Jeb Bush and Common Core tyranny!


Gold Member
May 24, 2009

When it comes to Common Core, Jeb Bush thumbs his nose at our Constitution and is an advocate of Common Core which subtly, and in violation of our Constitution, is designed to have our federal government seize control over public school systems established under state constitutions. The control is acquired by dolling out federal revenue to the states for a function not authorized by our Constitution with strings attached to accomplish the whims and fancies of political appointees assigned to the despotic Federal Department of Education, which ought to be closed down, not enlarged!

An example of how federal control is achieved is found in the Race to the Top (RTTT) program that allocated $4.35 billion for states to share in who agree to adopt a number of federal mandates. What Jeb Bush ignores, just as President Obama, is our Founders were staunch advocates of preserving federalism, our Constitution’s plan, and forbid our federal government to meddle in a state’s internal affairs, and that includes a state’s public school system. Federalism is summarized in Federalist Paper No. 45 as follows:

“The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce; with which last the power of taxation will, for the most part, be connected.

The powers reserved to the several States will extend to all the objects which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement, and prosperity of the State.

So, will Jeb Bush be asked by our Establishment media to step forward and tell us what part of the Tenth Amendment does he not understand when it comes to federal involvement in public school systems adopted under state authority?

How about Jeb Bush being asked to step forward and tell us under what provision of our federal Constitution is our federal government authorized to tax and spend on public school systems adopted under state Constitutions? Of course, the exercise of such power has never been granted to our federal government but Jeb Bush, as does President Obama, is just fine with ignoring our written Constitution, usurping power not granted, and he wants to impose his will upon the States in violation of the text and legislative intent of our Constitution. Do we really want another usurper in our White House?

With respect to our federal Constitution and its delegated powers as applied to education we find Delegate Charles Pickney, on August 18th of the Convention of 1787, proposed a broad power "To establish seminaries for the promotion of literature and the arts and sciences". But this proposal was rejected by the Convention in favor of a limited grant of power expressed in Article 1, Section 8, Cl.8, of the proposed constitution. The limited power, later agreed upon by ratification of our Constitution authorizes Congress "[t]o promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts...” And how may this be done? The Constitution continues: " securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries." So where, Mr. Jeb Bush, is the power granted to our federal government to tax and spend to promote Common Core in public school systems created under State Constitutions?

And if the above is not sufficient evidence to establish the distain for our Constitution which Jeb Bush openly displays, let us recall the powerful words spoken by Representative Page before Congress on Feb., 7th, 1792:

"The framers of the Constitution guarded so much against a possibility of such partial preferences as might be given, if Congress had the right to grant them, that, even to encourage learning and useful arts, the granting of patents is the extent of their power. And surely nothing could be less dangerous to the sovereignty or interest of the individual States than the encouragement which might be given to ingenious inventors or promoters of valuable inventions in the arts and sciences. The encouragement which the General Government might give to the fine arts, to commerce, to manufactures, and agriculture, might, if judiciously applied, redound to the honor of Congress, and the splendor, magnificence, and real advantage of the United States; but the wise framers of our Constitution saw that, if Congress had the power of exerting what has been called a royal munificence for these purposes, Congress might, like many royal benefactors, misplace their munificence; might elevate sycophants, and be inattentive to men unfriendly to the views of Government; might reward the ingenuity of the citizens of one State, and neglect a much greater genius of another. A citizen of a powerful State it might be said, was attended to, whilst that of one of less weight in the Federal scale was totally neglected. It is not sufficient, to remove these objections, to say, as some gentlemen have said, that Congress in incapable of partiality or absurdities, and that they are as far from committing them as my colleagues or myself. I tell them the Constitution was formed on a supposition of human frailty, and to restrain abuses of mistaken powers.” Annals of Congress Feb 7th,1792 Rep Page

The fact is, the federal Department of Education and its current functions are in defiance of the defined and limited powers granted to Congress, and yet, Jeb Bush, like Obama, thumbs his nose at our Constitution in spite of the oath he took to support and defend it. So, will our big media ask Mr. Jeb Bush, what provision of our federal Constitution authorizes our federal government to tax and spend to advance “Common Core” in State created schools? Why does Jeb Bush ignore the will of the people as expressed in a written Constitution?


"The Constitution is the act of the people, speaking in their original character, and defining the permanent conditions of the social alliance; and there can be no doubt on the point with us, that every act of the legislative power contrary to the true intent and meaning of the Constitution, is absolutely null and void. ___ Chancellor James Kent, in his Commentaries on American Law (1858)
I don't think any president has stepped on the constitution like Hussein Obama and his cronies.
Far right looniness and gloominess.

The states individually develop Common Core, the states are the ultimate authority.

You folks can home school if you wish. You are not going to design the great majority's programs for public school.
Far right looniness and gloominess.

The states individually develop Common Core, the states are the ultimate authority.


Well then, the proper rout to adopt Common Core would be to delegate a power to Congress to tax and spend for state public school systems and likewise grant regulatory power over them.


Common Core by consent of the governed, Article 5, our Constitution`s amendment process. Tyranny by a majority vote in Congress or a Supreme Court's majority vote

Nope, it would not.

You're an idiot. Individual states can make their own decision on common core, but if the unconstitutional Department of Education starts enforcing it from DC, then it affects everyone and there's no way to fight it. Did you bitch and moan about No Child Left Behind? I bet you did. This is the same thing. Both parties would be well served if we did away with federal control on education.
More GOP nonsense on the evils of an educated public.
Democrat based unions have fucked up the educational system in the US just like they did when they drove the car industry into bankruptcy. The waste and croonyism is beyond repair, and it has become all about the teachers and their needs, and no concern for providing a good education for the kids.

It is time to take the Democrats and unions out of schools and revamp the whole system.
More GOP nonsense on the evils of an educated public.
Democrat based unions have fucked up the educational system in the US just like they did when they drove the car industry into bankruptcy. The waste and croonyism is beyond repair, and it has become all about the teachers and their needs, and no concern for providing a good education for the kids.

It is time to take the Democrats and unions out of schools and revamp the whole system.

And this can begin with closing down the federal department of education and pink slipping its 5,000 parasitic employees!


To support Jeb Bush is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny!
Common Core, Obamacare and Jeb Bush’s “Obamacore”!

SEE: Jeb Bush and the Common Core Money Trail

” But parents and teachers are concerned about the broad scope of the program, and the fact that the standards have not been proven to be effective. Groups around the country have been mobilizing against common core, which some are calling “Obamacore,” as it is an unprecedented level of federal intrusion into education. It turns out We the People are more willing to fight for our Tenth Amendment rights than lawmakers expected. We are willing to stand up for the rights of the states to determine curriculum and testing standards, rather than a centralized national body. Why would we want to give up more control and centralize education? “

Indeed! Why is Jeb Bush so eager to advance Common Core and enlarge our federal government’s iron fist with respect to our children’s education when our federal Constitution, by its text and legislative intent forbids this intrusion? As the above mentioned article points out, “follow the money”.


Reaching across the aisle and bipartisanship is Washington Newspeak to subvert the Constitution and screw the American People.
More GOP nonsense on the evils of an educated public.
Democrat based unions have fucked up the educational system in the US just like they did when they drove the car industry into bankruptcy. The waste and croonyism is beyond repair, and it has become all about the teachers and their needs, and no concern for providing a good education for the kids.

It is time to take the Democrats and unions out of schools and revamp the whole system.

And this can begin with closing down the federal department of education and pink slipping its 5,000 parasitic employees!


To support Jeb Bush is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny!
It's this sort of ignorance, extremism, and stupidity that will continue to lose the GOP elections.
Just one of the reasons why Jeb Bush is not going to be the nominee
JB has framed himself as a bit of a centrist.

But before pursuing the presidency, Mr. Bush, 61, is grappling with the central question of whether he can prevail in a grueling primary battle without shifting his positions or altering his persona to satisfy his party’s hard-liners.

The Bush moniker isn't something that you Liberals can any longer bandy about as so much fodder.

JB has a cross-cultural appeal.

Brotches. :slap:
“An example of how federal control is achieved is found in the Race to the Top (RTTT) program that allocated $4.35 billion for states to share in who agree to adopt a number of federal mandates. What Jeb Bush ignores, just as President Obama, is our Founders were staunch advocates of preserving federalism, our Constitution’s plan, and forbid our federal government to meddle in a state’s internal affairs, and that includes a state’s public school system.”

What you and others on the radical and extreme right ignore is the fact that the Constitution exists solely in the context of its case law, as determined by the Supreme Court per the doctrine of judicial review, as authorized by Articles III and VI of the Constitution:

that acts of Congress are Constitutional until the Supreme Court rules otherwise (US v. Morrison (2000));

that the Constitution affords Congress powers both expressed and implied (McCulloch v. Maryland (1819));

and that the Framers were not of one mind concerning any issue, which is why they left the ratification of the Constitution to the people alone, not the states, without interference or undue influence by the Framers.
“An example of how federal control is achieved is found in the Race to the Top (RTTT) program that allocated $4.35 billion for states to share in who agree to adopt a number of federal mandates. What Jeb Bush ignores, just as President Obama, is our Founders were staunch advocates of preserving federalism, our Constitution’s plan, and forbid our federal government to meddle in a state’s internal affairs, and that includes a state’s public school system.”

What you and others on the radical and extreme right ignore is the fact that the Constitution exists solely in the context of its case law, as determined by the Supreme Court per the doctrine of judicial review, as authorized by Articles III and VI of the Constitution:

that acts of Congress are Constitutional until the Supreme Court rules otherwise (US v. Morrison (2000));

that the Constitution affords Congress powers both expressed and implied (McCulloch v. Maryland (1819));

and that the Framers were not of one mind concerning any issue, which is why they left the ratification of the Constitution to the people alone, not the states, without interference or undue influence by the Framers.
Oh really? maybe a judge can simply nullify the entire constitution. Your full of crap. case law can change and the constitution can be amended. You libs and your all powerful federal judges:rolleyes-41: The Suprme court should be the weaker of the 3 branchs now they are the super banch according to you liberal idiots:cuckoo:
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More GOP nonsense on the evils of an educated public.
Democrat based unions have fucked up the educational system in the US just like they did when they drove the car industry into bankruptcy. The waste and croonyism is beyond repair, and it has become all about the teachers and their needs, and no concern for providing a good education for the kids.

It is time to take the Democrats and unions out of schools and revamp the whole system.

And this can begin with closing down the federal department of education and pink slipping its 5,000 parasitic employees!


To support Jeb Bush is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny!
It's this sort of ignorance, extremism, and stupidity that will continue to lose the GOP elections.

Yeah? You mean like how they "lost" in the last elections, by holding record number of seats since WWII? Denial is not a river in Egypt.
More GOP nonsense on the evils of an educated public.
Democrat based unions have fucked up the educational system in the US just like they did when they drove the car industry into bankruptcy. The waste and croonyism is beyond repair, and it has become all about the teachers and their needs, and no concern for providing a good education for the kids.

It is time to take the Democrats and unions out of schools and revamp the whole system.

And this can begin with closing down the federal department of education and pink slipping its 5,000 parasitic employees!


To support Jeb Bush is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny!
It's this sort of ignorance, extremism, and stupidity that will continue to lose the GOP elections.

Truth and facts are "ignorance"? Seems to me that every pinko is crawling out from under their rock to support a "Republican". Could it be because Jeb open-borders Bush supports their cause?


To support Jeb Bush is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny!


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