge that their policies are at fault that is why they continue to insist applying over and over the policies that have turned thriving cities into shitholes.
PM/DSA Democrat Leftists "solutions" ALWAYS turn things exponentially worse but their brainwashed minions as obedient slaves never will blame their masters for their problems but somebody else.

Let's be kind to Ms. P.

It is her job to put the best face on the (Biden)-Harris Administration.

She realizes that people are not totally stupid, so she is keeping her cool and using such weasel words as "challenging."

She knows that few people believe her evasive words, but that's her job to mislead people.

Bless her little heart!

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