Jekyll & Hyde: The Two Faces of Donald J Trump


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
The Beautiful Pacific Northwest
If I had been deceived in the manner than Trump has deceived his followers, I would be inconsolable, although far too many of them still seem to be oblivious to what has happened to them.

In little more than 24 hours he is videotaped encouraging his followers to storm the Capitol, praising them for having done so stating "we love you" and "you're very special" and then the very next day does an about face and says
  • “To those who engaged in the acts of violence and destruction, you do not represent our country”
  • [that they] "defiled the seat of American democracy” [but did not address his own role in inciting the riot]
  • “To those who broke the law, you will pay.”
I've heard someone say that it will be hard to prosecute Trump due to his state of mind, because he could quite possibly believe that he really did win the election and that it was stolen from him. That defense (and thought) would not exactly bode well for those of us who are greatly discomforted by the though of a person who is mentally challenge to the point of not being able to discern reality from fantasy is still in charge of our country.

So I guess what is nagging me is wondering if Trump supporters are largely mentally challenged to the point that they can't figure out that something is wrong when their idol praises and holds them up one day and then calls them criminals, says they are not patriots and that they (or at least "someone") will pay for their crimes?

The concern is, as we saw today, some of these people are in positions of power and therefore can exact revenge, do damage to others, etc. all based on their warped version of reality which they insist is the truth.

I guess I'm just wondering (and hoping) that some of their eyes have been opened and they can begin to recover.
If I had been deceived in the manner than Trump has deceived his followers, I would be inconsolable, although far too many of them still seem to be oblivious to what has happened to them.

In little more than 24 hours he is videotaped encouraging his followers to storm the Capitol, praising them for having done so stating "we love you" and "you're very special" and then the very next day does an about face and says
  • “To those who engaged in the acts of violence and destruction, you do not represent our country”
  • [that they] "defiled the seat of American democracy” [but did not address his own role in inciting the riot]
  • “To those who broke the law, you will pay.”
I've heard someone say that it will be hard to prosecute Trump due to his state of mind, because he could quite possibly believe that he really did win the election and that it was stolen from him. That defense (and thought) would not exactly bode well for those of us who are greatly discomforted by the though of a person who is mentally challenge to the point of not being able to discern reality from fantasy is still in charge of our country.

So I guess what is nagging me is wondering if Trump supporters are largely mentally challenged to the point that they can't figure out that something is wrong when their idol praises and holds them up one day and then calls them criminals, says they are not patriots and that they (or at least "someone") will pay for their crimes?

The concern is, as we saw today, some of these people are in positions of power and therefore can exact revenge, do damage to others, etc. all based on their warped version of reality which they insist is the truth.

I guess I'm just wondering (and hoping) that some of their eyes have been opened and they can begin to recover.
What is the actual point of this OP? OH! I get it! another "Orange Man Bad" post.....carry on, nothing to see here. :abgg2q.jpg: Move along now, back to your basement.
Really? Democrats sat by and let cities burn (didn't lift a finger to stop civil unrest or race riots), instead the Democrats fed into this anger and even bailed out rioters) This is the democrats. All driven by false and/or misinformation for 8 months. I am lately realizing just how foolish and shortsighted and ignorant American voters are.
If I had been deceived in the manner than Trump has deceived his followers, I would be inconsolable, although far too many of them still seem to be oblivious to what has happened to them.

In little more than 24 hours he is videotaped encouraging his followers to storm the Capitol, praising them for having done so stating "we love you" and "you're very special" and then the very next day does an about face and says
  • “To those who engaged in the acts of violence and destruction, you do not represent our country”
  • [that they] "defiled the seat of American democracy” [but did not address his own role in inciting the riot]
  • “To those who broke the law, you will pay.”
I've heard someone say that it will be hard to prosecute Trump due to his state of mind, because he could quite possibly believe that he really did win the election and that it was stolen from him. That defense (and thought) would not exactly bode well for those of us who are greatly discomforted by the though of a person who is mentally challenge to the point of not being able to discern reality from fantasy is still in charge of our country.

So I guess what is nagging me is wondering if Trump supporters are largely mentally challenged to the point that they can't figure out that something is wrong when their idol praises and holds them up one day and then calls them criminals, says they are not patriots and that they (or at least "someone") will pay for their crimes?

The concern is, as we saw today, some of these people are in positions of power and therefore can exact revenge, do damage to others, etc. all based on their warped version of reality which they insist is the truth.

I guess I'm just wondering (and hoping) that some of their eyes have been opened and they can begin to recover.

Not to be left out is the fact that as he stood in front of them issuing the orders he promised he would march with them, and then of course completely disappeared to the safety of the White House TV room. Yet another instance of Rump's manipulative game of "let's you and him fight". Rump has been playing this game continuously for FIVE YEARS, from "beat the crap out of 'em" and "knock the hell" up to the present.

It's bizarre that his lemmings never notice that HE is never the one knocking the hell, THEY are, while he watches. And yet they somehow fail to get that they're being played for chumps.

He even articulated this with "I could shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue and not lose any votes". That was a statement on what pathetic obsequious losers they are. A statement of his contempt for them, along the lines of "how stupid are the people of Iowa".

And yet they come back going "yes Master, may we have another". BIZZARO.
Really? Democrats sat by and let cities burn (didn't lift a finger to stop civil unrest or race riots), instead the Democrats fed into this anger and even bailed out rioters) This is the democrats. All driven by false and/or misinformation for 8 months. I am lately realizing just how foolish and shortsighted and ignorant American voters are.
A terrible comparison. I myself didn’t always agree with how certain Democratic leaders and mayors handled some of the street violence, rioting and looting that arose after police killings prompted anger, but no Democratic politicians ever called for supporters to “liberate” State Houses or Federal Buildings, let alone for demonstrations to overturn a legally and duly certified Presidential election. Trump as President called for a demonstration of his supporters to engage in extra-parliamentary action and then stood by while the Capitol Building was trashed by his supporters. The deaths and national disgrace that occurred falls directly on his shoulders.

The OP is right to highlight the cowardice and two-faced nature of our Lame Duck president. Trump was always an irresponsible conman, demagogue and danger to our nation. Tens of millions of Americans acutely recognized and feared this from the very beginning, and Americans overwhelmingly see it now. What Trump did this week was just a culminating lunacy. It was treason to our Republic, the electoral process, and our best and most fundamental democratic traditions.
Really? Democrats sat by and let cities burn (didn't lift a finger to stop civil unrest or race riots), instead the Democrats fed into this anger and even bailed out rioters) This is the democrats. All driven by false and/or misinformation for 8 months. I am lately realizing just how foolish and shortsighted and ignorant American voters are.
A terrible comparison. I myself didn’t always agree with how certain Democratic leaders and mayors handled some of the street violence, rioting and looting that arose after police killings prompted anger, but no Democratic politicians ever called for supporters to “liberate” State Houses or Federal Buildings, let alone for demonstrations to overturn a duly certified Presidential (or any other) election. Trump as President called for a demonstration of his supporters to engage in extra-parliamentary action and then stood by while the Capitol Building was trashed by his supporters. The deaths and national disgrace that occurred falls directly on his shoulders. The OP is right to highlight the cowardice and two-faced nature of our Lame Duck president. Trump was always an irresponsible conman, demagogue and danger to our nation. Tens of millions of Americans acutely recognized and feared this from the very beginning, and Americans overwhelmingly see it now. What Trump did this week was just a culminating lunacy. It was treason to our Republic, the electoral process, and our best and most fundamental democratic traditions.
I am trying to weight this one over. I see my capitol building covered in leftist graffiti and boarded up with a barbed wire fence in front. And various historical statues destroyed. We live in a state of fear. This is all due to Democrats. Not Trump or whatever whipping boys they come up with. Democrats are driving this animus...
If I had been deceived in the manner than Trump has deceived his followers, I would be inconsolable, although far too many of them still seem to be oblivious to what has happened to them.

In little more than 24 hours he is videotaped encouraging his followers to storm the Capitol, praising them for having done so stating "we love you" and "you're very special" and then the very next day does an about face and says
  • “To those who engaged in the acts of violence and destruction, you do not represent our country”
  • [that they] "defiled the seat of American democracy” [but did not address his own role in inciting the riot]
  • “To those who broke the law, you will pay.”
I've heard someone say that it will be hard to prosecute Trump due to his state of mind, because he could quite possibly believe that he really did win the election and that it was stolen from him. That defense (and thought) would not exactly bode well for those of us who are greatly discomforted by the though of a person who is mentally challenge to the point of not being able to discern reality from fantasy is still in charge of our country.

So I guess what is nagging me is wondering if Trump supporters are largely mentally challenged to the point that they can't figure out that something is wrong when their idol praises and holds them up one day and then calls them criminals, says they are not patriots and that they (or at least "someone") will pay for their crimes?

The concern is, as we saw today, some of these people are in positions of power and therefore can exact revenge, do damage to others, etc. all based on their warped version of reality which they insist is the truth.

I guess I'm just wondering (and hoping) that some of their eyes have been opened and they can begin to recover.
What is the actual point of this OP? OH! I get it! another "Orange Man Bad" post.....carry on, nothing to see here. :abgg2q.jpg: Move along now, back to your basement.
min·ion /ˈminyən/

Learn to pronounce

plural noun: minions
  1. a follower or underling of a powerful person, especially a servile or unimportant one.
Really? Democrats sat by and let cities burn (didn't lift a finger to stop civil unrest or race riots), instead the Democrats fed into this anger and even bailed out rioters) This is the democrats. All driven by false and/or misinformation for 8 months. I am lately realizing just how foolish and shortsighted and ignorant American voters are.
What was the stated objective of them storming the Capitol?
Really? Democrats sat by and let cities burn (didn't lift a finger to stop civil unrest or race riots), instead the Democrats fed into this anger and even bailed out rioters) This is the democrats. All driven by false and/or misinformation for 8 months. I am lately realizing just how foolish and shortsighted and ignorant American voters are.
What the hell would you do without the "Democrats" to blame for every ill of this country?
Really? Democrats sat by and let cities burn (didn't lift a finger to stop civil unrest or race riots), instead the Democrats fed into this anger and even bailed out rioters) This is the democrats. All driven by false and/or misinformation for 8 months. I am lately realizing just how foolish and shortsighted and ignorant American voters are.
What the hell would you do without the "Democrats" to blame for every ill of this country?
There is always some other group to scapegoat.
If I had been deceived in the manner than Trump has deceived his followers, I would be inconsolable, although far too many of them still seem to be oblivious to what has happened to them.

In little more than 24 hours he is videotaped encouraging his followers to storm the Capitol, praising them for having done so stating "we love you" and "you're very special" and then the very next day does an about face and says
  • “To those who engaged in the acts of violence and destruction, you do not represent our country”
  • [that they] "defiled the seat of American democracy” [but did not address his own role in inciting the riot]
  • “To those who broke the law, you will pay.”
I've heard someone say that it will be hard to prosecute Trump due to his state of mind, because he could quite possibly believe that he really did win the election and that it was stolen from him. That defense (and thought) would not exactly bode well for those of us who are greatly discomforted by the though of a person who is mentally challenge to the point of not being able to discern reality from fantasy is still in charge of our country.

So I guess what is nagging me is wondering if Trump supporters are largely mentally challenged to the point that they can't figure out that something is wrong when their idol praises and holds them up one day and then calls them criminals, says they are not patriots and that they (or at least "someone") will pay for their crimes?

The concern is, as we saw today, some of these people are in positions of power and therefore can exact revenge, do damage to others, etc. all based on their warped version of reality which they insist is the truth.

I guess I'm just wondering (and hoping) that some of their eyes have been opened and they can begin to recover.
What is the actual point of this OP? OH! I get it! another "Orange Man Bad" post.....carry on, nothing to see here. :abgg2q.jpg: Move along now, back to your basement.
min·ion /ˈminyən/
Learn to pronounce
plural noun: minions
  1. a follower or underling of a powerful person, especially a servile or unimportant one.
More "Orange Man Bad" Ho Hum
If I had been deceived in the manner than Trump has deceived his followers, I would be inconsolable, although far too many of them still seem to be oblivious to what has happened to them.

In little more than 24 hours he is videotaped encouraging his followers to storm the Capitol, praising them for having done so stating "we love you" and "you're very special" and then the very next day does an about face and says
  • “To those who engaged in the acts of violence and destruction, you do not represent our country”
  • [that they] "defiled the seat of American democracy” [but did not address his own role in inciting the riot]
  • “To those who broke the law, you will pay.”
I've heard someone say that it will be hard to prosecute Trump due to his state of mind, because he could quite possibly believe that he really did win the election and that it was stolen from him. That defense (and thought) would not exactly bode well for those of us who are greatly discomforted by the though of a person who is mentally challenge to the point of not being able to discern reality from fantasy is still in charge of our country.

So I guess what is nagging me is wondering if Trump supporters are largely mentally challenged to the point that they can't figure out that something is wrong when their idol praises and holds them up one day and then calls them criminals, says they are not patriots and that they (or at least "someone") will pay for their crimes?

The concern is, as we saw today, some of these people are in positions of power and therefore can exact revenge, do damage to others, etc. all based on their warped version of reality which they insist is the truth.

I guess I'm just wondering (and hoping) that some of their eyes have been opened and they can begin to recover.

Jekyll is bit of a stretch. Dipshit and Hyde, maybe.
Really? Democrats sat by and let cities burn (didn't lift a finger to stop civil unrest or race riots), instead the Democrats fed into this anger and even bailed out rioters) This is the democrats. All driven by false and/or misinformation for 8 months. I am lately realizing just how foolish and shortsighted and ignorant American voters are.
A terrible comparison. I myself didn’t always agree with how certain Democratic leaders and mayors handled some of the street violence, rioting and looting that arose after police killings prompted anger, but no Democratic politicians ever called for supporters to “liberate” State Houses or Federal Buildings, let alone for demonstrations to overturn a duly certified Presidential (or any other) election. Trump as President called for a demonstration of his supporters to engage in extra-parliamentary action and then stood by while the Capitol Building was trashed by his supporters. The deaths and national disgrace that occurred falls directly on his shoulders. The OP is right to highlight the cowardice and two-faced nature of our Lame Duck president. Trump was always an irresponsible conman, demagogue and danger to our nation. Tens of millions of Americans acutely recognized and feared this from the very beginning, and Americans overwhelmingly see it now. What Trump did this week was just a culminating lunacy. It was treason to our Republic, the electoral process, and our best and most fundamental democratic traditions.
I am trying to weight this one over. I see my capitol building covered in leftist graffiti and boarded up with a barbed wire fence in front. And various historical statues destroyed. We live in a state of fear. This is all due to Democrats. Not Trump or whatever whipping boys they come up with. Democrats are driving this animus...

Yeah that's it. "Democrats" hacked Rump's Twatter account and forged his name to incendiary incitement twats. "Democrats' hired a lookalike actor, probably Alec Baldwin, to stand in front of those rioters and fire them up to storm the Capitol based on bullshit hallucinations about having "won" with fewer votes. "Democrats" hypnotized Rooty Frickin' Giulani into rushing down from the Four Seasons Total Porn Crematorium to egg them on to "trial by combat". "Democrats" constructed a gallows outside for the purpose of hanging Mike Pence. "Democrats" occupied Congressional offices taking selfies. "Democrats" broke windows to get in and "Democrats" killed a guard.



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