Jeb Bush- Handicapping the GOP Hopefuls


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Chicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town
First in a series of threads discussing the merits of potential GOP candidates in 2016. I will be doing a series of these on SERIOUS candidates, not guys who are looking to up their speaking fees on the Right Wing Talk Circuit.

Jeb Bush-

Qualifications- Governor of Florida, Son and Brother of Former Presidents.

Pros - Has won in a swing state, twice. Strong campaigner. Has appeal to Hispanics. Has a good record as Governor to run on, compared to the two guys who succeeded him. Doesn't embrace the crazy elements of his party.

Cons- The Bush Brand Name has been severely tarnished by George W. If the presumptive Democratic Nominee is Hillary Clinton, no one wants this to be a Clinton vs. Bush contest, as the Bush will lose that comparison every time.
First in a series of threads discussing the merits of potential GOP candidates in 2016. I will be doing a series of these on SERIOUS candidates, not guys who are looking to up their speaking fees on the Right Wing Talk Circuit.

Jeb Bush-

Qualifications- Governor of Florida, Son and Brother of Former Presidents.

Pros - Has won in a swing state, twice. Strong campaigner. Has appeal to Hispanics. Has a good record as Governor to run on, compared to the two guys who succeeded him. Doesn't embrace the crazy elements of his party.

Cons- The Bush Brand Name has been severely tarnished by George W. If the presumptive Democratic Nominee is Hillary Clinton, no one wants this to be a Clinton vs. Bush contest, as the Bush will lose that comparison every time.
I don't see why Obama doesn't just issue an executive order cancelling the elections in order to save money, as it seems obvious Hillary will be crowned.
I don't see why Obama doesn't just issue an executive order cancelling the elections in order to save money, as it seems obvious Hillary will be crowned.

Okay, you don't sound one little bit like a paranoid loon.

Did you want to actually discuss the merits of Jeb Bush as a candidate?
I'll take Jeb any day.

In fact, have pledged $5,000 to Jeb as soon as he announces.
I don't see why Obama doesn't just issue an executive order cancelling the elections in order to save money, as it seems obvious Hillary will be crowned.

Okay, you don't sound one little bit like a paranoid loon.

Did you want to actually discuss the merits of Jeb Bush as a candidate?
I'll take Jeb any day.

In fact, have pledged $5,000 to Jeb as soon as he announces.

Okay. Why?
His record.

He is only viable if Hillary runs, IMNSHO.
After what obama just did with immigration and the fury his actions have generated, a pro illegal immigrant will not be accepted as a viable candidate. obama cooked Jeb Bush's candidate goose.
If I had to bet on one person being our next President, it would be Jeb Bush. Dubya was a good President considering what Clinton left him, and will not hurt Jeb's chances.
If I had to bet on one person being our next President, it would be Jeb Bush. Dubya was a good President considering what Clinton left him, and will not hurt Jeb's chances.

are you possibly retarded.

Clinton left Bush Peace, Prosperity, 4% unemployment, surpluses and respect in the world.

Bush left Obama War, Recession, 10% unemployment, Trillion dollar deficits, and most of the world hated us.
If I had to bet on one person being our next President, it would be Jeb Bush. Dubya was a good President considering what Clinton left him, and will not hurt Jeb's chances.

are you possibly retarded.

Clinton left Bush Peace, Prosperity, 4% unemployment, surpluses and respect in the world.

Bush left Obama War, Recession, 10% unemployment, Trillion dollar deficits, and most of the world hated us.

Wrong! Are you retarded? Clinton was not as bad as Obama since he signed some Republican bills in the mid and late nineties. However, the economy was in a downstroke when Slick Willie left office. Clinton's ineptness as CIC set up 9-11 and the Iraq War. Clinton did not leave a true surplus. Bush was not perfect, but he was a better President than Clinton, and far better than The Kenyan!
Jeb Bush-

hmmmm...Presidential material ???? or more like Billy Bob beer???Didn't we have enough of that with Carter??
Obama just kneecapped Jeb Bush and Chris Christie's 2016 prospects

The Week ^

On immigration, the GOP primary will have little room for nuance Obama's announcement could affect 2016's probable candidates President Obama on thursday announced his much-anticipated executive action on immigration, and in doing so he lobbed a grenade squarely into the 2016 Republican primary race. ... Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush upset the rank and file earlier this year by calling for a compassionate aspproach to immigration. In April, he said undocumented workers who enter the country illegally do so as "an act of love" because they "are actually coming to this country to provide for their families." Then there's New...
Admit it...the GOP has no viable candidate for the next presidential run. The good news, neither do the Dems. Advice,,,quit looking at the familiar and find a leader/winner that has the right heart. Get OUT OF YOUR FREAKING COMFORT ZONE and find someone who has a passion for America and very well may disagree with your sorry ass.
Wrong! Are you retarded? Clinton was not as bad as Obama since he signed some Republican bills in the mid and late nineties. However, the economy was in a downstroke when Slick Willie left office. Clinton's ineptness as CIC set up 9-11 and the Iraq War. Clinton did not leave a true surplus. Bush was not perfect, but he was a better President than Clinton, and far better than The Kenyan!

Oh, I'm convinced. You are retarded.

First, while the economy was slowing down, it was Bush's ineptitude that made the 2001 recession a lot worse than it needed to be. The 2001 Recession was because there were excess inventories, and Bush's solution was tax cuts for rich people.

The 2008 Recession, that was ALL on Bush.

The Iraq war WAS NOT NECESSARY AT ALL. THere was ABSOLUTELY NO GOOD REASON TO GO TO WAR WITH IRAQ. Jesus fucking Christ, I can not believe that there is a human being out there that STILL insists that was a good idea. We attacked a country that was not our enemy over weapons that didn't exist, and we did it with a plan ALL the Generals told Bush was a horrible idea.

Now, for 9/11. Here's the thing. Clinton DID try to do something about Bin Laden. Republicans accused him of "Wagging the Dog" when he did. Bin Laden? Meh. We want to know about the BLOW JOB!!!!

Then your boy Bush was told by the CIA, straight up- "Bin Laden is going to attack us and he might use Airplanes!!!" Bush's reply? "Well, you covered your ass" and went fishing.

Bush-41 and 43 were the biggest fuckups to ever occupy the White House.
On immigration, the GOP primary will have little room for nuance Obama's announcement could affect 2016's probable candidates President Obama on thursday announced his much-anticipated executive action on immigration, and in doing so he lobbed a grenade squarely into the 2016 Republican primary race. ... Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush upset the rank and file earlier this year by calling for a compassionate aspproach to immigration. In April, he said undocumented workers who enter the country illegally do so as "an act of love" because they "are actually coming to this country to provide for their families." Then there's New...

Oh, Vagasil, have you ever had an original thought?

The GOP was going to have a fight over Amnesty regardless. But here's the thing. the people who really run your party, the rich assholes who use race and religion and guns to get stupid fucks like you to vote against your own economic interests... you know, those guys, who you worry might have to pay their fair share in taxes, God Forbid?

Those guys WANT Amnesty. They WANT illegal immigration.

And if one of your guys appeals to the Slack-Jaws by using racism, the 1%ers will find the dead hooker in his basement.
Jeb will run to help Hillary get elected. Jeb will divide the right. The Bush family has been very honest about believing that H should become the next President.

GW's daughters are on record for Hillary.
Does any one elses skin crawl when you read that GW's daughters call them Uncle Bill and Auntie Hillary?
Wrong! Are you retarded? Clinton was not as bad as Obama since he signed some Republican bills in the mid and late nineties. However, the economy was in a downstroke when Slick Willie left office. Clinton's ineptness as CIC set up 9-11 and the Iraq War. Clinton did not leave a true surplus. Bush was not perfect, but he was a better President than Clinton, and far better than The Kenyan!

Oh, I'm convinced. You are retarded.

First, while the economy was slowing down, it was Bush's ineptitude that made the 2001 recession a lot worse than it needed to be. The 2001 Recession was because there were excess inventories, and Bush's solution was tax cuts for rich people.

The 2008 Recession, that was ALL on Bush.

The Iraq war WAS NOT NECESSARY AT ALL. THere was ABSOLUTELY NO GOOD REASON TO GO TO WAR WITH IRAQ. Jesus fucking Christ, I can not believe that there is a human being out there that STILL insists that was a good idea. We attacked a country that was not our enemy over weapons that didn't exist, and we did it with a plan ALL the Generals told Bush was a horrible idea.

Now, for 9/11. Here's the thing. Clinton DID try to do something about Bin Laden. Republicans accused him of "Wagging the Dog" when he did. Bin Laden? Meh. We want to know about the BLOW JOB!!!!

Then your boy Bush was told by the CIA, straight up- "Bin Laden is going to attack us and he might use Airplanes!!!" Bush's reply? "Well, you covered your ass" and went fishing.

Bush-41 and 43 were the biggest fuckups to ever occupy the White House.

You are truly dumber than owlshit! You are totally wrong on most everything!

I was not in favor of the Iraq War as it was conducted, but Bush had valid reasons for it, and had bipartisan support.

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