Jaw dropping Mexican official threatens to unleash cartels, flood U.S. with drugs and narcotics

Honestly, Mexico could literally bring our economy and this country to its knee's if it wanted and playing with fire, with a neighbor so close is just assinine on Trumps part...but this is what happens when you elect A BUSINESS MAN WHO IMPORTS HIS WOMEN, EXPORTS HIS JOBS, LOSES A BILLION IN ONE YEAR AND HAS THE CHARACTER OF DISEASED MAGGOT!!
We can "import" more women like her. You, on the other hand...
Honestly, Mexico could literally bring our economy and this country to its knee's if it wanted and playing with fire, with a neighbor so close is just assinine on Trumps part...but this is what happens when you elect A BUSINESS MAN WHO IMPORTS HIS WOMEN, EXPORTS HIS JOBS, LOSES A BILLION IN ONE YEAR AND HAS THE CHARACTER OF DISEASED MAGGOT!!
We can "import" more women like her. You, on the other hand...
Of all the important shit I mentioned, you take off on the woman comment....next? and go take a cold shower, your nuts are draggin
Wall-o-text about my only visit to Mexico (related to OP only by personal theory so I'll quote it to shorten heh)

I was down in Mexico in the early to mid 80s time frame, what a beautiful county... I still very distinctly recall seeing a woman with five butt naked children who were all very young. She was bathing them all in a public fountain, one of those handle pump types and the kids were screaming bloody murder about how cold it was as their siblings held each other down under the sputtering flow. Not one of them had any meat on their bodies, skin and bones; weak, pathetic, and to my young eyes barely clinging to life. I kind of 'tricked' my mother to going closer to the woman; beyond the brightly colored scarfs and exquisitely painted pottery of the open air market we were perusing for cheap trinkets that would ultimately sit and gather dust - forgotten on bookshelves and desks until they were carelessly knocked off their exalted "I was here" perches and shattered with mild awww's and shrugs decades later. I had a clay flute, my prized possession from the visit; hand formed burnt red clay that was spiraled with a pale yellow-orange Aztec styled snake; my mother told me it played a horrid tune, but the sound felt 'right' to me - it was somewhere between the usually off tune drone of the silver alto saxophone I had wanted so badly but never, ever, learned to play, and the dull quiver note of the tenth string on my harp which I'd carelessly over tightened and snapped the wooden pin on so father had used a dowel to replace it and it never held a note after that, but I digress.

The dichotomy of rich and poor was so obvious, an invisible line that ringed the market where all the tourists were laughing and smiling, having drawn our conversations about quality and workmanship with English speaking peddlers in suits and ties, or long silk robes splashed with bright color blocks and squared ancient patterns on the women. And 'outside' it, where it was like filthy raggedly cloaked peasants of the middle ages had stepped out of the pages of my story books. I mostly recall that not one of them had shoes, to this day it still puzzles me that it was not the ragged knots of their hair, nor the painfully obvious lack of food, but rather, it was the absence of shoes or sandals on their bony feet that bothered me the most about their state. I gave the woman a single golden peso from my pocket and told her... nay, I was a bit of a know it all brat back then... I 'ordered' her to go buy shoes for herself and her children. She didn't speak English, of course, likely some poor worker who'd come into the city to peddle her wares to the wealthy merchants back in the square and partake of a monthly bath in what they considered to be 'clean' water, that us American's wouldn't drink or bathe in for fear of death. I was taken aback by the woman's eyes. I'd given her the US equivalent of a dollar, a measly dollar, I had tens more, twenties more, 'allowance' to spend in my pocket - and yet she looked at me like I was a goddess; "Gracias," "Gracias" over and over and bowed at me continuously... I was stunned by the lack of... idk fire, guts, spine... it rather struck me like... like a dog who's never gotten scratched on that leg thumping spot, and suddenly find they blissfully cannot walk anymore(?) - that helpless submissive joy is the best I can relate it to.

She promptly abandoned her kids. I was worried for them, but mom said 'not to worry about it,' typical of my mother who somehow had an endlessly bleeding heart for America's poor, but only a passing sympathy and nose wrinkling disgust for the plight of foreigners. The woman followed us back to the market, for two blocks at least, "Gracias" over and over, offering to carry my bags, and spewing long Spanish speeches that I presumed were helpfully telling me about the wares at the various stands and offering suggestions of the best ones. I kept telling her, 'go back to your babies' because, of course, in America you do not leave your children unattended - though down there, at the time at least, it was not so uncommon. This went on forever, though time travels oddly in recollection, I would guess ten or twenty minutes at the minimum. By that time my mother was absolutely fed up with the woman, but far too polite to say anything or cause a scene; I could always tell when mother was irked by the terse flat-line of her lips heh

Unlike Father; who exited a shop and bustled over to us in a hard march, he spat out something in rough Spanish that I, to this day, believe translates roughly to "fuck off or I'll kill you" if the look of fear on the woman's face was any indication. She promptly scampered off and father spent a lifetime of irritating minutes berating mother and I for wandering out of the "designated market area," and especially /me/ for giving money to the woman. At the time, Father and I were most certainly not friends, in fact we were more akin to mortal enemies vying for mothers attention and affection, so, of course, as is the want of rebellious children, I told him to fuck off with my eyes and sulked angrily at being told what to do. A mood that persisted the entire rest of the day, even after finding a beautiful unicorn pinata and holding your classic pathetic half crying argument against sage advice that I'd have to carry it the entire long 18 hour flight home as it would shatter if we checked it with the baggage. Yes, my parents were wise - that damn thing almost ended up in a trashcan in Seattle and too hell with the white shreds of it's paper mane and tail. It lasted exactly two weeks before I accidentally slammed it in the closet bi-fold - it'd been forgotten on the top shelf of said closet within days.

Despite all we did around Mexico City, climbing the Pyramid of the Moon, museums overflowing with ancient artifacts and history I couldn't get enough of, bistros, hand crafted shredded beef treats, and [I still believe] the best damn Italian restaurant I've ever been to in my life - that encounter with that woman is what I remember most about my trip to Mexico. I wish I could say I came away from it with sympathy, but I came away with an impression of weakness, one that unfortunately never really rectified itself as I grew older. We had planned to return a few years later and hit some spots we had missed on the proverbial bucket list, but Father abruptly forbid it and canceled all the plans; said it was too dangerous anymore. Tourists were getting kidnapped for ransom, raped, and murdered - like the country had reverted to it's ancient bloody Aztec scarifies in a lot of ways.

I've kept this thought in my head, that "weakness" idea for decades now, that if the 'peasants' would just take their country back... but it never happened, still hasn't happened. Why? I've come to opinion that the fighters come to America, leaving only the 'dogs' to fight over scraps thrown on the floor by the 'king' and 'prince' abusers. The Mexican's are such kind people, so giving and so unfortunately for them... stupid in the ways of wolves and sheep. I think we need to stop taking their "fighters" - they are such able workers, they put their backs into it, I am sure they could dispatch their vile leaders and take their country back, but we enable them to continue living in abject poverty over there. I cannot imagine it's gotten better under the gun of drug cartels. Some of our American SJWs should 'migrate' there and give these poor folks a damn spine to rally around if they care about them so much. We are merely enabling their eternal poverty and distress by giving them a far-to-easy escape from their corrupt government that seriously needs to be taken out of power. No, I am not surprised that the drug cartels attack the US now, I think they fear what will happen when the 'strong' Mexican's have no where to go and lash out.
View attachment 109409
Jaw Dropping – Mexican Official Threatens to Unleash Cartels, Flood U.S. With Drugs and Narcotics….

Anybody who knows about the Mexican Government realizes how dirty they are. Their Federal police are paid off criminals, they are all crooked. If we think our Government is bad go down to Mexico as these same sob's want to come here and turn the US into the very bs they ran from.
more conspiracy kook sites

View attachment 109409
Jaw Dropping – Mexican Official Threatens to Unleash Cartels, Flood U.S. With Drugs and Narcotics….

Anybody who knows about the Mexican Government realizes how dirty they are. Their Federal police are paid off criminals, they are all crooked. If we think our Government is bad go down to Mexico as these same sob's want to come here and turn the US into the very bs they ran from.
more conspiracy kook sites

You are one stupid sob. Go back to planet fantasy reject. Seems to be that's the only way you function so dumbed down you can't even research it on your own lazy ass.
View attachment 109409
Jaw Dropping – Mexican Official Threatens to Unleash Cartels, Flood U.S. With Drugs and Narcotics….

Anybody who knows about the Mexican Government realizes how dirty they are. Their Federal police are paid off criminals, they are all crooked. If we think our Government is bad go down to Mexico as these same sob's want to come here and turn the US into the very bs they ran from.
more conspiracy kook sites

And because you know nothing about Mexico proves how deep of a true fucking idiot you really are.
aw dropping Mexican official threatens to unleash cartels, flood U.S. with drugs and narcotics

whats new

this has been what they have been doing for a long time

we need to get serious with these bastards

Apparently if you look at a few comments on here ( this post) you have idiots who think it's all a conspiracy. So some still don't know lol
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We better bow down. Afer all, we don't want to harm or relationship with Mexico.
Mexico needs to be punished for their out of control drug cartels.

Americans who use these drugs, should also be punished. They are not only total losers, but they are being completely irresponsible to their fellow Americans.
Disagree on drugs. Legalize small amount for personal use only - fast forward the pushers, runners, and dealers to prison with a three strikes = life type policy.
Pretty outrageous but really an empty threat. They see their gravy train about to end and they don't know what to do about it except bitch and moan and make threats like that. Mexico is a shithole of crime and corruption and they've been dragging us down long enough. President Trump is about to lower the boom on the bastards and there's not a damn thing they can do to stop it.
Dude, you are insane. Do me a favor, look up the word tarriff and then come back here and bow to me!! Also find a history book and read up on what Cuba did back in the day, when we opened our borders to the oppressed....got every gotdamn crook in the country!!
Which is exactly what we've been getting from the greasy bastards for the past 8 years under your soul brother president. Thank you for making my point, asshole.
They should just start shooting at those who come across the border and if they happen to kill some cartel members then good.

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