Jane Fonda

I know...not very nice of me but....Boo fuckin hoo for Jane Fonda. Reap what ya sow and she sowed plenty. I have about as much sympathy for her as she did the POWS during Nam. Fuck her and the horse she rode in on.
I went through that stage also,,,,,when they told me I had testicular cancer...turned out to be a benign growth.
They told me they were going to take my nutz, so I told him I wanted ball bearings put in my sack..

But then you couldn't get through aiprot security without getting, er uh, felt up ...

You wouldn't want that, right?

This wouldn't be much better and they come in several sizes.


Sorta like ping pong balls.


For what it's worth they didn't castrate me...

With all due respect, I really don't want to ... go there.

(Glad for you.)
I know...not very nice of me but....Boo fuckin hoo for Jane Fonda. Reap what ya sow and she sowed plenty. I have about as much sympathy for her as she did the POWS during Nam. Fuck her and the horse she rode in on.

Gracie, she really didn't do most of what she has been accused of.

I recall when she worked with her father, Henry Fonda, in his old age in the movie "On Golden Pond" she related in an interview that she was supposed to cry in a scene regarding her father's frail condition but she couldn't make the tears come. Pretty telling that the self centered actress can't make the tears stop when it concerns her own advancing age.
I know...not very nice of me but....Boo fuckin hoo for Jane Fonda. Reap what ya sow and she sowed plenty. I have about as much sympathy for her as she did the POWS during Nam. Fuck her and the horse she rode in on.

Gracie, she really didn't do most of what she has been accused of.


Um. Yes she did. Really.
The burden of evil people is to be afraid to die. It is part of the punishment for living lives of evil.

Really? Because Ms. Fonda stood up and said, "hey, this Vietnam War is a really, really stupid idea", we did eventually get out of there, saving thousands of American lives.

I guess she could have said nothing and concentrated on her acting career.

Yabut, the facts aren't near as interesting as the lies.

You never seem to miss an opportunity to burnish your creds as an uninformed anti-American dope.

"Jane Fonda was one of those opponents of the Vietnam War for whom no amount of sympathy for America’s communist enemy was too much. This daughter of privilege traveled to Hanoi, and, in obedience to the wishes of her North Vietnamese hosts, heaped scorn on the notion that American POW’s were being mistreated. She posed gaily peering through the sight of an anti-aircraft gun (presumably prepared to fire on American planes), and made propaganda radio broadcasts. It is difficult to imagine what more she could have done to qualify as a traitor."
Charen, “Useful Idiots,” p. 46.
Bet you never thought you would hear me say that. (Niether did I) But really I have to thank you for that link to Rick Perlsteins article. He absolutely destroys the foundation of the anti-Jane cult. And the lies and urban legends that engulfed her because of her antiwar stand. He draws a poignant picture of a true American patriot. Of her grace and poise even in the face of persecution by Nixonites and constant harrassment by the FBI.
The story of her cathartic meeting in Waterbury with Veterans was especially meaninful. The Veterans who had come to the meeting full of hate left without the lies and recrimination. As one said, "That was the beginning of my healing."

And so the cults of hate in America should take a lesson from Janes story. Hate is nurtured by lies and propaganda. Now I know you won't mind if I copy and paste a few excerpts from your article;

"A doctored photograph was circulated (it showed up in several newspapers) showing Kerry on a speakers’ platform with Fonda. The picture was found to be a fake, but the association had already been planted. ‘John Kerry with Tits’: five syllables full of implications for the politics of gender, power and anxiety in America".

" a former pow, Air Force Major Fred Cherry, recalled Fonda’s voice ringing out over the prison public address system during an ‘extended torture siege’ in 1967. Fonda didn’t speak out against the war until 1970. (She visited Hanoi in 1972-S.B.)"

"No wonder Nixon was keen to attack Fonda. Her visit to the pows provided the occasion. Fonda, who was carrying 200 letters from the pows’ families, was asked if she would like to meet any prisoners personally. All the captives she met were volunteers, all openly critical of the war. Of course this was the opposite of what the urban legends suppose: that they were tortured into seeing her. But that is the reason the urban legends exist. They are a prophylactic against the anxiety that these pows, the symbolic stand-ins for American innocence, had stabbed themselves in the back."

"The cult matured in the 1980s when America finally began to accept that it had lost a war which hadn’t been worth fighting in the first place. This was around the time Ronald Reagan observed: ‘Boy, I saw Rambo last night. Now I know what to do next time this happens.’ The moment had come to fix the blame where it properly belonged: not on Lyndon Johnson, not on Richard Nixon, but, as Burke points out, on the oldest story in the world, ‘the seductive woman who turns out to be a snake"

OK, that's enough. Thanks Again-S.B.

"...destroys the foundation of the anti-Jane cult. And the lies and urban legends that engulfed her because of her antiwar stand."

I would say that you are barking up the wrong tree, but that is your natural voice.

Let's see how simple....the operative term when dealing with you.....it is to reveal you to be a moron.

Here, more about the 'lovely lady' you endorse....

1. In 1979, Humanitas, the organization of anti-war activist Joan Baez, purchased a newspaper ad that ran in five large circulation dailies, called “An Open Letter to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam,” which ran in part:

“Thousands of innocent Vietnamese, many of whose only “crimes” are those of conscience, are being arrested, detained and tortured in prison and re-education camps… The jails are overflowing with thousands upon thousands of “detainees”… People disappear and never return…

People are used as human mine detectors, clearing live mine fields with their hands and feet. For many, life is hell and death is prayed for. With tragic irony, the cruelty, violence and oppression practiced by foreign powers in your country for more than a century continue today under the present regime.

It was an abiding commitment to fundamental principles of human dignity, freedom and self-determination that motivated so many Americans to oppose the government of South Vietnam and our country's participation in the war. It is that same commitment that compels us to speak out against your brutal disregard of human rights. As in the 60s, we raise our voices now so that your people may live. And a Voice to Sing With -- A Memoir, by Joan Baez

2. Baez mailed the letter to 350 anti-war activists. Among those who refused to sign was Jane Fonda. “Your name would mean much more than any other,” she told Fonda, in a long letter. Fonda wrote that the add would lend credence to those who believe “that Communism is worse than death…”
Washington Post, Lynn Darling, “Joan Baez at 38,” June 29, 1979

You imbecile....her stand is and was pure pro-communism.

I've seen a few of your posts....she's not the only pro-communist anti-American you endorsed, is she.
Jane Fonda did more to save lives in Viet Nam than all the Generals combined
The self center woman is just mourning her personal failures and losses. Fame aint all it's cracked up to be
The burden of evil people is to be afraid to die. It is part of the punishment for living lives of evil.

Really? Because Ms. Fonda stood up and said, "hey, this Vietnam War is a really, really stupid idea", we did eventually get out of there, saving thousands of American lives.

I guess she could have said nothing and concentrated on her acting career.

Actually what she did, Joe, was to betray the Prisoners of War by handing little scraps of paper they had handed to her in secrecy. She earned her name Hanoi Jane. She handed the little bits of paper to the communists right in front of the american prisoners of war and didn't show any sign of conscience for what she'd done.

In fact, she denied she'd done anything wrong. So now she is having a crisis of conscience and it could very well be that God is dealing with her heart about having been a part in the torture that resulted to those men for her turning them in. That is probably something she is beginning to feel the weight of as time draws to a close for her.

I'm praying for Jane Fonda that she will repent publicly - for her part in assisting the communists - it doesn't matter whether anyone accepts her apology or not - it only matters that she does it because there are many people she harmed by her actions. Also there is no forgiveness without repentance. It has to be done so she can be reconciled back to God.

Do I believe Jane Fonda could be saved? Most definitely. I prayed for Kirsten Powers everytime she came to my mind or I saw her on tv - she was a fox news correspondent for the democratic party. I could look at her and tell she was utterly lost. One day I am reading on the internet and she has publicly confessed Jesus Christ as her savior and today she is a completely different woman! She even looks different!

How many other people felt led to pray for Kirsten who never met her? Probably many. I hope that this story leads to Jane Fonda's conversion. It would be great news to have a former communist who could be used by God to witness to Hollywood & other lost people. ........before it's too late for them also.
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It was the Jane Fondas who stood up to the War Machine and the "My Country Right or Wrong" crowd

The anti-war movement asked a simple question...Why are we here?

The Generals trumped up a reason to get involved in Viet Nam, lied about how we were doing and failed to admit that they really didn't have a plan for winning

The Jane Fondas of the time got us out of that hellhole and saved tens of thousands of American lives. It is a shame we could not have saved 60,000 lives by not getting involved in the first place
The burden of evil people is to be afraid to die. It is part of the punishment for living lives of evil.

Really? Because Ms. Fonda stood up and said, "hey, this Vietnam War is a really, really stupid idea", we did eventually get out of there, saving thousands of American lives.

I guess she could have said nothing and concentrated on her acting career.

Actually what she did, Joe, was to betray the Prisoners of War by handing little scraps of paper they had handed to her in secrecy. She earned her name Hanoi Jane. She handed the little bits of paper to the communists right in front of the american prisoners of war and didn't show any sign of conscience for what she'd done.

In fact, she denied she'd done anything wrong. So now she is having a crisis of conscience and it could very well be that God is dealing with her heart about having been a part in the torture that resulted to those men for her turning them in. That is probably something she is beginning to feel the weight of as time draws to a close for her.

I'm praying for Jane Fonda that she will repent publicly - for her part in assisting the communists - it doesn't matter whether anyone accepts her apology or not - it only matters that she does it because there are many people she harmed by her actions. Also there is no forgiveness without repentance. It has to be done so she can be reconciled back to God.

Do I believe Jane Fonda could be saved? Most definitely. I prayed for Kirsten Powers everytime she came to my mind or I saw her on tv - she was a fox news correspondent for the democratic party. I could look at her and tell she was utterly lost. One day I am reading on the internet and she has publicly confessed Jesus Christ as her savior and today she is a completely different woman! She even looks different!

How many other people felt led to pray for Kirsten who never met her? Probably many. I hope that this story leads to Jane Fonda's conversion. It would be great news to have a former communist who could be used by God to witness to Hollywood & other lost people. ........before it's too late for them also.

Good God :eek:

Why do you guys still tell that lie?
Jane Fonda did more to save lives in Viet Nam than all the Generals combined

Good God... I don't know if there's a more disgusting chunk of rancid dog shit on the board than you are, although there's a few. You libtards are just disgusting wastes of human flesh...


Traitor Jane Fonda

Jane Fonda's supported the enemy in Vietnam got American POW's killed-Truth! and Fiction!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MD_ypSC4-II]Michelle Obama and Jane Fonda? Jane caused POW's to be beaten to death. - YouTube[/ame]
Bet you never thought you would hear me say that. (Niether did I) But really I have to thank you for that link to Rick Perlsteins article. He absolutely destroys the foundation of the anti-Jane cult. And the lies and urban legends that engulfed her because of her antiwar stand. He draws a poignant picture of a true American patriot. Of her grace and poise even in the face of persecution by Nixonites and constant harrassment by the FBI.
The story of her cathartic meeting in Waterbury with Veterans was especially meaninful. The Veterans who had come to the meeting full of hate left without the lies and recrimination. As one said, "That was the beginning of my healing."

And so the cults of hate in America should take a lesson from Janes story. Hate is nurtured by lies and propaganda. Now I know you won't mind if I copy and paste a few excerpts from your article;

"A doctored photograph was circulated (it showed up in several newspapers) showing Kerry on a speakers’ platform with Fonda. The picture was found to be a fake, but the association had already been planted. ‘John Kerry with Tits’: five syllables full of implications for the politics of gender, power and anxiety in America".

" a former pow, Air Force Major Fred Cherry, recalled Fonda’s voice ringing out over the prison public address system during an ‘extended torture siege’ in 1967. Fonda didn’t speak out against the war until 1970. (She visited Hanoi in 1972-S.B.)"

"No wonder Nixon was keen to attack Fonda. Her visit to the pows provided the occasion. Fonda, who was carrying 200 letters from the pows’ families, was asked if she would like to meet any prisoners personally. All the captives she met were volunteers, all openly critical of the war. Of course this was the opposite of what the urban legends suppose: that they were tortured into seeing her. But that is the reason the urban legends exist. They are a prophylactic against the anxiety that these pows, the symbolic stand-ins for American innocence, had stabbed themselves in the back."

"The cult matured in the 1980s when America finally began to accept that it had lost a war which hadn’t been worth fighting in the first place. This was around the time Ronald Reagan observed: ‘Boy, I saw Rambo last night. Now I know what to do next time this happens.’ The moment had come to fix the blame where it properly belonged: not on Lyndon Johnson, not on Richard Nixon, but, as Burke points out, on the oldest story in the world, ‘the seductive woman who turns out to be a snake"

OK, that's enough. Thanks Again-S.B.

"...destroys the foundation of the anti-Jane cult. And the lies and urban legends that engulfed her because of her antiwar stand."

I would say that you are barking up the wrong tree, but that is your natural voice.

Let's see how simple....the operative term when dealing with you.....it is to reveal you to be a moron.

Here, more about the 'lovely lady' you endorse....

1. In 1979, Humanitas, the organization of anti-war activist Joan Baez, purchased a newspaper ad that ran in five large circulation dailies, called “An Open Letter to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam,” which ran in part:

“Thousands of innocent Vietnamese, many of whose only “crimes” are those of conscience, are being arrested, detained and tortured in prison and re-education camps… The jails are overflowing with thousands upon thousands of “detainees”… People disappear and never return…

People are used as human mine detectors, clearing live mine fields with their hands and feet. For many, life is hell and death is prayed for. With tragic irony, the cruelty, violence and oppression practiced by foreign powers in your country for more than a century continue today under the present regime.

It was an abiding commitment to fundamental principles of human dignity, freedom and self-determination that motivated so many Americans to oppose the government of South Vietnam and our country's participation in the war. It is that same commitment that compels us to speak out against your brutal disregard of human rights. As in the 60s, we raise our voices now so that your people may live. And a Voice to Sing With -- A Memoir, by Joan Baez

2. Baez mailed the letter to 350 anti-war activists. Among those who refused to sign was Jane Fonda. “Your name would mean much more than any other,” she told Fonda, in a long letter. Fonda wrote that the add would lend credence to those who believe “that Communism is worse than death…”
Washington Post, Lynn Darling, “Joan Baez at 38,” June 29, 1979

You imbecile....her stand is and was pure pro-communism.

I've seen a few of your posts....she's not the only pro-communist anti-American you endorsed, is she.

Your opinion of who is anti American is simply that, an opinion. You are excellent at posting opinions. Name calling is another of your weaknesses.
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It was the Jane Fondas who stood up to the War Machine and the "My Country Right or Wrong" crowd

The anti-war movement asked a simple question...Why are we here?

The Generals trumped up a reason to get involved in Viet Nam, lied about how we were doing and failed to admit that they really didn't have a plan for winning

The Jane Fondas of the time got us out of that hellhole and saved tens of thousands of American lives. It is a shame we could not have saved 60,000 lives by not getting involved in the first place

Those if us in the anti-war movement were the true patriots, the ones who really loved our country.
In the final analysis...

Jane Fonda got it right about VietNam.....the Generals got it wrong
Fonda, one human being I could care less about

Hope her life was as miserable as she made ours
Jane Fonda did more to save lives in Viet Nam than all the Generals combined

Too bad they weren't American lives. If there had been a formal declaration of war, Hanoi Jane would have been tried and convicted as a traitor.

I don't wish her to die, and I know it won't be possible, but if it was, I would gladly piss on her grave.

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