Jeb Bush giving 2016 serious look

I believe the Bush family is putting him up to split the vote on the right. There was a huge interview with Jenna Bush where she talks about her love for Uncle Bill and Aunt Hillary and how she desperately wants Hillary to run.

I don't think they'd have any problem with the Clinton dynasty to continuing.

ETA: Whoopsies it was Barbara.

Bush's daughter Barbara opens up about wanting Hillary Clinton to run for president,

And you can see how close the families are with a surprise twist...

[In her charity work, Ms Bush works with both the Clinton Health Initiative and Michelle Obama's 'Let's Move' campaign.

George W Bush's daughter thinks the 'unbelievably accomplished' Hillary Clinton should run for president in 2016 | Mail Online
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This was the other article that to me made it perfectly clear that if Jeb were to run it would be to split the vote and give the Presidency to Hillary. I'm not big on conspiracy theories but this was something that just sort of jumps in your face and smacks you around.

Check it out:

Jenna Bush: Hillary Clinton and I are 'related' through 'Uncle' Bill - George W Bush's 'brother from another mother'

Former first-daughter Jenna Bush-Hager joked about her Clinton family ties at a charity gala earlier this week
When former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton took the stage, she spoke about the 'special feeling of kinship' she had for Jenna

Jenna Bush and Hillary Clinton are 'related' through marriage to her uncle Bill - George W Bush's 'brother from another mother' | Mail Online
I would say any fool who votes for Jeb Bush is just giving it up for Hillary and Uncle Bill. Oh typing that just made me want to bazooka barf. :lol:


'It is an unusual experience living in the White House and I am so proud of what you're doing,' Sec Clinton said. 'So I join your Uncle Bill in telling you "keep at it".'

Jenna Bush and Hillary Clinton are 'related' through marriage to her uncle Bill - George W Bush's 'brother from another mother' | Mail Online
jeb bush can't win because he chose not to create an executive order to save terry schindler

if you want to see another Romney election, let jeb get the nomination
As poorly as Jeb is doing among republicans, he should not get beyond the thinking about it stage.
Jeb Bush is a crook. I will never ever vote for him. Back in the eighties and early nineties he stole millions and millions of dollars from people in South Florida. Many people lost all of their life savings, Jeb made millions and walked away Scott free because his daddy was POTUS. I'd let Al Sharpton be POTUS before I'd vote for that scumbag.
Many Pubs would seriously consider another Bush, even if the names has some serious drawbacks.

That man is a neo-con supporter, so I won't consider him.
If the primaries were just starting, Jeb wouldn't have a shot.

But since the teabagger movement is an AstroTurf campaign, ginned up by the Kochs and other Republicans like Dick Armey, it can be shut down again just as fast, in time for 2016.

Just watch, as the conservative media begins to discredit the teabaggers, and start acting reasonable again.

It was only useful in thwarting Obama's agenda - it's not something that is at the core of the Republican Party, the way greed and profits are.

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