Mrs. M.
Man Feed Guest Writer
- Nov 2, 2015
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President Bill Clinton and his 2 term Attorney General Janet Reno
Janet Reno made history as the second longest serving Attorney General in US history after William Wirt. She served as AG for President Bill Clinton's Administration both terms. She was the first woman to serve as Attorney General in US history according to Wikipedia sources:
Janet Reno - Wikipedia
Reno was despised by many for her role as the infamous prosecutor who ordered the six year old Elian Gonzalaz to be taken from his mother's relatives in Florida where he resided and returned to his father in Cuba. Elian's mother Elizabeth Broton Rodriguez drowned while trying to escape Cuba with him. Reno sided with Cuban authorities and ordered the boy to be returned to his father in communist controlled Cuba. The story touched the hearts of millions of Americans who witnessed a mother's dream of freedom for her child go up in smoke after the child was taken by federal agents at gunpoint.

The scene of armed federal agents pointing a weapon at the six year old hiding in a closet with a relative was a memory forever etched in the minds of Americans who considered Reno's toughness to have crossed the line in the Gonzalez case. After the case made international news, the Clinton's decided to appoint Reno as their Attorney General.
Her first assignment as Attorney General for the Clinton Administration led to an even greater firestorm of controversy over yet another demonstration of her bad judgment. 12 days after being sworn in, Janet Reno took charge of and ordered the arrest of the Branch Davidians which led to a 51 day stand off, culminating in the deaths of 80 people including 24 children who perished in the fire at Waco, Texas.

The nation watched the scene in horror as the compound in Waco, Texas came under attack by ATF agents and went up in flames. Many Americans disagreed with how Janet Reno and the Clinton Administration handled Waco. Twenty years later the Daily Mail commemorated the tragedy with the headline "Disastrous raid on Branch Davidians."
The Daily Mail reported:
The incident cast an international spotlight on Waco and Central Texas, as well as the ATF, which was criticized in a later government review for not calling off the raid after sect members found out about it.
Read more: Disastrous raid on the Branch Davidians compound near Waco quietly remembered 20 years later | Daily Mail Online
Reno later took full responsibility for the disastrous raid at Waco and said that she regretted her decision to storm the compound which led to the deaths of 80 people including children.
Janet Reno also led the investigation and subsequent raid of the Montana Freeman.
Montana Freeman Wikipedia story:
The Montana Freemen were an anti-government Christian Patriot movement group based outside the town of Jordan, Montana. The members of the group referred to their land as "Justus Township" and had declared themselves no longer under the authority of any outside government. They became the center of public attention in 1996 when they engaged in a prolonged armed standoff with agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Montana Freemen - Wikipedia
21 people were arrested after an 81 day standoff in which Reno managed to avoid another Waco disaster. No casualties were reported in the 1996 standoff.
In 2002 Janet Reno decided to run for Governor of Florida. She endorsed the rights of homosexuals to adopt children while on the campaign trail. She was defeated in the primary by Democrat Candidate Bill McBride.
World Net Daily Reports:
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. – Former Attorney General Janet Reno told an enthusiastic crowd of homosexuals what they wanted to hear yesterday, as the gubernatorial candidate promised help in overturning Florida’s ban on homosexual adoptions.
“If you can be gay and be a foster parent, if you can be gay and be a guardian, if you can be a perfectly wonderful parent to a child who’s unadoptable and in so doing make them adoptable, you ought to be able to adopt them,” Reno declared in reference to an effort to overturn Florida’s ban on homosexual adoptions.
Making a campaign stop at a luncheon sponsored by and Embassy Suites Hotel, the Democrat also pleased the audience with her vow to “support in every way possible” efforts to resist the repeal of the portion of the Miami-Dade County Human Rights Ordinance that protects residents and visitors against discrimination based on sexual orientation. The proposed repeal is a ballot measure that goes before voters in September.
“Janet has a special place in the gay community,” President Monte Guthrie told World Net Daily News.
Reno stumps at ‘gay’ luncheon
The death of Janet Reno was announced today but according to another news report her niece didn't announce the news of her death to NBC until later. She was surrounded by family members in her final days and died from complications connected to Parkinson's disease. The timing of the news comes a day after the shocking announcement by FBI Director Comey to clear Mrs. Clinton of any wrong doing connected to the original email - server investigation.
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